Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • Trucking between Russia and Ukraine Resumes

    The Russian Ministry of Transport reported on the 24th of February that Russia and Ukraine have agreed on the resumption of transit as of the 25th of February. “All restrictions were indefinitely lifted,” the representative of the Russian Ministry of Transport, Nikolay Asaul, stated in his interview with Interfax. The Ukrainian Minister of Infrastructure, Andriy Pyvovarsky, also reported about the resumption of transit between the two countries at a Cabinet meeting.

    According to Pyvovarsky, …

  • Transparency International: there has been no progress in investigation of elite corruption since Yanukovich escaped to Russia

    The head of Transparency International in Ukraine, Andrey Marusov, stated that there has been no progress in the investigation of elite corruption since the former President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovich, escaped to Russia, as reported by the agency’s press service.

    “Since Yanukovich escaped to Russia, almost nothing has been done in Ukraine to investigate the numerous, serious accusations of elite corruption in relation to the former President of Ukraine and his followers. On the other hand, …

  • German Foreign Minister: Ukraine needs a zero tolerance policy on corruption

    On the 23rd of February, at the talks in Kiev, the Foreign Ministers of Germany and France called on the Ukrainian authorities to uproot corruption and to adopt electoral law in the regions of the Donbas controlled by separatists as soon as possible.

    “It is necessary to push ahead with the implementation of economic reforms. However, it is extremely important that this policy is based on a zero tolerance for corruption,” the Foreign Minister of France, Frank-Walter Steinmeier stated during the …

  • Klimkin: There has been no progress in freeing Ukrainian political prisoners in Russia and Crimea

    At a joint briefing with the Foreign Ministers of France and Germany in Kiev on Tuesday, February 23rd, Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs Pavlo Klimkin spoke of the lack of progress in the liberation of Ukrainian political prisoners in Russia and Crimea.

    "We are pleased that a few days ago we managed to exchange hostages and that our men have already been in Kiev for the past few days - this is very good news. However, we haven’t seen any positive changes and don't have any progress with …

  • Russia issues appeal to Ukraine to bilaterally lift restrictions on transit

    The head of the Association of International Road Carriers of Ukraine (AIRCU), Leonid Kostyuchenko, commenting on the statement of the Ministry of Transport, reported to UNIAN that Ukraine has received an official appeal from the Russian Federation concerning the bilateral lifting of restrictions on transit through both countries.

    “We hope that Ukraine and Russia will reach an agreement on the bilateral lifting of restrictions on transit tomorrow. Russia has already sent a letter offering to …

  • Ukraine and NATO to implement regional airspace security program

    Experts from NATO Regional Airspace Safety Program (RASP) and officials of Ukrainian Air Forces met on the 23rd of February under the guidance of Rene van der Heiden.  This was reported by the Press Service of the Defense Ministry of Ukraine.

    Thr key issue discussed was the technical-operational study of the implementation of the RASP project with regard to the security of the airspace in Ukraine.

    "The implementation of the RASP project will provide Ukraine with the possibility of cross- …

  • Saakashvili's ambitions in Ukraine are higher than the position of Prime Minister

    The Governor of Odessa, Mikhail Saakashvili, stated that his ambitions in Ukraine are not limited to the post of Prime Minister.

    According to the politician, his goal is “to establish new rules of the game and to involve a new generation of the political elite.” He also noted in an interview with the Rustavi 2 channel in Georgia that Ukraine is now exploring the same path as Georgia had before the Rose Revolution.

    Saakashvili also noted that he would begin to be more active and start meeting …

  • Ukraine intends to restore TV and radio broadcasts to Crimea

    The National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine has established a working group to restore broadcasting in the south of the Kherson region and to Crimea.  This was reported by the Press Service of the Ministry.

    The group was created "for the purpose of protecting the informational space and the informational sovereignty in the south of the country".  The group is headed by Crimean citizen and Member of the National Council of Television and Radio broadcasting of Ukraine, …

  • French and German Foreign Ministers visit Kiev

    On the 22nd of February, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Germany and France, Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Jean-Marc Ayrault, who arrived in Berlin on the same day, flew from the German capital for a two-day visit to Kiev. 

    They flew on board a German governmental plane immediately after a brief meeting and press conference in the departure lounge of the government terminal at the Tegel airport. The negotiating agenda was more than full.

    Firstly, the Special Representative of the OSCE in …

  • Russian Duma demands that Eurovision ban performance of song by representative of Ukraine

    The State Duma of the Russian Federation urges the leadership of Eurovision to prohibit Ukrainian singer Jamala from participating in their contest with a song about the deportation of the Crimean Tatars, Russian media reported.

    According to the Russian website Ekho Moskvii, the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Vadim Dengin, said that this song is being used to "offend Russia once again."

    The Head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, Refat Chubarov, …