• France shrugs off Russian objections over air strikes on ISIS oil facilities

    France denied the accusations of Russia, which blamed Paris claiming that the French Air Forces bombed the oil infrastructure of Islamic State on Syria’s territory. French authorities called the aerial attacks relevant and necessary retaliatory strikes on ISIS militants’ positions – reported Reuters. Paris intends to cut off the extremists’ main source of income.

    Russia explained its criticism by saying that the West has no right to attack ISIS without official permission of Damascus. At the …

  • Putin warns Turkey of significant consequences

    Russian President Vladimir Putin called the loss of the jet over Turkish and Syrian border “a stab in the back, carried out by the accomplices of terrorists”.

    Speaking in Jordan today, the Russian leader said: "This event is beyond the normal framework of fighting against terrorism. Of course our military is doing heroic work against terrorism... But the loss today is a stab in the back, carried out by the accomplices of terrorists. I can’t describe it in any other way. Our aircraft was downed …

  • Kasparov: Alliance of the West with Russia is immoral

    Following the attacks in Paris last week, the US entered into an alliance with Russia, Iran, Syria, France and other countries against the Islamic State, which claimed responsibility for the attacks. Former world champion chess player, Garry Kasparov, has called this alliance immoral and disgusting. Kasparov, who heads the Human Rights Foundation in New York, stated in his interview to the Wall Street Journal, that NATO doesn't need Putin’s and Iran’s help to destroy ISIS; it simply needs the …

  • Crimea in dark

    Almost 2 million people have been hit power cuts in Crimea, a Ukrainian peninsula annexed by Russia in March 2014.All four of the main power lines running through the mainland Kherson region of Ukraine have been knocked down. The first two were heavily damaged on Friday, and the second two were blown up on Sunday shortly after midnight plunging the disputed peninsula into darkness overnight and prompting a state of emergency there. Crimean Tatar activists, denying repair workers access to the …

  • Putin – From Aggressor to Peacemaker

    “Participation in the Syrian campaign will help Putin return to a more favorable position in world politics. But, it will hardly change world leaders’ opinions regarding the Kremlin’s actions in Ukraine.” wrote Sergey Rudenko in a special comment for German broadcaster Deutsche Welle. Crimea’s annexation and the war in Donbas forced the West to implement harsh measures against Russia. However, the Syrian war and the union of Russia and France in fighting against the Islamic State may improve …