Contents tagged with Germany

  • Putin sends birthday wishes to former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder

    President Vladimir Putin sent birthday wishes to former German Chancellor and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Russian oil giant Rosneft, Gerhard Schroeder, on his 75th anniversary, said Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov as quoted by  TASS.

    Peskov noted that Putin called Schröder and wished him success.

    Putin and Schroeder has maintained friendly relations from the time Schroeder served as chancellor of Germany. Schroeder also chairs the Nord Stream AG shareholder committee and sided …

  • Germany and France insist on maintaining ‘Normandy format’ talks after elections in Ukraine

    Germany and France insisted on the G-7 group countries to continue their mediating efforts to resolve the conflict in Ukraine. Berlin and Paris consider it necessary to continue negotiations in the Normandy format regarding the future of eastern Ukraine, said German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas during the consultations of the foreign ministers of the leading industrial countries which took place in Dinard, France, on Saturday, April 6.

    Maas said that both Germany and France hope for further …

  • Media: Kremlin assisted German far-right candidate in the parliamentary elections

    The Russian State Duma and the Russian Presidential Administration took part in developing a strategy for the candidate of Germany’s far-right Alternative for Germany party (AfD), Markus Frohnmaier, in order to win German parliamentary elections.

    BBC, ZDF, Der Spiegel and La Repubblica came to this conclusion after conducting an investigation based on the information of the Dossier Center, a non-commercial project project of the exiled Russian businessman, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, reported MBH- …

  • German Foreign Minister: Berlin sees no grounds for lifting sanctions against Russia

    Germany sees no reason for lifting EU sanctions against Russia. “No” was German Chancellor’s Official Spokesperson Steffen Seibert’s laconic reply to the question posed to him on Wednesday, April 3, by a DW correspondent - "Should German Minister for Economic Affairs Peter Altmaier’s participation in the opening ceremony of the Mercedes assembly plant in Yesipovo, located near Moscow, be seen as Berlin’s departure from the policy of sanctions against the Russian Federation?" 

    “Sanctions …

  • Ukrainian President Poroshenko plans to visit Germany

    The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko could be visiting Germany before the second round of elections, Reported news outlet in the article, “Elections in Ukraine: The Stakes and the Reactions around the World”.

    “According to the article posted to, Poroshenko’s visit to Berlin is being planned as a manifestation of Germany’s support for his election campaign.”

    The media agency recalled that Poroshenko and Merkel had spoken on the phone immediately following the first round of …

  • On the fifth anniversary of Crimea's annexation Poland pledges continued support to Ukraine

    On the fifth anniversary of the Crimea’s annexation, Poland expresses its support to Ukraine and Ukrainians who live in the Crimea, wrote the Polish Embassy to Ukraine on Twitter.

    Polish diplomats stressed that forcible change of the borders should not be allowed. "Poland and Poles remember Ukraine and its citizens who remained in annexed Crimea. We will not stop our efforts to return Ukraine's territorial integrity. We cannot allow the forcible change of state borders to be legalized,” the …

  • German Foreign Minister: Russia's annexation of Crimea a ‘fatal violation of international law’

    On the anniversary of the Crimea’s annexation by Russia, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas deplored Russia’s actions in the peninsula. “This fatal violation of law is now in its fifth year. Russia tried to shift boundaries by resorting to military force. Those who act like this destroy trust and put in question basic principles of peaceful coexistence,” Maas stated on Twitter.

    Earlier, the Foreign Ministry of the Czech Republic stated that although the Crimea has been annexed by Russia, it is …

  • Denmark refuses to authorize Nord Stream 2

    Denmark is threatening to make things difficult for the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project. Russia has already laid one third of the pipeline alongside this small Scandinavian country, but Denmark has still not given permission for construction. Experts are predicting that Russia will lose its temper, because the delays are causing huge unforeseen costs. Denmark, on the other hand, is struggling to decide who to side with – neighboring Germany or the powerful US.

    The political fears …

  • Russia sets conditions for the continuation of gas transit through Ukraine

    Russia has linked the continuation of gas transit through Ukraine to EU countries with Kyiv implementing a number of conditions. Among other things, the signing of a new agreement depends on the stability of the political situation, said Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in an interview with Luxemburger Wort newspaper, published on Tuesday, March 5th, on the official page of the Russian government.

    According to Medvedev, it is also necessary to regulate relations between companies interested in …

  • German Defense Minister: Chinese missiles threaten Russia

    The German Minister of Defense, Ursula von der Leyen stated that Chinese missiles represent a threat to Russia, so Moscow should be interested in involving China in a new disarmament treaty, Focus reports.

    The head of the German Defense Ministry said that Chinese medium-range missiles could easily reach Russian territory.

    “Just as Russian missiles pose a threat to Europe, Chinese missiles pose a threat to Russia,” she emphasized.

    According to von der Leyen, the only way to maintain security …