Contents tagged with Germany

  • Germany allocates one million euros to Ukraine to support reforms

    Germany will allocate one million euros to the Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine, reports the press service of the German Embassy in Ukraine.

    It is noted that this is the most significant contribution that Germany has ever made to similar action plans of the Council of Europe in other countries.

    "At the beginning of December 2019, Germany approved a decision to contribute 1 million euros to the Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine. The Action Plan supports reforms in Ukraine to …

  • Russia declares persona non grata two employees of German Embassy

    Russian Foreign Ministry has declared persona non grata two employees of the German Embassy in the Russian Federation, reports the press service of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

    According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, this step was in response to Germany’s actions against employees of the Russian Embassy in Berlin.

    "Based on the principle of reciprocity and article 9 of the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations of 1961, the Russian side in retaliation decided to declare persona non …

  • German Foreign Minister opposes easing EU sanctions against Russia

    German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas sees no reason to lift the economic sanctions imposed by the European Union against Russia. According to him, Moscow should make its contribution to end the war in the Donbas in order to improve Russian-European relations.

    "People in Eastern Ukraine have been waiting for peace for too long. So far, there is no reason to oppose the policy of EU sanctions," wrote Maas on Twitter.

    The easing of EU economic sanctions against Russia is not planned at the EU …

  • Putin promises German businessmen to continue gas transit through Ukraine

    During the meeting with top German managers in Sochi on December 6, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the launch of a new gas pipeline does not mean that Russia will stop gas transit through Ukraine.

    Representatives of the German business insisted on maintaining the transit of Russian gas through Ukraine. "Time is running out. It is important to maintain gas transit through Ukraine because this will ensure long-term and reliable supplies of Russian gas to Europe. Considering the …

  • Germany expels Russian diplomats following murder in Berlin linked to Kremlin

    Germany has expelled two Russian embassy employees following the murder of the Georgian citizen Zelimkhan Khangoshvili in Berlin, which Berlin suspects was orchestrated by the Russian government.

    Two Russian diplomats have been declared personae non gratae in accordance with article 9 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of April 18, 1961, Interfax reported, citing a spokesperson of Germany’s Foreign Ministry. “This status becomes effective immediately,” the diplomat clarified. …

  • Naftogaz director on Nord Stream 2: Germany facilitating economic strangulation of Ukraine

    Naftogaz group executive director Yuriy Vitrenko believes that by participating in Russia’s Nord Stream 2 project, Germany is facilitating the economic strangulation of Ukraine and creating threats to the stability of the gas supply to Eastern Europe.

    He explained his view to Deutsche Welle in an interview when asked whether Germany will be taking away Ukraine’s role as the primary transiter of Russian gas to Europe.

    “It’s not taking over the role of primary transiter, it’s that there won’t …

  • German Foreign Minister to visit Ukrain

    Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Andriy Melnyk reported that German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas will visit Ukraine on November 18-19.

    "On November 18-19, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas will visit Ukraine. It is his second trip to Kyiv in the last five months. We appreciate the support of our German partners," Melnyk wrote on Twitter.

    Earlier, Maas said that there are "positive indicators" from Ukraine after Zelensky's election as the President.

    Earlier, it was reported that the Czech …

  • Berlin: new accusations against Russia in MH17 aircraft crash are 'very serious'

    German Federal Foreign Office spokesperson, Maria Adebar, said that the accusations brought against Russia in the MH17 aircraft crash by the Joint investigation team (JIT) on Thursday are "very serious," reports Deutsche Welle.

    The German government once again called on Russia to actively contribute to the investigation into the of MH-17 aircraft crash over the Donbas in 2014.

    "Those responsible for this crime, the destruction of MH17 flight aircraft, must be identified and brought to justice, …

  • Merkel demands more money for German Armed Forces because of situation in Eastern Ukraine

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in a weekly televised statement, which is published on German Government's website, that the situation in Eastern Ukraine forces NATO member countries to reconsider the Alliance's defense strategy.

    "Because of the conflict in Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea, the topic of national defense and Alliance defense came into focus," said German Chancellor. According to her, the German Armed Forces need financial resources to perform the defense functions.

    " …

  • Putin and Merkel discuss gas transit to Europe via Ukraine

    Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel held a telephone conversation to discuss the continuation of Russian gas transit to the EU through Ukraine after 2019, reports the Kremlin’s press service.

    According to the Kremlin’s press service, Putin and Merkel discussed the transit in connection with the beginning of the next stage of the trilateral gas consultation of Russia, the EU, and Ukraine in Brussels. The parties are working on a decision on gas transit after the …