• Turkish Foreign Ministry Accuses Russia of Killing 600 Civilians in Syria

    The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey, Mevlut Cavusoglu, stated that on December 20th 200 civilians were killed during Russian airstrikes in the Syrian province of Idlib.  The Ministry has accused the Russian Federation of the murder of more than 600 Syrian citizens as a result of these air strikes, as reported by the Turkish Press Agency Anadolu. Cavusoglu also noted that 90% of the areas bombed by Russian aircraft are held by the Syrian opposition and include residential neighborhoods. …

  • Russian FSB Tortured Crimean Tatar

    In the occupied city of Dzhankoy, the Federal Security Bureau of the Russian Federation illegally detained and tortured a Crimean Tatar, trying to persuade him to cooperate. The Commissioner for the President of Ukraine for the Affairs of Crimean Tatars, Mustafa Dzhemilev, wrote about this incident on his Facebook page.

    "On December 16, 2015 a resident of Dzhankoy, Enver Crosh, born in 1991, was illegally taken to the district police station of Dzhankoy and then transferred to the FSB in the …

  • EEU Countries do not Support Cutting Economic Ties with Ukraine

    The member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) composed of Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia do not support Russia abandoning the free trade zone with Ukraine, which operates within the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), as reported by Viktor Khristenko, the Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Union, after the meeting of the Presidents of the EEU member states in Moscow.

    "Within the next six months the legal mechanisms that allow national governments to …

  • India gives bad press to Russian jets

    According to India's autonomous auditing agency Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG), the Russian Sukhoi SU-30MKI jets suffer from poor serviceability. The CAG report presented to Indian Parliament on Dec.18 notes that the operational readiness of the Russian jet was too low due to high rate of “Aircraft on Ground”, low serviceability and less achievement in flying hours. The unacceptable rate of AOG (Aircraft on Ground) means that out of 210 SU-30MKI with the Indian Air Force, more than 120 …

  • Ukraine won't ask the Kremlin's permission to choose its direction of development

    The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, has promised that authorities will not take into account the interests and suggestions of Russian leaders when selecting the pace and direction for the development of the state.

    "Our choice to integrate into Europe will be discussed exclusively with the Ukrainian people. It's not the Kremlin's business, no one is going to ask for their permission or their counsel on the development of the state," he said in an interview with Inter TV on Sunday …