Contents tagged with Germany

  • German politician warns of the danger of a conflict between Russia and the United States

    The Coordinator for Intersocietal Cooperation with Russia, Central Asia and the Eastern Partnership Countries, Gernot Erler, warned the United States and Russia against a possible military confrontation in Syria. "We are seeing a profound alienation between Russia and the West, and it is becoming more dangerous," the German politician said on Sunday, October 16, 2016 on the Berlin Direkt program on the socio-legal TV channel ZDF.

    As Erler said, there are serious discussions being carried out …

  • German Foreign Minister fears last vestiges of trust between US and Russia will be lost

    Frank Walter Steinmeier, Germany’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, said in an interview with Bild on October 8th that today’s tension between the USA and Russia is worse than it was during the Cold War, and that it is destroying the last vestiges of trust between the two largest countries in the world.

    "The number of reasons for conflict between Russia and the United States is growing. It seems that even the last trust is fading. If it goes on this way, we will be back in the days of …

  • German Bundestag confirmed intention to impose sanctions against Russia because of Syria

    The Chairman of the Bundestag's Committee on Foreign Affairs, Norbert Röttgen, stated that Russia must be held accountable for military crimes in Syria and confirmed the possibility of sanctions against Moscow, as reported by Suddeutsche Zeitung.

    "The absence of sanctions for horrible military crimes would be scandalous,” he said. Röttgen also stressed that the new sanctions will have an impact on Russian policy, although it might not happen immediately. He also criticized other European …

  • German Minister of Economic Affairs to meet with Putin in Russia

    The Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy of Germany, Sigmar Gabriel, will meet with the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, in Moscow to discuss the deterioration of bilateral trade relations. Among other things, the negotiations will also concern the current sanctions.

    Gabriel has repeatedly spoken out in favor of a gradual easing of the EU sanctions against Russia, if Moscow shows visible progress in the implementation of the Minsk Agreements and facilitates the conflict …

  • Poroshenko and Putin could meet in the coming weeks

    France and Germany hope to gather together the Normandy Four, the President of the French Republic, François Hollande reported. Hollande stated at the General Assembly of the United Nations that France and Germany are working on holding Normandy format negotiations in the coming weeks.

    “We, together with the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel have taken the initiative to arrange a meeting with the Presidents of Russia and Ukraine in the coming weeks in order to bring the Minsk Agreements …

  • Kyiv is skeptical about statements made by French and German Foreign Ministers about the Donbas

    Attempts made by the German and French foreign ministers to revive the Minsk Agreements in Moscow and the Donbas have caused a sharp reaction from Ukrainian politicians and experts. The foreign ministers discussed this issue during their visit to Kiev. Ukraine does not believe that Europe has the ability to ensure a ceasefire in the Donbas. They also do not agree with the ministers’ proposal on the procedure for the fulfillment of the Minsk Agreements, Deutsche Welle reported.

    Set against a …

  • French and German Foreign Ministers: We do not recognize the annexation of Crimea

    The German Minister of Foreign Affairs, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, and the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jean-Marc Ayrault, said that their countries do not recognize the annexation of Ukrainian Crimea by Russia.

    "Concerning the second question, about the legitimacy of the elections to the State Duma in Crimea, as my colleague Ayrault said, we do not recognize and will not recognize the annexation of Crimea," Frank-Walter Steinmeier said, answering a question by a correspondent of LB.u as …

  • Germany sees no reason to lift sanctions on Russia

    Most politicians in Germany see no reason for lifting the sanctions against Russia. This was said by the German Ambassador to Ukraine, Ernst Reichel, in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine.

    According to him, a “broad consensus” in this spirit was reached at the political level. This view is not only shared by the party of the left forces, which is the former Communist Party of East Germany.

    Some entrepreneurs in economic associations also have differing opinions on the extension of sanctions …

  • German Ambassador to Ukraine: All parties must be active in implementing Minsk agreements

    German Ambassador to Ukraine Ernst Reichel believes that Ukraine cannot fully assert its position on the Minsk Agreements and will have to make certain concessions. However, the existence of agreements with the Russian Federation would be more profitable for Ukraine than having none at all.

    "In this conflict which is regulated by the Minsk Agreements, Ukraine cannot 100% defend its interests and have to make certain concessions,” Reichel said in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine. He also …

  • German Foreign Ministry calls on Russia to stop spreading false information

    The German government harshly refuted the statements by the Russian Foreign Ministry that German Chancellor Angela Merkel made statements in favor of the nomination of Bulgarian EU Commissioner Kristalina Georgieva for the post of UN Secretary General during the G20 summit in Hangzhou. “The spread of objectively false information on an official level is an unfriendly act,” a representative of the Foreign Ministry of Germany, Martin Schäfer, said on Monday, September 12 in Berlin.

    A spokesman …