Contents tagged with Germany

  • Russia accuses US and Germany of organizing protests in Moscow

    The Russian Foreign Ministry has accused the US and Germany of interfering in the country’s internal affairs, the department’s spokesperson Maria Zakharova said in a broadcast of the TV channel Russia 1. According to Zakharova, the US’s diplomatic staff and government media have “broken the rules” by providing coverage of unsanctioned protests in Moscow. The Russian Foreign Ministry intends to send official complaints to the US and to Germany. The spokesperson remarked that the US embassy in …

  • Poland: Putin’s attendance at WWII anniversary would be inappropriate

    It would be inappropriate for Russian President Vladimir Putin to attend the events commemorating the 80th anniversary of the start of World War II, said Polish Deputy Prime Minister Jacek Sasin.

    Sasin called the Russian president “the leader of a country that is using armed aggression against its neighbors”. “And I think that it would be inappropriate to commemorate the anniversary of armed aggression against Poland with the attendance of a leader who is using the same methods against his …

  • Germany allocates €760,000 to help victims of the conflict in Donbas

    Germany has allocated €760,000 for the rehabilitation of victims of the conflict in Eastern Ukraine, reports the German Embassy in Kyiv.

    The diplomatic mission of the Embassy informed that the funds are "allocated to the Malteser International aid agency to continue its project "Contribution to the psychosocial stabilization of victims in the conflict in Ukraine."

    Last year, Germany contributed €2 million to the aid agency to help immigrants and victims of the conflict in Ukraine.

    Since 2018 …

  • Germany convicts militant who fought in Donbas

    The German court found Alex D. (a citizen of Kyrgyzstan) guilty of participation in the conflict in Eastern Ukraine, reports Deutsche Welle.

    Alex D. fought on the side of the pro-Russian separatists in Donbas for about two years. The mercenary was detained in 2016 when he returned to Germany, and now he was found guilty of preparing a "serious crime that threatens state security."

    Photos that were attached to the criminal case show Alex D. posing on the tank, then holding a Kalashnikov …

  • Germany urges the Russia to continue gas transit through Ukraine after 2019

    Germany stressed how important it is to maintain gas transit through Ukraine after 2019, when the current contract expires, said a representative of the German government Steffen Seibert at a briefing in Berlin, as reported by Ukrinform.

     “From our point of view, it is absolutely necessary for Ukraine to remain a transit state. We demand it. It is in our interests and we insist that transit through the country be possible in the future,” Seibert said.

    According to him, Berlin is actively …

  • Leader of pro-Russian party Renato Usatii returns to Moldova after governmental transition of power

    After the governmental transition of power, the leader of the pro-Russian “Our Party” Renato Usatii returned to Moldova.

    According to the news outlet NewsMaker, he crossed into the country from Romania, entering at the Sculeni checkpoint. He was immediately detained in connection with the earlier charges levied against him and taken to the Prosecutor’s Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Cases.

    Usatii spent some time in the interrogation room, after which he left the building and …

  • Ukrainian President Zelensky to visit France and Germany next week

    President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky will visit France and Germany next week, reports Interfax-Ukraine News Agency.

    Zelensky will meet with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris On June 17. The visit of the President of Ukraine to Germany will take place on June 18.

    The official representative of the German government Steffen Seibert said that during his visit Zelensky will meet with Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Frank-Walter Steinmeier. It will be Merkel's first meeting with …

  • Germany and Russia sign enhanced cooperation agreement

    For the first time in several years, Germany and Russia have signed a joint document to deepen their economic cooperation. During the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum on Friday 7 June, German Minister of Economy Peter Altmaier and Russian Minister of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin entered into the Partnership for Effectiveness program.

    The aim of the program is to improve the effectiveness of the Russian economy through German technologies. The countries will collaborate to …

  • Ukrainian President Zelensky will visit Berlin in June

    The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Vasyl Bodnar said that President Volodymyr Zelensky plans to visit Berlin in June, reports Ukrinform.

    He noted that the Foreign Ministry is working to organize the visit soon. The exact date is still unknown, but most likely it will be scheduled for the second half of June.

    "Today President Zelensky will discuss his visit to Berlin at the meeting with the Foreign Ministers of Germany and France," said Bodnar.

    On May 30, US Special …

  • Kyiv: Ukraine will impose new sanctions against Russia if it refuses to release Ukrainian sailors

    Ukraine will introduce new sanctions against Russia if it ignores the decision of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea to free the Ukrainian sailors.

    “Ukraine secured a decisive diplomatic victory and a powerful additional international legal trump card in order to achieve the earliest possible release of our sailors,” Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Andriy Melnyk said about the tribunal’s decision while discussion the matter with Ukrinform.

    "If Moscow decides to ignore this …