Contents tagged with Germany

  • Denmark, Sweden and Switzerland to allocate $14 million for the Donbas

    The Governments of Denmark, Sweden and Switzerland announced the launch of the project which will provide for $14 million in aid to the Donbas, stated the website of the United Nations Development Program or UNDP. 

    "The conflict in eastern Ukraine, dragging into its fifth year, has had a significant impact on civilians, including over 3,300 men, women and children killed, up to 9,000 injured since 2014, 1.5 million people internally displaced and many others facing the challenges of living in …

  • Berlin: German fighter aircraft intercepted Russian warplanes over the Baltic thirty times over pas six months

    According to Deutsche Welle, during a visit to the Bundeswehr soldiers stationed at the Estonian Emari airbase as part of a NATO mission, German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen reported that German fighters scrambled to intercept Russian aircraft over the Baltic Sea thirty times in six months. 

    "This large number indicates that the presence of German soldiers here is very important," said the Minister. 160 Bundeswehr soldiers and four German Eurofighter planes are stationed in Estonian …

  • Kremlin complains German representatives refused to attend the conference in Russia because of participants from Crimea

    German representatives refused to participate in the fifth meeting of the heads of Russian and German educational and research organizations that should have taken place in Kazan on February 4 to 6, reported the Russian Foreign Ministry. 

    The Ministry noted that the German representatives objected to the participation of the Crimean Federal University’s Principal, Andrei Falaleev at the conference. 

    “Just a week before the forum, German Foreign Ministry and the conference of principals of …

  • Germany advises Russia to take controversial 9M729 missiles beyond Ural Mountains

    If Russia were to relocate its new 9M729 missiles to the Asian side of the Ural Mountains so that they cannot reach Europe, it could possibly preserve the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, suggested German parliamentarians Roderich Kiesewetter (CDU) and Rolf Mützenich (SPD), the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reports.

    The German newspaper notes that Kiesewetter and Mützenich voiced their suggestions independently of each other. The MPs believe that such a solution should be …

  • Media: Russian combat drones used in Donbas war built with German parts

    The German edition Bild reports that Russia, in spite of the European Union sanctions, continues to buy German propellers for its unmanned aerial vehicles Granat-1, Granat-2, Granat-3, Takhion, ZALA-42104M, Pear, Orlan -2 ".

    According to journalists, this involves propellers manufactured by two companies in Germany: Graupner / SJ GmbH and aero-naut Modellbau GmbH & Co. KG.

    “Pro-Russian forces already used the drone Granat-2 with folding propellers in the spring of 2015, in the battle of the …

  • German warship to enter Black Sea for NATO mission

    The Werra, a replenishment ship belonging to the German Navy, will travel to the Black Sea in February as part of a permanent NATO anti-mine group. The naval vessel will visit two Bulgarian ports, Burgas and Varna,  Deutsche Welle reports citing a spokesperson for Germany’s Defense Ministry.

    According to the source, the transfer has been planned for a long time. “There is no plan to deploy other German naval vessels in the Black Sea,” the spokesperson noted.

    After Russian special forces  …

  • Kyiv: Germany is ready to send warships to the Black Sea

    During a meeting with the Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Defense, Anatoliy Petrenko, representatives of the German government assured their readiness to support Ukraine and to send German warships to the Black Sea region to deter Russian aggression. 

    The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry’s press service reports that the Ukrainian delegation in Germany discussed the Ukrainian security question with the Commissioner for Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia, German Foreign Minister Michael Siebert …

  • Media: US steps up pressure on EU regarding Nord Stream 2

    The US has stepped up the pressure on EU countries to halt the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, the German newspaper Handelsblatt reports, citing an anonymous White House official.

    Despite the cold winter months, work on the German-Russian gas pipeline has continued. One third of the 1,230 km gas pipeline has already been laid on the bottom of the Baltic Sea, and the construction is scheduled to finish by the end of the year.

    However, this is not to the US’s liking, …

  • German government allocates €12 million of assistance for Leningrad Siege victims

    Germany’s government has said that it will allocate € 12 million to upgrading hospitals for war veterans in St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad), a German-Russian meeting center for the Russian and German public, as well as assistance for people who survived the Siege of Leningrad, Deutsche Welle reports.

    German and Russian foreign ministers Heiko Maas and Sergey Lavrov announced this in a joint statement, welcoming the German government’s humanitarian gesture.

    “We are confident that this …

  • Polish Prime Minister: There is no hope of stopping Nord Stream 2

    In an interview with Interia, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki spoke about the obstacles faced by European countries that do not want the construction of Nord Stream 2.

    “Two powerful countries, one of which is a world power, Russia, and the other, Germany, the fourth economy of the world, decided to build a gas pipeline. These are two powerful States and… it is not easy to prohibit them from doing something. We believe that it contradicts European rules. It is egoistic activity. We …