Contents tagged with Germany

  • Berlin calls Polish demands for the payment of reparations groundless

    Germany has refused to pay Poland additional reparations for damages inflicted during the Second World War. "From the point of view of the federal government, there is no basis for and legal effectiveness in questioning the refusal of reparations in 1953," said official German government official Steffen Seibert, reports Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

    According to Seibert, Germany has already been held accountable for the "unthinkable crimes" committed by the Nazis during the war. In addition, …

  • Ahead of Zapad-2017 military exercises Germany and France condemn Russia for 'strategy of intimidation'

    Germany and France have criticized the future joint Zapad-2017 military exercises by Russia and Belarus, saying that Moscow is trying to demonstrate its military strength near the border with the EU and NATO.

    "It is particularly important in this context that we reaffirm our presence in the face of...this demonstration the Russians are making, which is a strategy of intimidation," French Defense Minister Florence Parly said on September 7, as part of an informal meeting of the defense …

  • Berlin: Germany supports deployment of peacekeepers throughout the Donbas

    The German government believes that a possible UN peacekeeping mission should be deployed throughout the Donbas region, and not just on the contact line, as stated by Deputy Speaker of the German government Ulrike Demmer while speaking to reporters in Berlin, Deutsche Welle reported.

    According to the spokesman, Berlin in general welcomes the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin to send a UN mission to the Donbas. However, Berlin is skeptical of some details of Moscow's proposal. …

  • German Foreign Ministry: Unacceptable for UN to involve separatists in negotiations about peacekeepers in Donbas

    It is unacceptable for the United Nations to involve separatists in the negotiation process on peacekeeping activity in the Donbas, said German Foreign Ministry spokesman Martin Schaefer, UNIAN reports.

    “It is unacceptable and unheard of for the UN to involve separatists in the negotiation process on peacekeeping activity in any region,” Schaefer emphasized.

    According to him, it is inappropriate to talk only about the contact line, since the separatists obstruct the OSCE SMM in all Eastern …

  • Germany allocates €6.5 million to support Red Cross humanitarian mission in Ukraine

    The Federal Government of Germany will give €6.5 million in financial support to the humanitarian activities of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Germany’s embassy to Ukraine told

    In this way Germany’s total financial contribution to the projects and activities of the ICRC in Ukraine in 2016 and 2018 will grow to €14.5 million.

    Germany gives financial support to numerous humanitarian activities within the framework of the project “ICRC – Aid, Protection, Prevention …

  • Berlin: Poland has no legal grounds for war reparations from Germany

    Poland has no legal basis for demanding reparations from Germany for damage caused during the Second World War, according to an expert opinion prepared by the analytical service of the Bundestag, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) newspaper reported on Friday, September 1.

    As stated in the document, all claims became null and void at as of the signing of the Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany or the "2 + 4" agreement in 1990, "since Poland did not claim reparations by …

  • German Foreign Minister: Germany does not want to completely ruin relations with Russia

    German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel urged the US to pursue a more sensible treatment of Russia, after meeting with the US Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, in Washington on Tuesday August 28th, Deutschlandfunk reported.

    Gabriel noted that the new sanctions issued by the US Congress caused concern in Europe due to "unpredictable side effects." According to him, "we would not want to completely destroy economic relations with Russia."

    It should be noted that the German Foreign Minister has …

  • Germany to allocate 1.5 million euro to UNICEF’s Children fund in Ukraine

    Germany will provide Ukraine with another EUR 1.5 million for UNICEF emergency measures, reported the German Embassy in Ukraine.

    Germany recently decided to grant one million euros for the humanitarian activities of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees or UNHCR. It will continue to provide support for the UNICEF Children’s Fund project "Emergency Response in Eastern Conflict Areas of Ukraine" in the amount of an additional EUR 1.5 million.

    "This assistance is again …

  • Ukraine’s ambassador to Germany calls on German politicians to avoid ‘freezing the issue of Crimea’

    During an interview with German newspaper Kieler Nachrichten, the Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany, Andriy Melnyk, reminded the leadership of the Free Democratic Party of Germany that the "freezing" of the issue of the annexation of the Crimea would mean the de facto lifting of economic sanctions on Russia, and called on politicians to adhere to "strategic patience", as reported by Ukrainian Diplomat Svitlana Melnyk on Facebook on August 28th.

    According to Ambassador Melnyk, Ukraine "will never …

  • German Foreign Minister calls for gradual lifting of sanctions against Russia

    On August 27, while answering questions from citizens on the government's open day, German Foreign Minister Zigmar Gabriel stated that he continues to advocate a gradual lifting of sanctions on Russia as it fulfills the Minsk agreements, Ukrinform reports.

    This is not the first time that Gabriel suggested that sanctions against Russia should be lifted gradually, without waiting for the full implementation of the Minsk agreements. "If sanctions were gradually introduced, why can they not be …