• Cause of Mikhail Lesin’s Death still Unclear

    Assumptions surrounding the fact that Mikhail Lesin, the Russian media magnate who died in the U.S.A., had relations with the FBI has gained new momentum.

    Margarita Simonyan, the Editor-in-Chief of the English language television news network, RT and the international news agency Rossiya Segodnya (Russia Today), in an interview with Echo of Moscow, urged people not to believe the reports from The Daily Beast that Mikhail Lesin, the former general director of Gazprom Media Holdings, had …

  • Russian Bombers Kill Seventeen in Aleppo

    Seventeen people were killed and 35 more were injured as a result of a Russian Air Force attacks on the opposition-controlled districts of Sukari and Ameriye in the Syrian city of Aleppo, according to representatives of the Civil Defense of Aleppo. Among the dead and wounded are women and children.

    Civil Defense teams conducted search and rescue operations in the area of the ​​air strikes. The wounded have been taken to city hospitals. It is reported that as a result of Russian air strikes in …

  • Russia to Test Sixteen Ballistic Missiles in 2016

    The Strategic Rocket Forces of the Russian Federation (RVSN RF) plans to test launch 16 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles in 2016.

    According to the website of the Russian Defense Ministry, the purpose of these launches is to develop new weapons and test the technical readiness of missile systems.

    Earlier it was reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin, during the Annual Expanded Board of the Ministry of Defence in December of 2015, announced that among the priority tasks of the Armed …

  • Yatsenyuk: Ukraine no Longer Purchases Gas from Russia

    According to the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, there are currently about 13 billion m3 of gas in Ukrainian storages.

    Ukraine refused further Russian gas supplies, as stated by the head of the Ukrainian Government, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, in the program "10 minutes with the Prime Minister."

    "On January 1st, the Russian Federation offered gas at the price of $212 per thousand m3. We do not buy gas from Russia, because we purchase gas from the European Union at a cheaper rate than we …

  • Stratfor: Russian FSB Purges Belligerent Separatist Commanders

    The Federal Security Service of Russia (FSB) has started to remove uncontrollable DPR-LPR (Donetsk People's Republic – Lugansk People's Republic) militants in the occupied Donbas region, as concluded by the American private intelligence analysis company, Stratfor.

    "The decrease in the attacks on the Ukrainian forces, which was observed by the private U.S. intelligence company, coincides with the reports of Ukrainian intelligence. There are an increased number of Russian FSB agents along the …