Contents tagged with Germany

  • Polls shows that most Polish citizens support demanding reparations from Germany

    Most Poles believe that Germany must pay compensation for the damage caused to Poland during World War II, as indicated by the results of a recent Ipsos poll, Polskie Radio reports.

    According to the poll, 31% of respondents expressed the opposite opinion, and 6% were undecided.

    Sixty-eight percent of respondents answered positively when asked: "Do you think the Germans should pay Poland compensation for the crimes of genocide committed by them against the Polish nation during the Second World …

  • Media: Authorities warn German policemen against visiting Russia

    The Ministry of the Interior of the Federal State of Lower Saxony, located in the north of Germany, warned the local police about taking private trips to Russia, reported German broadcasting company Deutsche Welle.

    The Ministry has become aware of several cases where German policemen were detained in Russia and subjected to interrogations about their official duties.

    Earlier, the publication Focus reported that, apparently, an incident that occurred with three German policemen in St. …

  • Berlin: German position regarding Crimea has not changed

    The German government affirms that it has not changed its stance regarding Russia’s annexation of the Crimea, German State Spokesperson Ulrike Demmer announced, as reported by Bild.

    According to her, the position voiced by the German liberals’ leader Christian Lindner regarding Crimea does not equate to the German government’s position.

    According to Demmer, the position of the Federal Government of Germany on Crimea, as in the EU as a whole, has not changed, and is clear and coherent.

    The …

  • Latvia, Lithuania and Germany participate in military exercises in Baltic Sea

    In the territorial waters and exclusive economic zone of Lithuania in the Baltic Sea this week, the Baltic Fleet is holding the annual Baltron Squadron Exercise 17/2, Delfi news agency reports.

    Lithuania, Latvia and Germany are participating in the exercises.

    The Latvian Navy is using the supply vessel Varonis and the minesweeper ship Rusins, and the German Navy is using the minesweeper Pegnitz.

    The Lithuanian Navy is represented by the Jotvingis staff ship, the Suduvis and Kursis …

  • Germany’s Special Representative for Cooperation with Russia calls on Ukraine to focus on Donbas conflict

    Germany's Coordinator of German-Russian Intersocietal Cooperation, Gernot Erler, said that Ukraine should focus on resolving the conflict in the Donbas, and only then return to the issue of Crimea’s de-occupation, reports According to the German special envoy, such an approach coincides with the wishes of the European community. It considers the ending of the armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine a matter of priority. The matter of the de-occupation of the Crimea is on the …

  • The leader of Free Democratic Party of Germany urges lawmakers to turn a blind eye to the annexation of the Crimea

    The chairman of the Free Democratic Party of Germany (FDP), Christian Lindner spoke in favour of Berlin adjusting its direction of politics with Russia.

    "Security and prosperity in Europe depend, in particular, on relations with Moscow," he said in an interview with Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper.

    “Western countries should make an offer to Russian President Vladimir Putin, which would allow him to change his policy without losing his credibility,” Lindner said. "Talking about this …

  • Media: German economy is at risk due to new US sanctions against Russia

    Business owners in Germany are concerned about the possible consequences of the new US sanctions against Russia. If German companies lost their chance to participate in Russian gas pipelines expansion projects, the entire German economy could be at risk, says Volker Treier, the head of the Department for Foreign Economic Affairs of the Federal Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Germany, as quoted by DW.

    According to Treier, Germany expects to increase the country’s exports to …

  • Poland intends to demand reparations from Germany for World War II

    Polish Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz said that Germany should pay Poland reparations for material damage and crimes against Poles committed in 1939-1945, reported Radio Poland, citing an interview by Macierewicz on TVPInfo.

    As noted by Macierewicz, Poland de facto never renounced its claim toward the Germany, which began on September 1, 1939 with military aggression against Poland, and which continued with the occupation of Polish territory for almost five years.

    "It's not true that the …

  • Ex-Deputy of German Bundestag is being investigated over his visit to Crimea

    The prosecutor's office of the German city of Karlsruhe began an investigation against a former member of the Bundestag, Jörg Tauss, who visited the annexed Crimea, as reported by the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Pavlo Klimkin.

    “It's not worth it to go to the Crimea and it is criminal to organize group trips there. German ex-MP Tauss learned that to his cost,” wrote the Minister in his Twitter. He believes this is “an important precedent for the legal proceedings by the …

  • Polish Minister of Defense: Soviet Union was in collusion with Nazi Germany

    Minister of National Defence for Poland Antoni Macierewicz believes that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was guilty of collusion with Nazi Germany. According to him, the goal of this "deal" was the extermination of the Poles.

    In his speech on the occasion of the 73rd anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, he stated that "independent Poland was crushed because of the criminal German and Soviet regimes."

    According to local media, Macierewicz also said that the desire to restore the " …