• Russian human rights advocates demand investigation into the deaths of 159 military servicemen

    The chairperson of the standing Commission on Civil-Military relations of the Presidential Human Rights Council, Sergei Krivenko, intends to address the Investigative Committee and the Military Prosecutor  General and request an investigation into the 159 Russian servicemen who died between 1 January 2014 and 30 July 2015. According to Ukrainian daily ,Glavnoe ,that this number was the result of an own investigation by one of Russian human rights activist.

    This number is substantially lower …

  • Kravchuk: Budapest memorandum has to be revisited

    In a live broadcast on the First National TV Channel of Ukraine, former Ukrainian president, Leonid Kravchuk, stated that the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, signed in 1994, is still pertinent.

    “The memorandum hasn’t been lost at all. We can raise the issue of compliance with the conditions of the memorandum, signed in 1994, at an international conference,” Kravchuk said. The politician is sure that Russia, as one of the signatories of the memorandum, will refuse to take part such …

  • Turkey Expels Russian Propagandists

    Russian News Agency TASS reported that according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow has condemned the actions of Turkish authorities in expelling the film crew of TV channel “Russia 1.”

    On December 7th, ”special correspondents” of the TV channel "Russia-1" were detained near the border with Syria, Hatay province in Southeast Turkey, while travelling to the neighboring province of Gaziantep.

    The Ministry claims that the detention was carried out by unknown …

  • OSCE Notes Lack of Progress on the Political Settlement in Donbas

    According to Martin Sajdik, the special contact group on the Donbas issues will continue to discuss the opportunity to hold local elections in the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics on December 9th.  Sajdik, the special representative of the OSCE Chairman discussed the matter while speaking about the last meeting results of the trilateral contact group on December 8th in Minsk.

    The Belarusian Private News Agency (BelaPAN) quoted Sajdik as saying that "despite significant efforts and …

  • Ukraine asks for greater OSCE involvement in Crimea

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine is conducting negotiations aimed to expand the mandate of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the Council of Europe observer mission to widely operate in every area of the Donbass region. Foreign Affairs Minister Pavlo Klimkin explained this objective last Tuesday during his report on the year-end results of the Ministry’s activities.

    "Let's see what role the OSCE mission can take.  The mission must have access to …