Contents tagged with India

  • Ukraine develops electromagnetic weapon

    The Ukrainian state enterprise Spetstechnoexport, which is a subsidiary of the state defense concern Ukroboronprom, announced that Ukraine has developed and begun production of an electromagnetic weapon designed to destroy various types of military radio-electronic devices, including power supplies and data transmission systems.

    Development of this technology was made possible through foreign investments. Between 2014-2015, Spetstechnoexport looked for foreign partners who would be willing to …

  • India to start joint production of Kalashnikov rifles with Russia

    On Sunday, March 3, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the launched the production of Kalashnikov rifles together with Russia. Manufacturing will start at the Korwa City Ordnance Factory in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.

    In December 2019, Russian Deputy Defence Minister Colonel-General Alexander Fomin reported that the production of Kalashnikov rifles in India could be established.

    The joint venture will produce AK-203 model rifles that will replace Indian-made INSAS rifles …

  • Putin invites India’s Prime Minister to the Eastern Economic Forum as the main guest

    On January 7th, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi held a telephone conversation.

    The Kremlin press service reports that the leaders warmly exchanged New Year’s wishes. Narendra Modi also expressed his best wishes to the Russian people in connection with Christmas.

    According to the Kremlin press service, the key issues of the bilateral agenda were discussed.  

    Putin wished Modi success in the scheduled upcoming parliamentary elections.

    The sides agreed …

  • India rejects Russian MiG-29 fighter jets due to constant malfunctions

    India has decided not to buy MiG-29K 4th generation carrier-based multirole fighters from Russia, due to their constant malfunctions, Russian news outlets report.

    The reports have been confirmed by the MiG Corporation.

    According to the Indian military, the Russian-made planes are “riddled with problems”. Specialists have found issues with the quality of the airframe, the control system, and the simulator program for training.

    The most serious problems have been with the power unit, with 40 …

  • Russia wants to sell Igla-S MANPADS to India

    The news agencies Interfax and RIA Novosti, citing their sources, report that Russia’s tender to supply India with Igla-S MANPADS was accepted.

    At the same time, a TASS military-diplomatic source said that Russia had not yet won the tender, but “there is a high degree of probability that Russia will win in the competition to supply MANPADS.”

    Earlier, Reuters reported that the Russian arms exporter Rosoboronexport offered the lowest price among bidders for the supply of MANPADS for the Indian …

  • Pakistan criticizes India’s arms deal with Russia

    The Pakistani government has criticized India’s intention to purchase S-400 anti-air missile systems from Russia, and responded that Islamabad is capable of opposing the supposed threat to its security.

    Earlier Delhi signed a deal with Russia to purchase what experts consider the most modern anti-missile defense systems for a price of $5.4 billion. The Indian authorities claim to be doing so in order to protect India against missile strikes from China or Pakistan.

    In an official communique, …

  • Russia and India sign contract for supply of S-400 missile systems

    During his visit to India, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a contract with the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi for the supply of anti-aircraft missile system S-400, reports Interfax with reference to the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov.

    According to Interfax, Russia will supply five squadrons of S-400 missiles systems. The amount of the transaction exceeds $5 billion.

    Earlier, the Russian Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia Denis Manturov, in an …

  • India to purchase S-400 anti-aircraft systems from Russia for $5 billion

    India agreed to purchase five regiments of S-400 Triumf air defense systems from Russia worth about five billion dollars, stated Yuri Ushakov, Aide to the President of the Russian Federation, Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports. The systems can be delivered in October after the agreement is officially signed during the Russian President’s visit to New Delhi.

    At the end of July, Reuters reported that the USA opened the way for India to avoid sanctions for purchasing Russian military industrial products. …

  • Russia loses its largest weapons buyer

    India, which has been the largest buyer of Russian weapons in the world market, suspended existing contracts payments to Russia’s arms exporter Rosoboronexport and refused to sign the new ones, including the purchase of fighters and S-400 missile systems.

    The newspaper Vedomosti reports, citing sources in the Russian defense industry, that the payments from the Indian government have not been received since April.

    Indian banks began blocking transactions after Rosoboronexport and most Russian …

  • Ukraine to provide maintenance for engines of Indian warships

    Indian company Bharat Heavy Electricals will set up a joint venture with Ukrainian Zorya Mashproekt to maintain the gas turbine power plants of Indian warships, International Business Times reports. The factory will be set up in India so that the Indian military can save money by not having to send engines to Ukraine for service maintenance.   According to International Business Times, Zorya turbines are extensively used in major Indian warships, including five Rajput class destroyers, three …