Contents tagged with Germany

  • Poland reduces its reparation claims to Germany by $300 billion

    The head of the reparations commission of the Polish Sejm, Arkadiusz Mularczyk, said during a speech in Parliament that Germany should pay Poland more than $543 billion in compensation for damage caused during the Second World War, the Polish news agency PAP reports.

    "In 1990, the sum was $284 billion. However, if we revalue taking into account the purchasing power of the dollar in 2017, then we ... get $543 billion," the politician said.

    In an earlier interview with Rzeczpospolita, Mularczyk …

  • German experts: Nearly all Putin’s weapons still on drawing board

    Germany’s Federal Academy for Security Policy has analyzed the capabilities of the Russian army.

    According to Deutche Welle, following the poisoning of former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal in the UK, Germany has begun talking about “the threat of a real war, not a cold war”.

    Out of all the new strategic weapons showcased by Russian President Vladimir Putin, Berlin believes that the RS-28 Sarmat inter-continental ballistic missile is the only item which really exists at present. The missile can …

  • Merkel makes peace in Donbas one of German government's tasks

    For the next four years, one of the tasks of the new German government in the international arena will be to establish peace in the Donbas and to restore the territorial integrity of Ukraine, stated the German Chancellor Angela Merkel in her first post-re-election report in the Bundestag on Wednesday.

    The Chancellor said, "Work on the implementation of the Minsk agreements will be extended to ensure the restoration of Ukraine sovereignty and to bring relations with Russia to another level." …

  • Ukraine calls on Germany to ban MPs' visits to Crimea

    Ukraine's Ambassador to Germany, Andriy Melnyk has called on the Federal Government of Germany to impose a ban on visits by German MPs to the Russia-annexed Crimea, as he posted on his Twitter page.

    The said statement was made after another visit to Crimea by a member of the Alternative for Germany faction, Ulrich Oehme.

    "Another German political adventurer, Ulrich Oehme, has illegally visited the Russia-annexed Crimea. We call on the Federal Government to finally ban such trips of German …

  • Media: Russian hackers stole Ukraine and Brexit related documents from German government

    According to Spiegel, hackers who attacked the servers of the German Government managed to steal the documents about of the British withdrawal from the European Union (Berxit).

    Also, they stole documents on EU negotiations with Ukraine and Belarus. According to Spiegel, six documents were stolen in total.

    Last week, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reported on a hacker attack on the German government's network. According to the media, the hackers intended to get access to the documents of the …

  • Ukrainian President will visit Germany to discuss Nord Stream-2

    President Petro Poroshenko intends to visit Germany before April and discuss with German authorities the issue of the Russian Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project, as he stated in an interview with Ukrainian TV channels.

    "In the coming days, within 2-3 weeks, I'm going to visit Germany ... This topic (Nord Stream-2) will certainly be on the agenda of our talks," he said, answering a question about Germany's reluctance to abandon the project.

    Poroshenko stressed that many European countries are …

  • Poland announces plan to recover $850 billion in reparations from Germany

    Polish authorities estimated the damage inflicted on the country by the Wehrmacht troops during the Second World War at $850 billion and intend to recover this amount from Germany. According to Rzeczpospolita, the head of the reparations commission of the Sejm, Arkadiusz Mularczyk said that the commission will report to the government this year on the amount of reimbursements that Poland could demand from Germany.

    According to Mularczyk, $850 billion is a reasonable amount that will compensate …

  • Bundestag Deputies demand explanations from the German government concerning Russian hacker attacks

    A special meeting of the relevant committee devoted to the hacking attack on Germany’s government network will take place in the Bundestag, DW reports. According to the sources of the agency, the cyber-attack lasted until February 28.

    "The successful cyber-attack clearly indicates that the government’s digital networks are not sufficiently protected. Since this data is very important, the situation is unacceptable," Committee spokesman Manuel Höferlin said.

    Representatives of the German …

  • Media: Russian hackers attacked German Ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs

     Hacker group APT28, also known as Fancy Bear, has attacked the German Ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs, reports news agency DPA citing sources in the defense sector. The magazine Focus carried the text from DPA. A number of companies in the cyber security field link APT28 with Russia.

    The agency’s source said that the attack was discovered in December 2017. It was done using malicious software, and the hackers stole valuable data. The source noted that the attack could have gone on …

  • Germany will triple the number of troops in NATO exercises to keep Russia in check

    In 2018, three times more military personnel from Germany will take part in NATO exercises to contain Russia, reported Spiegel Online, citing as a source a statement from the German Ministry of Defense.

    Plans are for 12,000 German soldiers to participate in the exercises on the eastern and northern flanks of NATO.

    The cost for the German military to participate in the exercises will be €90 million. In 2017, 4,000 Bundeswehr soldiers participated in the NATO exercises.

    In particular, 8,000 …