Contents tagged with Germany

  • The USA calls on Germany to abandon Nord Stream 2 pipleline

    The United States welcomed recent steps by the European Union to hold Russia responsible for aggression against Ukraine, US Deputy Spokesperson Robert Palladino stated on the US State Department website on Sunday, December 16. Washington supports the resolution of the European Parliament calling for the cancellation of the Nord Stream 2 project.

    “The European Parliament’s December 12 resolution reiterates the importance of Ukraine’s role in the European energy supply network and condemns the …

  • Putin's ID found in German intelligence archives

    Russian President Vladimir Putin’s identity card has been found in the archives of the Ministry of State Security of the GDR (Stasi), reports the Bild newspaper.

    According to the newspaper, Putin was the Stasi employee until the end of the GDR’s existence. The certificate was discovered in the archives “personnel and qualification” department in Dresden. It was issued on December 31, 1985, and was extended quarterly until the end of 1989. The newspaper notes that this document has Putin's …

  • Ukrainian Foreign Minister: Germany’s initiative on Azov is a sanction against Russia

    The idea to establish international monitoring of navigation in the Kerch Strait and the Sea of Azov, which was proposed by German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, can be interpreted as a type of sanction against Russia, stated Foreign Minister of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin after the working meeting with the Foreign Ministers of the EU countries in Brussels, UNIAN reports.

    "Germany wants to introduce the mechanism of international monitoring. I believe that it is itself a sort of sanction against …

  • Merkel urges Putin to release detained Ukrainian sailors

    The press secretary of the federal government Steffen Seibert stated that the German Chancellor Angela Merkel conducted a telephone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    According to the message, the two sides discussed the situation in the Kerch Strait. During the conversation, Merkel urged the Russian president to release the detained  Ukrainian sailors and to ensure the passage of ships through the Kerch Strait. The parties also discussed gas transit from Russia through …

  • Ukrainian President urges the US and EU to ban Russian ships from entering their ports

    The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko urged the EU and the US to prohibit Russian vessels from entering European and American ports.

    In an interview with Fox News, he stated that this should be the response to Russia’s actions in the Black and Azov seas, which he labeled as “aggression.” According to Poroshenko, Russia continues to block the Azov sea, for ships of the European Union as well.

    The Ukrainian President once again urged NATO to send ships to the Black Sea, and for the West to …

  • Russian general: withdrawal of Soviet troops from Germany was a 'state treachery'

    The decision of the leadership of the USSR to end the arms race with the USA and withdraw Soviet troops from Germany was a state treachery and must receive an official assessment, said the chairman of the defense committee, the former commander of the Russian Airborne Forces Vladimir Shamanov at the plenary meeting of the State Duma on Friday.

    Shamanov said that Mikhail Gorbachev, together with Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze and Alexander Yakovlev, Politburo member of the Central …

  • Berlin: fate of Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty depends exclusively on Russia

    “The Intermediate-Range and Short-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty) is of great importance for ensuring security in Europe, and the German government welcomes the fact that the United States once again gives a chance to preserve it," stated the deputy head of the Press and Information Office of Germany, Ulrike Demmer, at the press conference on the December 5.

    Berlin also believes that the continuation of the Treaty now depends solely on Russia. The spokeswomen of the German Ministry of …

  • Merkel’s party calls for action against Nord Stream 2 pipeline

    Angela Merkel’s intention to step down from the position of leader of Germany’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party, and later from the position of federal chancellor, threatens to cause trouble for Russia.

    Merkel’s most likely successor as head of the ruling CDU, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, has criticized Russia for exacerbating the conflict with Ukraine, and has identified the Nord Stream 2 project as a possible target of response measures.

    Refusing to support the project at all would be …

  • Germany unveils strategy to bring peace to Ukraine

    The German Foreign Ministry unveiled a strategy consisting of five steps aimed at achieving peace in Ukraine.

    “After Russia illegally annexed the Crimea and supported separatists in the East, more than ten thousand people were killed in Ukraine. A serious conflict in close proximity to Europe is also a serious risk to the security of Germany,” writes the German Foreign Ministry on its website.

    The strategy includes the implementation of the Minsk agreements, preventing the violation of …

  • Germany considers closing its ports to Russian ships after incident in Kerch Strait

    Following the incident in the Kerch Strait, German authorities are considering new restrictions for Russia if it doesn’t release detained Ukrainian ships and their crew members.

    Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, a German politician who has served as General Secretary of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) suggested closing Germany’s ports to Russian ships which are sailing from the Sea of Azov. She said that all EU countries and the USA should consider this measure as a reprisal to …