Contents tagged with Germany

  • Media: Former Catalonian President Carles Puigdemont considered possibility of fleeing to Russia

    Former Catalonian leader Carles Puigdemont considered the possibility of fleeing to Russia prior to his detention in Germany; however, he ultimately chose to attempt to return to Belgium, where the authorities did not extradite the politician back to Spain.According to sources of the newspaper El Mundo, Puigdemont considered two variations for further movement during his time in Finland at the end of March. In particular, he considered fleeing to St. Petersburg, which is not far from Helsinki. …

  • Germany acknowledges inability of its Tornado jets to perform NATO missions

    German Tornado aircraft do not meet the technical standards of the North Atlantic Alliance, German magazine Der Spiegel reported, citing a confidential report of the German Defense Ministry. The magazine revealed that all 93 combat aircraft need large-scale modernization that will cost millions.

    In their current condition, German Tornados should "no longer participate in any NATO operation," Der Spiegel stated. The confidential report of the Ministry of Defense explained that the aircraft is …

  • Germany’s Foreign Minister: the West lost trust in Russia

    Foreign Minister of Germany Heiko Maas said that the decision of German authorities to expel four Russian diplomats in relation to the Skripal case was taken in solidarity and support of the United Kingdom. In an interview with the German Bild am Sonntag newspaper, Maas stated that it is very important that western countries united against Russia, as Moscow has destroyed the West’s trust through its recent behavior.

    “Russia’s behavior in recent years has undermined a lot of trust,” Maas said. …

  • German MPs to visit annexed Crimea

    Annexed Crimea is expecting a visit from another delegation from Germany with representatives of The Left party and the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, reports RIA Novosti with reference to the deputy chairman of the so-called “parliament” of Crimea’s international relations committee, chairman of the Crimea-Germany national cultural autonomy Yuri Gempel.

    “We will be visited by members of the regional parliaments from the Left and Alternative for Germany parties. In addition, from the …

  • Germany continues to arm Ankara despite Turkey's attacks on Kurds in Syria

    Germany continues to supply weapons to Ankara, even after the start of a Turkish military operation against the Kurds in Syria, as reported on Friday, March 30, by the German public-service channel ARD, citing a response by the German Foreign Ministry to a parliamentary inquiry by the Left Party.

    Since January 20, the report said, Germany has issued permits valued at 4.4 million euros for the supply of arms and ammunition to Turkey.

    Anton Hofreiter, co-chair of the Green parliamentary faction …

  • Defendant held in Germany in 'Russian Embassy cocaine case' refuses extradition to Russia

    The defendant in the recent “cocaine case,” Andrei Kovalchuk is in a Berlin prison awaiting his trial. It turns out that despite having a Russian passport Kovalchuk did not officially obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation, Rosbalt news outlet reports.  Kovalchuk considers himself a “citizen of the world”. He continues to maintain his innocence, insisting that he was the victim of provocation.

    According to Rosbalt, Andrei Kovalchuk is now being held in Moabit prison in Berlin that has a …

  • German schoolchildren invited by Russia visit Crimea

    17 German pupils came to annexed Simferopol on March 27 in the evening, RIA Novosti reports. The students arrived to participate in the project "Days of Russian and German children’s public diplomacy in Yalta" where they are scheduled to stay for two days.

    During the visit, a cooperation agreement will be signed between the ethnic cultural autonomy of Germans in Yalta, the Yalta School Number 01, the Lingua-mir school of foreign languages and one other organization from Germany.

    Pavlo Klimkin, …

  • Ukraine preparing to respond to Germany's plan to help construct Nord Stream-2

    The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is preparing a response to Germany's intentions to participate in the construction of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline, as stated in the comments to by the Deputy Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada Committee for European Integration and Deputy from Petro Poroshenko Bloc, Maria Ionova.

    "We have already discussed this issue (Germany’s permission to build Nord Stream 2) and I can say that on behalf of the parliament we will once again make a statement regarding …

  • Germany issues all permits for construction of Nord Stream 2

    Nord Stream 2 AG received permission to build and operate the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline in Germany’s economic zone, reports Interfax-Ukraine.

    “The Federal Office for Shipping and Hydrography issued a permit for the construction of a 30-kilometer section in accordance with the Mining Law of the Federal Republic of Germany,” the construction company reported.

    Earlier, on January 31, the Stralsund Mining Authority authorized the construction and operation of the offshore section of the Nord …

  • German MPs: Expulsion of Russian diplomats from EU was done in a rush

    Representatives of the German Bundestag’s Left have criticized the decision made by Berlin and various other EU states to expel their Russian diplomats in connection with the poisoning of former spy Sergei Skripal in the UK. On Monday March 26, Foreign Policy Committee member Stefan Liebich from The Left party said that the expulsion of diplomats was “a wrong step, which needlessly exacerbates the escalation”.

    Berlin should make a greater effort to collaborate in the investigation, Liebich …