Contents tagged with Denmark

  • Russia resumes construction of Nord Stream 2 pipeline

    The Russian pipelay crane vessel Fortuna resumed construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline in Danish waters, reported TASS, citing the press service of Nord Stream 2 AG.

    "The Fortuna has begun work on Nord Stream 2 pipeline in Danish waters. The work is carried out in accordance with the agreements," the company said.

    The Fortuna has been in the Nord Stream 2 construction zone, south of Bornholm Island, since January 22.

    The Danish Maritime Authority reported that, along with the …

  • Denmark calls for new discussion on Nord Stream 2

    Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has proposed a new discussion on the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline after the poisoning of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, reported the Danish TV and Radio Corporation DR.

    "I've been against North Stream 2 all along. I believe that we should not become dependent on Russian gas. It would be nice if we could start a new discussion on this issue," Frederiksen said.

    She welcomed the fact that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is now more critical of …

  • Poland begins construction of Baltic Pipe gas pipeline

    Poland will begin construction of the Baltic Pipe gas pipeline in the coming days, announced Polish President Andrzej Duda.

    "In fact, the construction of the Baltic Pipe begins, that is, the famous gas pipeline, which will pass first from the Norwegian shelf to Denmark, and then through Denmark to Poland, to our coast," he said.

    According to the Polish President, last week the operator of the Polish gas pipeline network Gaz-System signed a contract for the implementation of this project with …

  • Danish intelligence: Russia is building new airbase in Arctic

    In the Arctic archipelago of Franz Josef Land, Russia is building a new military airbase where it will station fighter aircraft. The new infrastructure will be ready in 2020, which is extremely concerning to Denmark, TV2 Norge reports, citing Danish military intelligence.

    According to Danish intelligence, Russia’s new airbase in Franz Josef Land will be the northern-most in the world, which will help Russia to strengthen its hold over the Arctic. Satellite images show that work is currently …

  • Danish intelligence concerned by Russia-US confrontation in Arctic

    The geopolitical rivalry between the US, China and Russia is causing tension in the Arctic region to increase, states a report published on Friday, November 29, by the Danish Defense Intelligence Service (Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste, DDIS). The document contains an analysis of the primary international threats for 2019.

    According to the kingdom’s intelligence department, Russia “considers its extended Arctic coastline its most vulnerable flank for an unexpected US precision strike” using …

  • Ukraine wants to challenge Denmark's permit for Nord Stream 2 construction

    Ukrainian Energy Minister Oleksiy Orzhel said that the Ukrainian authorities might appeal against Denmark's permit for the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline.

    "We are now considering possibility of appeal from the environmental point of view," said Orzhel in an interview for Channel 24.

    At the same time, the Ukrainian Minister recognized that considering Russia's expenses, Nord Stream 2 project will be implemented anyway.

    "But I don't think that Nord Stream 2 will be fully …

  • Denmark authorizes Nord Stream 2 construction

    The Danish Energy Agency has given permission for the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline in Denmark’s exclusive economic zone, Interfax reports.

    The pipeline will be laid to the south-east of the island of Bornholm.

    Andriy Kobolyev, CEO of Naftogaz of Ukraine, wrote on Facebook that Ukraine had been expecting Denmark to make a decision in autumn.

    Kobolyev said that Denmark’s principled stance delayed the project, but “geopolitical weapons cannot be halted using instruments that …

  • Denmark approves construction of Baltic Pipe gas pipeline's offshore section

    The Polish gas operator Gaz-System, which is building the Baltic Pipe pipeline together with the Danish company Danish Energinet SOV, reported that the Danish government has approved the construction of the Baltic Pipe pipeline's offshore section, through which Norwegian gas will be delivered to Poland.

    The obtained permit applies to two sections of a pipeline with a total length of 133 km.

    The permit from the Danish government is the first permit out of three necessary licenses for the …

  • Russia doesn't exclude possibility of Nord Stream 2 construction bypassing Denmark

    Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak, speaking at the Russian Energy Week, said that if Denmark does not issue a permit to lay the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline through its territorial waters, Russia has other route options. According to him, if the route changes, "the project will then be more expensive, and its implementation will take longer." The Minister noted that now Russia counts on the main route and sees "no reason" for Denmark not to issue the permit.

    "We see fierce competition and …

  • Denmark to send troops to Syria

    Chief Pentagon Spokesperson Jonathan Hoffman said that Denmark will send soldiers to Syria to help the US-led coalition to fight the Islamic State (IS), reports Al-Masdar news outlet.

    "The United States supports the message of the Danish government about sending the military to Syria. Our Danish partners will cooperate with the US forces in the North-East of Syria to maintain security and stability in the region," said Hoffman.

    Denmark will assist the international coalition by sending 14 …