Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • Verkhovna Rada passes law disallowing Russian entities to take part in privatization

    Last year's plan to privatize state-owned enterprises will begin this year.

    The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has passed the law needed to start the privatization. However, it stipulated that Russian companies are not allowed to participate in privatization in Ukraine. 252 deputies voted for the amendments of Ukrainian laws concerning the clarification of provisions of №2319a.

    According to a correspondent from, the amendment prohibits legal entities and associated individuals registered …

  • The Deputy of the German Bundestag: Kiev has to realize how dangerous the situation is

    The Deputy of the German Bundestag, Roderich Kiesewetter, has criticized the actions of the Ukrainian government in an interview with Deutsche Welle.  He has also called on the representatives of the authorities to realize the severity of the situation that the country is currently in.

    According to Kiesewetter, who is also a member of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany, there are fears that the Russian Federation will continue to take actions to destabilize the situation in Ukraine.  …

  • OSCE: Pro-Russian separatists attempt to deceive monitors by using fake residents

    The Principal Deputy Chief of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine, Alexander Hug, during a press briefing on Tuesday in Donetsk stated that pro-Russian separatists attempt to deceive monitors by having people who pretend to be local residents talk with members of the SMM.  As reported by Ukrinform, the leaders of the separatists organize buses to transport "local residents" from village to village to spread misinformation to the OSCE. 

    “When we were about to leave the village …

  • Kiev and Moscow agree to allow trucks to return to their countries of origin

    Over the next 10 days, more than 600 Ukrainian and just as many Russian truck drivers will be able to return home.  This is detailed in the framework of the aptly named deal, “going home”.

    On the 16th of February, Moscow and Kiev agreed on a procedure that will allow the blocked trucks to return home.  According to the agreement reached by the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine and the Ministry of Transport of Russia, the plan will be in force from the 16th to the 25th of February.

    Kiev …

  • US State Department: Shokin's resignation shows that Ukraine is ready to implement reforms

    The United States considers the resignation of Viktor Shokin, the General Prosecutor of Ukraine, as a signal demonstrating Ukraine’s readiness to implement reforms, as stated in Washington on Tuesday, February 16th by an official State Department spokesman, reports Ukrinform.

    "We consider such action as a signal of Ukraine’s serious intentions to implement reforms,” said Toner, commenting on Shokin’s resignation.

    According to him, it is essential to restore trust in the justice system in the …

  • Ukraine tells UN that Russia's annexation of Crimea is a threat to many other countries

    The Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations, Vladimir Elchenko, has said that the ongoing militarization of Crimea threatens not only the Black Sea region, but other countries as well.

    "The illegal occupation and subsequent militarization of Crimea is not just a threat with long-term consequences for the Black Sea region, southern Europe, northern Africa and the Middle East.  Events in Syria are proof of this," he said during a speech at the open debate of the UN Security …

  • Ukraine bans entry of sailors who have entered Russian-occupied Crimea aboard commercial ships

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) has decided to ban the entry of foreign crew members of vessels engaged in commercial voyages to Crimean ports. 

    "Because of the violation of the law on entry into the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine [Crimea], these foreigners will not be able to visit Ukraine during the next three years, even as members of the crews of other ships," the press-center of the SSU said.

    The SSU reminded that Ukraine has closed checkpoints Crimean ports due to …

  • Romania prevents Russian trucks from entering Ukraine

    The Romanian customs service on the border with Ukraine isn’t allowing Russian trucks to pass through the checkpoint into Ukrainian territory. The movement of the Russian trucks has been locked down on both sides of the border between Romania and Ukraine, reported the Ukrainian media.

    According to reports, the Romanian Customs announced a strike and are not allowing Russian trucks to cross the border with Ukraine to ensure Russian trucks are blocked from both sides.

    On Friday, Ukrainian  …

  • US to provide Ukraine with more equipment and technology for border surveillance

    The US will provide Ukraine with a modern system for the monitoring of their borders.  Representatives of the US Congress and the manufacturing company have said that the first samples are just awaiting customs clearance in Ukraine.  The Ukroboronprom state company, who is a partner in this project, has said that they are willing to establish a joint production with the US of similar equipment in Ukraine.  Supporters of military assistance to Ukraine in Congress have not excluded cooperation …

  • Turkish PM discusses situation in Crimea during visit to Kiev

    The results of meetings between the Heads of the Ukrainian authorities and the Turkish delegation in Kiev were positively assessed. This discussion was held in the office of the Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, Mustafa Dzhemilev.

    “During all negotiations, special attention was paid to solving the problems of occupied Crimea and the protection of the rights of the Crimean Tatar people.  Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu's visit to Kiev is beneficial in solving the …