Contents tagged with Germany

  • Germany allows Poland to decide the fate of Nord Stream 2 pipeline

    German regulatory office for electricity, gas, telecommunications, post and railway market, Bundesnetzagentur has allowed Poland to participate in the consideration of the application to exclude Nord Stream 2 from the rules of the new EU Gas Directive. This issue is key for the future of the project, as European regulations can severely restrict gas supplies through the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline.

    Last year, the European Commission approved new changes to the EU Gas Directive. Now the Third …

  • Germany investigates Russian Prime Minister’s son-in-law for money laundering

    The prosecutor's office of the German city of Koblenz is conducting a criminal investigation against the son-in-law of the Russian Prime Minister, Mikhail Mishustin, businessman Alexander Udodov, who is suspected of money laundering through the German company VG Cargo, reported the Swiss newspaper Tages Anzeiger.

    The case against Udodov, his company and other unnamed firms was brought in 2013. According to the investigation, 90 million Swiss francs, which were received as a result of tax fraud …

  • Kyiv: Berlin made it clear, sanctions on Russia will not be lifted

    During his visit to Berlin, Anton Korynevych, the permanent representative of the Ukrainian  President to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, received a clear message from Germany that sanctions against Russia due to the annexation of Crimea would not be lifted.

    "During the visit to Berlin, we received important signals from the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs that there could be no other position on Crimea and that the lifting of sanctions introduced for Russia’s annexation of Crimea is out …

  • Merkel invites newly appointed Ukrainian Prime Minister to Berlin

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel congratulated the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmygal on the appointment to the post and invited him to visit Berlin.

    "Our bilateral relations have reached a high level thanks to increasing cooperation in recent years. The federal government will continue to support you and your government, especially in the areas of decentralization, energy efficiency, anti-corruption and the judicial system," reads Merkel’s statement, which was published on German …

  • Germany to allocate €6 million in humanitarian aid for Donbas

    The German government is increasing its financial support for the humanitarian activity carried out by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Ukraine.

    In 2020, in addition to the already promised €2 million, an extra €4 million will be allocated. Furthermore, in 2021 Berlin plans to allocate another €2 million to this purpose.

    Between 2019 and 2021, Germany will have provided a total of €12.3 million in financing for the ICRC’s humanitarian activity in Ukraine, DW reports.

    A …

  • Kyiv to let Germany manage railways for 10 years

    Kyiv is ready to give control of Ukrainian Railways to the German company Deutsche Bahn AG for 10 years, announced Ukrainian Prime Minister Oleksiy Honcharuk at the World Economic Forum in Davos. The speech was published on his Facebook page.

    He explained that it is not merely about developing the Ukrainian railway operator, but also about an “ecosystem-based” decision, which should demonstrate Ukraine’s “unprecedented openness” to investments. The prime minister added that the details of the …

  • German farmers urge Ukraine not to close land market to foreigners

    German farmers operating in Ukraine have urged Ukraine’s political leadership not to prohibit foreigners from purchasing land after the launch of the agricultural land market. A letter addressed to President Volodymyr Zelensky, Verkhovna Rada Chairman Dmytro Razumkov, Prime Minister Oleksiy Honcharuk, and the German Embassy in Kyiv was signed by 25 farmers from the Kyiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Khmelnytskyi, Chernivtsi, Ternopil, Lviv, Rivne, Zhytomyr, Vinnytsia, Odessa and Cherkasy regions of Ukraine. …

  • Poland’s parliament declares Germany and Soviet Union equally responsible for start of WWII

    The lower house of Poland’s parliament has adopted a resolution which condemns the false and provocative statements by Russian senior government officials regarding Poland’s responsibility for unleashing World War II.

    The Polish parliamentarians believe that such statements are designed to discredit Poland and to damage Russian-Polish relations.

    “Relations between the countries cannot be built on lies and the falsification of history,” the document states.

    The resolution points out that …

  • Ukrainian Foreign Minister: Zelensky hoping to receive military aid from Germany

    Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko believes that President Volodymyr Zelensky is hoping to receive military assistance from Germany.

    “Of course! It’s not my personal opinion. Only a few countries in the world are providing military support to Ukraine. Germany is one of the most powerful arms exporters in the world, despite its peaceful foreign policy. We need those weapons too. However, every time our firms try to sign contracts with German enterprises, those agreements fall through at …

  • Merkel to visit Russia at Putin's invitation on January 11

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel will arrive in Russia on January 11 at the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin, reported the press service of the Kremlin. The leaders of the two countries plan to discuss the crisis in the Middle East after the assassination by U.S. forces of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.

    The parties also plan to discuss the situation in Syria, Libya and the settlement of the conflict in Ukraine, including the implementation of the agreements reached at the …