Contents tagged with Germany

  • Poroshenko said German president-elect Steinmeier is 'Ukraine’s great friend'

    The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, called Frank-Walter Steinmeier a "great friend of Ukraine" in a statement honoring his election as President of Germany, as Poroshenko wrote on Twitter.

    "I cordially congratulate Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the great friend of Ukraine, on his election as the Federal President of Germany. I hope for the continuation of a friendly and fruitful cooperation for the sake of the prosperity of a united Europe – democratic and free," Poroshenko wrote.

    The …

  • Kyiv demands that German ambassador retract his statements regarding elections in the Donbas

    There was a negative reaction in Ukraine to the opinion which German Ambassador to Ukraine Ernst Reichel expressed in an interview with RBC-Ukraine, saying that elections could take place in the parts of the Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts not controlled by Ukraine even with the Russian army present there. This coincided with the reception at the embassy in celebration of the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Germany and Ukraine. During the reception, with journalists present, the …

  • German ambassador: Elections can be held in Donbas even with Russian forces present

    According to the German Ambassador to Ukraine, Ernst Reichel, holding elections in the occupied territory of Donbas is possible before Russian military forces are withdrawn, reported.

    “It’s not necessarily the case that elections in Donbas can only take place when there are no Russian forces there, or when the Ukrainian flag is flying at every city hall. Without a doubt, this is quite hard to imagine – holding local elections without ensuring safety. However, I am convinced …

  • German Foreign Minister: Rapprochement between the United States and Russia would be useful for Ukraine

    Following the visit to the United States, the German Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sigmar Gabriel, expressed confidence that the Administration of the U.S. President, Donald Trump, is still just developing its strategy towards Russia. Gabriel stated this on the air of the ARD TV Channel, Deutsche Welle reported. The Minister welcomed the possibility of rapprochement between the United States and Russia.

    “We must all hope that the United States and Russia will reach an agreement but not at the …

  • Two individuals working for Ukrainian oligrarch Firtash were found guilty of large-scale corruption in Germany

    In Germany, the former Commissioner of the Land police and a private detective who worked for the Ukrainian businessman, Dmytro Firtash, were found guilty of large-scale corruption. This trial has been called one of the biggest corruption scandals in Germany, Deutsche Welle reported.

    "On Friday, January 27th, the Land Court in the town of Schwerin in northern Germany delivered its verdict in the case of the former Chief Commissioner of the criminal police of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Heinz-Peter …

  • Media: Italy discusses return of Russia to the G8

    Italy, which currently holds the presidency of the Group of Seven (G-7), favored the return of Russia to the summit, which would once again make the group the G8, Corriere della Sera reported.

    The G-7 summit will take place on May 26th-27th, in Taormina. The number of the forum members hasn’t been confirmed yet. However, according to the edition, the Italian authorities are discussing Russia’s participation in this forum.

    This issue was also raised at the meeting between the Head of the …

  • US, Swedish and German aircraft conducted reconnaissance missions near Russia's borders

    According to websites that track the flights of military aircraft , planes of the U.S. Air Force, Swedish Air Force and the German Navy conducted reconnaissance missions near the sea borders of the Kaliningrad region on January 18, as reported by Russia’s Interfax news agency.

    According to their information, an RC-135W strategic reconnaissance aircraft of the U.S. Air Force with tail number 62-4138 and call sign LAVIC45, took off from an air base in Mildenhall, UK. It approached the coast of …

  • German intelligence: Russia seeks to spoil relations between the EU and the US

    Russia is using manipulation in an effort to sow discord between the U.S. and Europe and to spoil the close EU-US cooperation, as stated in a joint report by the Federal Intelligence Service of Germany (BND) and the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution of the German government, Der Spiegel reports.

    According to the newspaper, German intelligence agencies were tasked by the Chancellor to investigate the activities of the Russian security services after a cyber-attack on the …

  • German regulator reduced Gazprom's access to the OPAL system

    The German energy regulator, Bundesnetzagentur, has reduced the limit of use of the OPAL gas pipeline for Russian Gazprom to the same level that was installed before, to 50%. As stated in the press-service of the company on Facebook, "The German regulator reduced the limit for Gazprom to use the OPAL pipeline to its former 50% but the actual amount of this reduction has not yet affected the actual volumes."

    In late October, the European Commission allowed Gazprom to increase its pumping gas …

  • Berlin invites Russian minister to attend G20 agriculture meeting in Germany despite sanctions

    Through a series of diplomatic maneuvers, the German government hopes to circumvent the EU’s travel ban for Russian Minister of Agriculture Aleksandr Tkachov, the DPA news agency reported.

    Tkachov is on the list of Russians who are subject to sanctions and is thus prohibited from entering the EU due to Russia’s annexation of the Crimea in 2014. However, according to the Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND) the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs plans to host the Russian minister on January 22. …