Contents tagged with Germany

  • German politicians are demanding that sanctions be imposed against Russia because of its actions in Syria

    German politicians from the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party and Alliance '90/The Greens demand that fresh sanctions be imposed against Russia for its actions in Syria. In connection with the raids of the Russian and Syrian aircraft on eastern Aleppo, the West must take immediate action, according to a joint statement of the deputies of the Bundestag. The CDU’s Norbert Röttgen and the Greens party’s Franziska Brantner asserted their respective parties’ united stance, which was published …

  • German special service fears that Russia may intervene in election

    The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution of Germany is concerned that Russia may interfere in the 2017 Bundestag election campaigns.

    “Last year, we saw that Russia influenced the formation of public opinion in Germany. We are concerned that the same might happen next year,” this was said by the president of the agency, Hans-Georg Maaßen, during an interview with Reuters.

    As an example of this, Maaßen mentioned the alleged kidnapping of a Russian girl named Lisa in Berlin. At …

  • German politicians criticized the expansion plan for Nord Stream 2

    A German politician from the Alliance 90/The Greens Party, Reinhard Bütikofer, stated that the Russian Federation funds the export of war through the export of energy resources. According to him, it is unacceptable to express favor to this country and provide support on economic issues at a time when the whole world is outraged by the role of Russia in Aleppo, Frankfurter Allgemeine reported.Frankfurter Allgemeine also quoted the Chairman of Bundestag’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, Norbert Rö …

  • German journalist: The crash of Kaczynski's Tu-154 was a terrorist attack

    German journalist, Jürgen Roth, believes that the cause of the 2010 plane crash near Smolensk was a terrorist attack committed by Russian security services. The journalist is convinced that it was ordered by a high-ranking Polish politician.

    According to Gazeta Polska, Roth's book titled ‘Smolensk 2010: The plot that changed the world’ will be published in November. The author makes reference to secret material of the Federal Intelligence Service of Germany (BND). These documents allegedly …

  • Germany to deploy Leopard 2 tanks to Lithuania

    German Leopard 2 tanks will be deployed to Lithuania along with German soldiers as part of NATO’s plans to create multi-national battalions in the Baltic States and Poland, TASS reported, citing a representative of the German Defense Ministry, Thomas Frueh.

    "Indeed, the decision was made to dispatch tanks, but we cannot say what their numerical strength will be," Freuh said.

    He also added that the tanks will participate in military exercises, and that their “main aim is to demonstrate their …

  • Steinmeier: Russia wants to participate in world politics on equal terms with the U.S.

    Russia’s politics in the world arena can be explained by their desire to compete with the United States and defend its spheres of influence. This was the view expressed by German Minister for Foreign Affairs Frank-Walter Steinmeier in an interview with Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung.

    “In Russia’s actions I see a willingness to participate in world politics on equal terms with the United States and an attempt to defend and expand its spheres of influence,” he said. Also according to Steinmeier, “ …

  • Klimkin: Elections in the Donbas are a 'distant prospect'

    Holding elections in the Donbas is a distanct prospect, as stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Pavlo Klimkin, to the Verkhovna Rada during an hour of questions to the government on Friday, October 21.

    "As of today, we are very far from being able to move to the question of organizing elections since it is necessary to achieve all the required security needs. And the accomplishment of these conditions will be assessed both by us and the OSCE, in particular, by the Office for …

  • Poroshenko: Russia supported creation of armed OSCE mission in the Donbas

    It was decided during the Berlin meeting of the Normandy Four, which consisted of the leaders of Ukraine, Germany, France and Russia, that the so-called armed OSCE police mission will be deployed to the Donbas. The mission will ensure that the region will be prepared for the local elections that will be held there. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said this at a press conference on the 20th of October after the meeting.

    “We also agreed that no one will interfere with the work of the OSCE. …

  • Bundestag Deputy: Germany should abandon Nord Stream II

    The Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the German Bundestag and member of the Christian Democratic Union, Norbert Röttgen, stated in his commentary to RND that Germany should refuse to participate in implementing the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, which Russia wants to lay on the bottom of the Baltic Sea.

    “The Federal Government should give up its stated position that the Nord Stream 2 is not a political project but purely business,” Röttgen said. “Poland, the Baltic …

  • Putin, Merkel, and Hollande to discuss Syria after Normandy format meeting

    After today’s Normandy format meeting between the leaders of Russia, Germany, France, and Ukraine to discuss the situation in the Donbas, Russian President Vladimir Putin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and French President François Hollande will discuss the war in Syria, RIA Novosti reported.

    According to Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov, “Today the president [Putin] will travel to Berlin on a working meeting… of the Normandy format, which will include Putin, Hollande, Merkel, and Poroshenko… …