Contents tagged with Germany

  • Ukrainian President Zelensky speaks with Merkel about the situation in Donbas

    The Press-service of the Ukrainian President reported that President Volodymyr Zelensky and German Chancellor Angela Merkel had a telephone conversation on May 24. They spoke about the first steps in support of an active political dialogue between countries at a high level. Another subject of their call was the situation in the territories of the Donbas which are not under Ukraine’s control.

    Zelensky and Merkel confirmed their interest in intensifying efforts to return peace to the Donbas, …

  • Germany concerned that Austria may leak secrets to Russia

    Thomas Haldenwang, head of Germany’s counterintelligence agency, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), said this week at the Parliamentary Oversight Panel that cooperation with Austria creates significant risks to German intelligence, Welt am Sonntag reported.

    The newspaper did not specify how it had obtained the information, but it noted that Haldenwang’s statement was based on the assumption that Austria could misuse and possible even pass on to Russia the …

  • Ukraine, along with 5 countries, exposes international criminal cyber network

    A coalition of six countries: the USA, Germany, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova and Bulgaria, working with the assistance of Eurojust and Europol, exposed the activities of international criminal cyber network GozNym which used malicious software to steal almost $100 million.

    This was announced at a press conference held on April 16 in The Hague (Netherlands) at Interpol headquarters as reported by Interfax-Ukraine.

    Representatives from the law enforcement agencies of the countries which took part …

  • US Ambassador to Germany warns again of Nord Stream 2 sanctions

    In an interview with the publication Focus, US Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell alluded to the sanctions that Washington could impose on the German companies involved in the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project.

    “From an American perspective, the pipeline will bring more than just gas, but also an increased sanction risk,” he said. He pointed out that the pipeline will make EU countries dependent on Russia.

    The American diplomat has repeatedly said that “the companies that operate in the …

  • Germany develops action plan for de-escalation in Donbas

    The parliamentary Free Democratic Party unanimously supported the document “Peace in Ukraine needs a new impulse” which will be presented to the Bundestag in 2 weeks, reported the German publication Bild.

    “The government must recognize the political realities and accept our additional action plan as an opportunity to break the deadlock,” the document says.

    Bild published several of the 12 provisions in the document. In particular, the German government needs to draw up an additional action …

  • Poland reports deterioration of Russian oil quality

    Poland has recorded a deterioration in the quality of oil received from Belarus via the Druzhba pipeline, reports Forsal citing the Polish pipeline operator PERN.

    PERN received a fax from Gomeltransneft, which reported an increased content of organochlorine compounds in the raw materials, and later “noted this in crude oil that entered Poland”. PERN informed the Polish and German refineries about the decline in oil quality.

    “We are monitoring the situation on an ongoing basis,” stated the …

  • Germany's direct investments in Russia exceed 3 billion euros

    The German-Russian Chamber of Commerce is confident that companies that have knowledge of the Russian market are not afraid of "sanctions and political problems.

    On Monday, April 15, the press service of the German-Russian Chamber of Commerce, citing data from the German Federal Bank, announced that Germany’s direct investments in the Russian economy in 2018 amounted to 3.2 billion euros.

    They estimate that this is a record amount of investment since the financial crisis in 2008. Large-scale …

  • Germany to provide 85 million euros to Ukraine to help internally displaced persons

    Germany decided to allocate 85 million euros to help internally displaced persons in Ukraine, announced President Poroshenko at a joint briefing with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

    “This decision of the German government is a sign of support to our country, and I thank Mrs. Chancellor for the allocation of 85 million euros, which will be used to construct housing for temporarily displaced persons and to develop infrastructure in the east of Ukraine. We appreciate it very much,” Poroshenko …

  • Poland to demand $900 billion in reparations from Germany

    Poland intends to demand reparations from Germany for the damage suffered during the Second World War in the amount of at least 900 billion dollars, stated the deputy of the Polish Sejm Janusz Shevchak, who is a member of the parliamentary group on the assessment of the amount of compensation.

    “As long as Germany does not pay off Poland’s debt for World War II, and we are talking about an amount of no less than $900 billion, it should maintain exceptional restraint when it comes to attacks on …

  • Bundestag investigates ultra-right MP’s ties to Russia

    The Council of Elders of Germany’s parliament, the Bundestag, is investigating Markus Frohnmaier, a member of the ultra-right party “Alternative for Germany” (AfD), for possible ties to the Kremlin, the Spiegel Online reported.

    Frohnmaier is notorious for his pro-Kremlin stance, and several media outlets have reported that he could be “completely controlled” by Russia.

    “Whether the charges are correct must be determined by the Council of Elders,” explained Bundestag Vice President Thomas …