Contents tagged with Denmark

  • Head of OMV: Nord Stream 2 launch depends on Denmark

    The first gas to be transported through the Nord Stream 2 pipeline should arrive at midnight on 31 December 2019, said Rainer Seele, CEO of the Austrian company OMV in a press conference, a video of which was published by the company on Twitter.

    “We expect that the first gas will come through this pipeline by the end of the year – before midnight on 31 December. And we have not given up on this plan. But one thing is also clear: the commissioning of this pipeline depends very highly on when …

  • Gazprom’s LNG ship for Kaliningrad moves to Europe instead

    The regasification ship Marshal Vasilevsky, owned by Russia’s gas monopoly Gazprom and responsible for ensuring Kaliningrad’s gas security, is off the coast of Denmark and heading for the Port of Rotterdam, RBC reports, citing the Marine Traffic database.

    In February 2019, Russian President Vladimir Putin commissioned a coastal terminal to accept liquefied natural gas (LNG) in Kaliningrad. The new terminal can meet nearly all the gas demand of the Russian exclave. At the end of last year, the …

  • Denmark gives go ahead to Baltic Pipe construction to Poland

    The Baltic Pipe, a project to supply Norwegian gas to Poland, has received its first approval from the Danish government, while Copenhagen is delaying giving consent to the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. The Danish Environmental Protection Agency announced on its website that it has authorized the construction of the Baltic Pipe.

    The Danish gas transit operator Energinet now needs to obtain authorization from the 13 municipalities whose territory the land-based portion of the …

  • Gazprom withdraws application for Nord Stream 2 route through Denmark

    Nord Stream 2 AG, the subsidiary of Russia’s oil giant Gazprom which owns the project, has withdrawn the application to lay the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline in the territorial waters of Denmark, South of Bornholm island in the Baltic sea, that was submitted in 2017, RBC news agency reports. Two other applications with proposals to place a gas pipeline North-West or South-East of the island, outside Danish territorial waters, remain in force.

    "This step was necessary, because more than two years …

  • Denmark stopped Nord Stream 2

    Nord Stream 2 AG, the operating company of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project, has been forced to comply with the demands of the Danish regulator and submit an application to lay the pipe within Denmark’s exclusive economic zone in the Baltic Sea.

    This is the third such application that the company has submitted. Originally, Gazprom intended to lay the pipeline along the same route as the first Nord Stream pipe, but when it became clear that Denmark could simply prohibit the laying of this …

  • Russian Tu-160 bombers flew over North Sea twice in one week

    A pair of Russian Tu-160 strategic bombers made a 13 hour planned flight over the neutral waters of the Barents, Norwegian and North seas this week, the Russian Defense Ministry reports.

    The bombers were escorted by MiG-31 interceptor jets, and during the flight, the Tu-160 crews practiced aerial refueling.

    At various stages of the route, the Russian aircraft were accompanied by F-16 jets belonging to Denmark and Norway. “All flights by the Russian Aerospace Forces are done in strict …

  • Gazprom CEO sees no obstacles for Nord Stream-2

    The head of Gazprom, Alexey Miller, in the interview with the program Moscow. Kremlin. Putin. stated that there are no obstacles for the construction of Nord Stream-2 and promised to complete the laying of two gas lines by the end of 2019, reports RIA Novosti.

    “All those statements that have been made lately do not reflect reality. In general, there are no fatal legal obstacles that would make us think that we can not complete the construction of Nord Stream 2 before the end of 2019,” said …

  • Nord Stream 2 AG: Denmark has not refused to authorize pipeline route

    Nord Stream 2 AG, the company operating the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project, has refuted Naftogaz’s claims that Denmark has issued a negative decision on the pipeline route, RIA Novosti reports, citing a company spokesperson.

    “The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) has not declined even one of Nord Stream 2’s two applications to receive authorization [for the construction project]. Both of them are still valid,” the Nord Stream representative stated.

    According to the spokesperson, the DEA has …

  • Denmark refuses to grant permission for construction of Nord Stream 2 in its territory

    Denmark has refused to grant permission for the construction of the Nord stream-2 gas pipeline in its territory, reported  the Ukrainian state-owned oil and gas company Naftogaz on its twitter account.

    “Gazprom has received another refusal from Denmark regarding  the route of the Nord stream-2, " reads the post of Naftogaz on Twitter.

    The Head of Naftogaz, Andriy Kobolyev also confirmed the information.

    "Gazprom has received another refusal from Denmark regarding the Nord Stream-2 route. Of …

  • Denmark refuses to authorize Nord Stream 2

    Denmark is threatening to make things difficult for the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project. Russia has already laid one third of the pipeline alongside this small Scandinavian country, but Denmark has still not given permission for construction. Experts are predicting that Russia will lose its temper, because the delays are causing huge unforeseen costs. Denmark, on the other hand, is struggling to decide who to side with – neighboring Germany or the powerful US.

    The political fears …