Contents tagged with Germany

  • Putin hopes for restored relationship with Germany

    On March 22, at a meeting with BASF CEO Kurt Bock, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia still hopes to restore relations with Germany.

    "We have not lost hope that we will be able to restore full-format cooperation," the President said.

    He also noted that the latest developments in the economic sphere had a negative impact on the volumes of mutual trade. Putin said that according to the Eastern Committee of German economy, at least 150,000 Germans lost their jobs as a result of …

  • President of Germany: Russia could intervene in our elections

    The President of Germany, Joachim Gauck, stated that the country should be aware of the possibility of Moscow’s interference in the Bundestag election campaign. “It would be naïve to think that this can be completely avoided,” Joachim Gauck said in his interview with Bild am Sonntag. According to him, false statements have been made at the governmental level of the Russian Federation.

    “Nearly 18 months ago, false statements that refugees in Germany raped a young Russian-speaking German …

  • Media: US considers establishing two additional military bases in Germany

    Representatives of the US Army studied two sites in Northern Germany for the potential placement of new US military bases in Europe, as reported by Deutsche Welle, citing a source in the Command of the US Amy Garrison stationed in Wiesbaden.

    According to the source, the military visited facilities in Bad Fallingbostel and Bergen in Lower Saxony. These cities are situated near the largest German training site, which is also used for NATO exercises. The number of military personnel that could be …

  • Germany and Russia want to bring the United States to the negotiating table over Ukraine

    The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Germany and Russia, Sigmar Gabriel and Sergey Lavrov favored the involvement of the United States in negotiations on settlement of the situation in the Donbas. They stated this after bilateral negotiations in Moscow, UNIAN reported.

    In particular, Gabriel said that the Federal Republic of Germany and Russia are seeking contact with a new U.S Administration but now it is difficult to find interlocutors there until they got everything settled.

    “As for eastern …

  • Merkel's ally: NATO should confront Russia from a position of strength

    Germany must increase defense expenditures to be able to, jointly with its NATO allies, oppose Russia from a position of strength, Chairman of the Christian Democrats Party in the Bundestag Volker Kauder said, Deutsche Welle reported.

    “Unfortunately, Russia under President Putin is trying to destabilize Europe every day. It must be opposed from a position of strength, but this does not mean going back to the ‘Cold War,’” said  Kauder.

    He further noted that German increases in defense …

  • Germany disturbed by Russian plans to build replica of Reichstag near Moscow

    The German authorities have considered strange Russian plans to recreate a scaled-down version of the Reichstag building for war games in a Moscow suburb.

    While speacking at the State Duma, Defense Minister Sergei Shoygu announced that there would be a reduced scale model of the Reichstag built in a park in the town of Kubinka near Moscow. According to the Minister, the layout is designed to help train members of the Yunarmia (the Youth Army).

    "Germany would not have to build something like …

  • German tanks and armored vehicles arrive in Lithuania

    A heavy machine division of the Bundeswehr successfully reached Lithuania on Friday, February 24, a representative of the German armed forces reported. Twenty Marder infantry fighting vehicles and six Leopard 2 tanks were delivered by rail to Sheshtokai station. From Sheshtokai they were transported to their place of permanent deployment at the Rukla military base.

    Transports of the heavy machine division to Lithuania took several days. On February 21, part of the division departed from …

  • German politician Hans-Georg Maassen expects disinformation campaigns from Russia before Bundestag elections

    The President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Hans-Georg Maassen, believes that the Russian Federal Security Services will try to affect the election campaign for the upcoming Bundestag elections. “Germany should be ready for disinformation campaigns, false reports, and painful facts in mass media,” Hans-Georg Maassen stated in his interview with Bild, which was published on the 20th of February.

    According to Maassen, several hacker attacks have already been …

  • Media: Russia aims to discredit German soldiers in Lithuania using fake news

    Bundeswehr soldiers in Lithuania have become the victims of information attacks that involve fake news aiming to discredit the German military.

    An official representative of the Ministry of Defense of Germany confirmed this information, Deutsche Welle reported.

    A German Defense Ministry spokesman told the publication Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung that on February 14, Speaker of the Lithuanian Parliament Viktoras Pranckietis received an anonymous letter by email that accused German soldiers …

  • Germany and Italy allocate nearly 4 million Euro to refugees from the Donbas

    Within the framework of the UN World Food Program (WFP), the German and Italian governments in 2017 will allocate nearly 4 million euros to displaced persons from the Donbas, as reported by the press service of the UN WFP delegation in Ukraine.

    “The World Food Program, the largest organization in the fight against hunger, during 2017 will continue the provision of food aid to 220,000 people who have been affected as a result of the conflict in Eastern Ukraine,” a statement said.

    Additionally, …