Contents tagged with India

  • India to purchase S-400 missile systems from Russia

    India has approved the final draft of the agreement to buy S-400 Triumf anti-aircraft missile systems from Russia for $6 billion, the Times of India newspaper writes.

    The Indian government's Defense Acquisition Council (DAC) settled "minor differences" that had emerged during recent negotiations with Russia. Now, the contract for the supply of missile systems will be sent to the Ministry of Finance for approval and the Cabinet Committee on Security for final permission, the newspaper reports, …

  • Media: India abandons joint development of Su-57 fighter with Russia

    An agreement between Russia and India on the joint development of a new fifth-generation fighter aircraft has been abandoned due to a decision by India’s Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) to withdraw from the project, reported the Indian daily newspaper The Economic Times, citing sources who participated in the negotiations. According to the publication, DRDO explained its decision by saying it either already has, or is in the process of developing indigenously, all the …

  • India to buy S-400 missile systems from Russia

    India and Russia have completed negotiations for the sale of Russian S-400 Triumf missile systems to Indian air forces. The countries are now trying to figure out a way to avoid American sanctions, the Press Trust Of India news agency reports.

    The Official Representative of the negotiations stated that the final components of the deal were now finalized. According to the source, Russia and India will announce the deal before the annual meeting of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian …

  • India to end arms collaboration with Russia

    Delhi has accused Russia of failing to comply with its defense contract deadlines, The Times of India reports.

    India has deliberately diversified its weapons imports due to Russia’s tendency not to stick to delivery deadlines and to raise the budget in the middle of the process, the newspaper claims.

    Indian officials also accuse Russia of preventing the transfer of technology and of having an “unreliable” supply of spare parts.

    It is likely that the country will withdraw from the Fifth …

  • Russia and India to sign a contract on the supply of S-400 missile systems

    Russia and India are in the final stage of negotiations to purchase Triumph S-400 air defense missile systems. The contract is expected to be signed in the first week of April, the Economic Times reports with reference to internal sources.

    According to the Economic Times, the contract might be signed during the first visit of Indian Defense Minister Nirmala Sitharaman to Moscow in early April. Indian Air Force representatives note that the procurement of the S-400, developed by Russia, is …

  • Media: India disappointed with Russian Su-57 fighters

    The Russian-Indian program to develop and produce fifth-generation fighter aircraft (FGFA) is in danger because the Indian Air Force believes that the aircraft does not measure up to required characteristics. It would likely be out-performed by the American F-35 and F-22, reports Hindustan Times, citing its sources in the air force.

    According to them, the Indian leadership is not satisfied with the functionalities of the Su-57 but a political decision should be made regarding the continuation …

  • India considering canceling the fighter jet program with Russia

    The Indian Air Force command demanded the cancellation of the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) project where it planned to build a fifth-generation fighter for the Indian army based on the Russian Su-57 aircraft. This was reported by the portal with reference to the report of the Indian Air Force command.

    The decision was allegedly made because the program did not meet India’s requirements because it does not allow for the creation of an aircraft that could demonstrate …

  • India walks away from buying two oil deposits from Russia’s oil giant Rosneft

    India refused Rosneft's offer to buy five additional oilfields in the Vankor cluster (Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia), reported Indian newspaper The Economic Times citing sources familiar with the negotiations.

    "We do not want to put all of our eggs in one basket. Russia can continue to offer oil deposits, but we cannot accept all proposals," the source said. "We have invested enough in Russia, so, there is no need to close this deal urgently. There are other attractive opportunities for investment …

  • Poroshenko invites newly elected president of India to visit Ukraine

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and newly elected President of India Ram Nath Covind discussed the prospect of intensifying the political dialogue between their two countries in a telephone conversation.

    "The leaders of the two countries noted their mutual willingness to significantly activate the political dialogue between Ukraine and the Republic of India at all levels," the press office of the Ukrainian Head of State reported after the conversation.

    The President’s press service paid …

  • India to increase imports of Ukrainian sunflower oil

    India is interested in increasing Ukrainian sunflower oil import volume, as reported by the press service of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection.

    This was on the agenda for the August 2nd meeting of the leadership of the the State Service on Food Safety and Consumer Protection with the representatives of the Indian Oilseed and Produce Exporters Association. During the meeting, they discussed the issues of exporting Ukrainian sunflower and sunflower oil to India. …