• Russian Conditions for End of Turkish Crisis

    Russian authorities have made demands that would end the current crisis with Turkey. Interfax reported that Russian Ambassador to Turkey, Andrei Karlov outlined three conditions.

    First, Turkey must formally apologize for the incident with the Russian Sukharov-24 bomber that was shot down by Turkish fighter jets on November 24th.  Second, the responsible parties must be brought to justice.  Third, Turkey must compensate Russia for the losses incurred in the incident.

    Speaking about the death …

  • Free Syrian Army Denies Military Cooperation with Russia

    Representatives of the "Free Syrian Army" (FSA) told Reuters that Russian aviation not only supports them, but also regularly bombs rebel forces.

    Groups identifying themselves as FSA, together with Kurdish police, formed a new coalition called the "Democratic Forces of Syria" (DFS), which has received U.S. support for fighting ISIL.

    The Alliance has acknowledged that Russian air strikes indirectly helped them during the recent battles with the enemies of "al-Nusra", a member of terrorist …

  • Belarus Foreign Minister discusses cooperation with EU and NATO

    As reported by Belarusian news agency Belta.by, the country's Foreign Minister Uladzimer Makey visited Brussels on December 13-14 to discuss cooperation with EU and NATO officials.

    Mr. Makey's talks with NATO Deputy Secretary-General Alexander Vershbow, EU Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn, and EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini are seen as another sign of warming relations between Minsk and the West.

    In late October, the EU …

  • More EU Sanctions for Russia?

    An automatic extension of EU sanctions against Russia has not yet happened, and Italy is insisting that EU governments engage in meaningful political discussion to consider their effectiveness over the Kremlin’s policies.

    A discussion of the effectiveness of the sanctions, which are set to expire December 31st,  could help EU member states decide if the current sanctions should be extended, weakened, or removed altogether. As EU Ministers meet in Brussels in the coming days, they are expected …

  • De-facto Prime Minister expropriates property in Crimea

    The Prime Minister of Russian-Occupied Crimea, Sergey Aksyonov, has declared a wartime regime and demanded that five local businesses hand over their water wells to the administrative body of the city of Sudak.

    “In emergency situations, we can make protocol decisions, obliging private businesses to hand over their wells in order to provide the population with drinking water. The wartime regime allows us to initiate criminal proceedings against those who impede this decision” Aksyonov stated at …