• Russian officials admit: Oil prices are set in the USA.

    The president of the Russian oil producer,“Rosneft”, Igor Sechin, stated that shale oil production affects the structure of the world oil production and the flow of exports. “The decline in the oil prices is caused by the increase in the production of shale oil. Thus, the determination of the oil prices that was previously done by OPEC countries has moved to the USA, one of the biggest shale oil producers. This market has become the most important global regulator.” – Said Sechin.

    According to …

  • Foreign ministers meet in Berlin on Ukraine crisis

    The foreign ministers of Germany, France, Russia and Ukraine met Friday in Berlin to further discuss steps required to end the conflict in east Ukraine.Germany‘s Frank-Walter Steinmeier said: "We can be glad that the ceasefire regime has been observed to a certain extent." He said " the progress has been made, but some serious challenges" remained, including organizing fair local elections in separatist-held areas.

    Also in attendance at the Villa Borsig, in north-west Berlin were France's …

  • The number of Russian asylum seekers to US has doubled in 2015

    This year the number of Russian nationals’ asylum applications rose dramatically. This tendency is connected with the growth of policy restrictions, corruption and discrimination for gays. Russian citizens filed 1454 asylum applications in 2015. The U.S Department of Homeland Security reports that, since Vladimir Putin returned to the president’s office, the number of asylum applications has almost doubled.

    Asylum applications are filed individually but can also include other persons, for …

  • Russia steps up its military presence in Syria while Turkey accuses US of insignificant support to opposition.

    According to the American data Russia has doubled the number of servicemen in Syria. At the same time  the media has been reporting that Washington and its allies are planning to increase assistance to the Syrian opposition.

    Commander-In-Chief of the Russian Military Space Forces, Viktor Bondarev, said that Russia has recently sent air defence system to Syria in order to prevent hijackings of aircraft and retaliatory attacks.   

    “We have evaluated all possible outcomes. We have stationed   …

  • Ukraine to return weapons if rebels continue to violate ceasefire.

    As stated by Oleksander Turchynov, secretary of Ukraine's National Security and Defence Council, at least nine ceasefire violations, committed by the Russian-terrorist troops, were recorded in the occupied territories over past 24 hours.

    The commentary of Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov was posted on the official website of the Council.

    "It it not the first time that the Russian-backed militants want to disrupt the Minsk Agreements by …