Contents tagged with War in Ukraine

  • Ukrainian ambassador: Berlin believed Ukraine would fall to Russia in only a few hours

    Berlin believed that Ukraine would last only "a few hours" after the Russian invasion. Therefore, German politicians opposed the supply of weapons to Kyiv and the disconnection of Russia from the SWIFT system, Ambassador of Ukraine to Germany Andriy Melnyk told the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

    According to him, German Finance Minister Christian Lindner was one of those who believed in Russia’s quick victory. Melnyk said that, at one of the meetings, Lindner was sitting next to him …

  • Turkish media: Armenia gives Russia four fighter jets with pilots to help with invasion of Ukraine

    Armenia supports Russia's invasion of Ukraine and even provided Russia with combat aircraft and pilots, reported the Turkish newspaper of Haber Global, citing intelligence data.

    "Following the long-standing policy of occupation of the South Caucasus, Armenia now supports the Russian occupation of Ukraine. Armenia has sent combat aircraft and pilots to participate in the war on the side of the Russian army, " the newspaper says.

    According to intelligence reports, on March 25, four Su-30 combat …

  • Mayor of Mariupol: City needs ‘complete evacuation’

    Mariupol Mayor Vadym Boychenko said the entire city requires evacuation, Ukrainskaya Pravda reported. The city has been besieged by Russian forces since March 1st.

    "Those people who remained in the city – our respected, heroic Mariupol residents – are beyond a humanitarian catastrophe,” Boychenko stated on television.

    Mariupol had a pre-war population of more than 430,000, of which an estimated 160,000 remain in the city.

    “About 160,000 people, according to our estimates, are in the besieged …

  • Ankara invites sanctioned Russian oligarchs to park their assets in Turkey

    Russian oligarchs, who are now trying to save their property from being seized due to EU and US sanctions, can continue to operate in Turkey, said Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, answering questions from the American channel MSNBC at the Doha Forum, reports Evropeyska Pravda.

    "We support only those sanctions that are approved by the UN. If one of Russians wants to come to Turkey, they can come to Turkey, no problem. If one of the oligarchs wants to do business in Turkey, and if this …

  • Head of Donbas pseudo-republic wants to hold referendum on joining Russia

    A referendum on joining Russia may be held on the territory of the so-called Luhansk People's Republic (LPR) soon, said the head of the LPR Leonid Pasechnik, writes the Luhansk Information Center.

    "I think that soon a referendum will be held on the territory of the republic, in which the people will exercise their absolute constitutional right and express their opinion on joining the Russian Federation. For some reason, I am sure that this is exactly how it will be," Pasechnik said.

    He …

  • Erdogan claims Ukraine is ready to compromise on 4 of Russia’s 6 key demands

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Ukraine is ready to agree to four of Russia's six demands, in particular, to abandon NATO membership and recognize Russian as the second state language, reports the Turkish news agency Anadolu.

    "I think there is a consensus on four points in the negotiations. The first point concerns Ukraine's accession to NATO. In the beginning, Ukraine insisted on membership in the Alliance, but soon Zelensky began to talk about the possibility refusing [the …

  • As sanctions set in, Russian oligarchs putting up their private jets for sale

    Russian billionaires are putting up their private jets for sale. Vladimir Potanin, Yuri Shefler, Rustem Teregulov, Alexander Svetakov, Arkady Volozh, Eduard Berman are selling their aircraft, reports Ukrainska Pravda, citing its sources.

    The newspaper notes that information about the sale of the Gulfstream G650 business-class aircraft owned by oligarch Vladimir Potanin, president of the Interros holding and Norilsk Nickel, has been posted on the classified website Controller. The price of the …

  • US State Department formally accuses Russia of war crimes in Ukraine

    US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken released a statement on Wednesday formally accusing Russia of committing war crimes during the country’s invasion of Ukraine.

    “We’ve seen numerous credible reports of indiscriminate attacks and attacks deliberately targeting civilians, as well as other atrocities.  Russia’s forces have destroyed apartment buildings, schools, hospitals, critical infrastructure, civilian vehicles, shopping centers, and ambulances, leaving thousands of innocent civilians …

  • Russian Defense Minister disappears from public eye for 12 days

    Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu has stopped appearing in public since March 11, that is, he has not been seen for 12 days out of 28 that Russian troops have been in Ukraine, said the journalist from the news outlets Mediazona and Agentstvo, Dmitry Treshchanin.

    Shoygu's associates are saying that he is unwell and is having heart problems, Shoygu’s friend told Agentstvo.

    The Russian Defense Minister was mentioned in a message on the Kremlin's website on March 18, which says that Vladimir …

  • Ukrainian intelligence: Belarusian troops preparing to enter Ukraine at any moment

    Belarusian troops may enter the territory of Ukraine very soon, believe the U.S. and NATO intelligence services as well as Ukrainian intelligence. As a source in the Belarusian opposition told CNN, the Belarusian combat units are ready to enter the territory of Ukraine in the next 1-2 days. According to a senior NATO representative, the Belarusian authorities "are preparing the pretext for justifying an attack on Ukraine."

    The Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) also said that there are signs …