Contents tagged with Germany

  • German Foreign Minister calls new U.S. sanctions against Russia 'unlawful'

    German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel hopes that U.S. President Donald Trump will prevent his country from imposing energy sanctions on Russia in their current form, reported  German broadcasting company Deutsche Welle.

    “We ... are happy that the American president has not yet decided what he is going to do. He has the opportunity to discuss these sanctions with us, considering European interests,” Gabriel said.

    “I am in very close contact with my American counterpart,” the German foreign …

  • Germany: Scandal with Siemens turbines in Crimea will lead to deterioration of Russian-German relations

    The German government has said that Moscow's deception, bringing gas turbines made by the German company Siemens from Russia to the Crimea, despite its prohibition under EU sanctions and in violation of its contracts, will lead to further deterioration of relations between the two countries.

    "Such a massive violation of sanctions will again burden German-Russian relations," the spokesman for the German Foreign Ministry told the German publication Bild am Sonntag.

    It has been reported that …

  • Polish Defense Minister: Germany asked Poland for information about Russian influence in German politics and media

    Germany has asked Poland to provide information about Russia’s influence on politics and the media in the Federal Republic of Germany, said the Polish Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz on a broadcast on TV Republika.

    “At some point, Germany asked me to provide the German authorities with an in-depth analysis of the agents of influence, ways that the Russians have to influence the political scene and media in Germany,” said Macierewicz.

    He noted that he did not doubt that the Germans had …

  • Russians arrested in Hamburg unrest, face up to 10 years in prison

    Two Russians arrested after the riots in Hamburg, which took place on the eve of and during the recent G20 summit, may face six months to ten years in prison, as stated by the official representative of the Hamburg prosecutor’s office Nana Frombach.

    According to her, ten years is the maximum period to which detainees can be sentenced, but the final decision will be made by the court after the investigation is completed and formal charges are brought.

    Both prisoners are currently being held in …

  • Germany and Austria call on US to revise recent Russian sanctions bill

    German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel and Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern called for a correction of the bill approved by US senators to tighten anti-Russian sanctions in the energy sector.

    They believe that these measures threaten the European companies participating in the development of Europe’s energy supply.

    “Political sanctions should not be linked up to economic interest. To threaten companies in Germany, Austria and other European firms with fines in the US if they take part in or …

  • German Ministry of Defense advocates for negotiations with Russia 'from a position of strength'

    Germany is interested in a meaningful relationship with Russia, but "from a position of strength," German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen said at a meeting of the European Parliament's Committee on International Affairs and the Subcommittee on Security and Defense in Strasbourg.

    "Our position is such: that we want meaningful relations with Russia, but we know that this should happen from a position of strength. It should be clear that we are interested in the resolution of conflicts at …

  • Relative of Bashar al-Assad seeks asylum in Germany

    The widow of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s cousin asked for asylum in Germany and is waiting for the decision on her case at one of the centers for refugees in the west of the country, as reported by German DPA news agency citing the local authorities.

    Officials of the Warendorf region of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia (Western Germany) were faced with the unusual request for asylum. According to the DPA, the woman with a Syrian and Lebanese passport was attacked by other …

  • The Security Service of Ukraine banned a German politician from entering Ukraine because of his visit to Crimea

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) has banned German politician Willy Wimmer from entering Ukraine for five years, reported SSU Speaker Olena Gitlyanska to Interfax Ukraine. Wimmer is the ex-Deputy of the Bundestag, the former Deputy Chairman of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and the former Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Defense of Germany.

    "The decision to ban Willy Wimmer from entering into Ukrainian territory for 5 years has been taken," Gitlyanska said. According to …

  • Ukrainian military will take part in multinational exercises in Germany

    According to the press service of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, the consolidated mechanized unit of the Operational Command South of the Ukrainian Armed Forces arrived at the Hohenfels test site in Germany to take part in the Combined Resolve 8multinational exercise.

    "During the next three weeks, Ukrainian soldiers will take part in the multinational exercises Combined Resolve 8. During the exercises they will learn about the specifics of inspecting terrain and buildings, and mine clearing," …

  • Media: Germany gave Ankara two weeks to resolve the Incirlik military base conflict

    The German government has set a two week deadline for Ankara to resolve the conflict over the access of Bundestag deputies to the Incirlik NATO base in Turkey, as reported by Spiegel Online news website. If the matter is not resolved, Germany will withdraw its tanker aircraft and Tornado fighters from the base.

    According to Spiegel, the federal government intends to withdraw the planes from the Incirlik only after holding talks with the Turkish authorities. Neither the German Foreign Ministry …