Contents tagged with Japan

  • Media: US deploys Global Hawk drones to Japan from base on Guam

    The United States has begun to move five Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) from Andersen Air Force Base on the island of Guam. The arrival of the first such drone to the Yokota Air Base in Tokyo was filmed by the Japanese NHK television channel.

    More than 100 American technicians will also travel there to maintain and service the drones.  The UAVs will be deployed in Japan temporarily, until October of this year. The decision that it would be a temporary deployment was based on the …

  • Media: Japan's self-defense forces to carry out new operations to protect U.S. Navy ships

    Japanese Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) ships will carry out new operations aimed at the protection of the U.S. fleet ensuring the security of Japan, as announced on Sunday on NHK, citing government sources.

    According to the report, Defense Minister Tomomi Inada has already issued the order. It is expected that the crew of the Izumo helicopter carrier will be the first to fulfill these tasks, which became possible after adopting amendments to defense legislation.

    On May 1st, the ship will leave …

  • China mobilizes 100,000 troops to the North Korean border

    China has deployed an additional military force of 100,000 troops to the North Korean border. Growing tensions on the Korean Peninsula have led Chinese armed forces to raise their level of readiness, reported the Japanese newspaper Yomiuri, citing sources in China.

    According to Yomiuri, such enhanced precautions have been in effect since mid-April.

    A US Navy strike group led by the USS Carl Vinson is currently active near the Korean Peninsula. The US ship is conducting exercises together with …

  • US and Japanese Navy conduct exercises off coast of Korean Peninsula

    Not far from the shores of the Korean Peninsula, American and Japanese sailors are working together in military operations. The US Navy aircraft carrier strike group and Japanese Navy ships are conducting exercises, according to a report in the Japanese newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun.

    The purpose of the exercises is to exert pressure on North Korea in light of the country’s continuing ballistic missile tests. The maneuvers involve two Japanese destroyers – Ashigara  and Samidare – and will last …

  • Russia will complete the installation of missile systems throughout the country in 2017

    In 2017, Russia will complete the installation of missile systems that will "protect the entire perimeter of Russia, both from the sea and from the air," claimed Russian Defense Minister, Army General Sergei Shoigu, on March 20th, according to Russian media reports, while Shoigu was commenting on the results of the Russian-Japanese discussions in Tokyo.

    “We will complete the full security of the entire perimeter of the Russian Federation, both from the sea and from the air this year. Leaving …

  • Russian official: Russia may review its nuclear security measures if U.S. deploys nuclear weapons in South Korea and Japan

    The Head of the Defense Committee of the Federation Council of Russia, Viktor Ozerov, said that, if necessary, the Russian Federation might analyze and review measures to strengthen its nuclear security.

    Ozerov made this statement in response to the words of U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson about the possible emergence of nuclear weapons in South Korea and Japan to contain the threat from North Korea.

    "I do not think that the deployment of nuclear weapons in South Korea and Japan poses a …

  • Japan proposes development plan to Russia regarding disputed islands

    Japan is prepared to propose to Russia a specific plan for the general economic development of the islands which both nations claim, reports Nikkei Asia Review.

    The Japanese government is proposing to develop the islands located north-east of Hokkaido as a tourist destination, with the aim of attracting Japanese visitors.

    According to this plan, private Japanese and Russian companies will jointly offer tourist cruises to the islands controlled by Russia, which Russia calls the Southern …

  • Japan voices protest against Russia over plans to station division in the Kuril Islands

    The Government of Japan has voiced protest over the Russian Defense Ministry’s plans to place a division in the Kuril Islands within the year. Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga announced the official position at a press conference, reports Nikkei media outlet.

    According to Suga, the strengthening of Russia's military presence on the Kuril Islands "is incompatible with the position of Japan." Suga also added that the issue would be discussed at a meeting of the foreign and defense …

  • Japan scrambled fighters to intercept Russian bombers

    During the second half of the day on January 24th, Japan's air force scrambled their fighters in response to three Russian bombers Tu-95 approaching the borders of the country.

    Russian planes flew along the borders of the country in the north and then flew over the Sea of Japan, the Ministry of Defense of Japan stated. A map with the route of the Russian bombers’ flight and their photos were published on the ministry's website. Two bombers flew to the south of the island of Okinawa, flew …

  • Abe hopes to reach an agreement with Russia over Kuril Islands

    On Sunday, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said he plans to visit Russia early this year in order to reach a settlement on the contested Kuril Islands, TASS reported.

    Speaking in the Yamaguchu Prefecture, Abe said, "Having the firm intention to settle [Kuril Islands] within this generation, we hope [to apply] every effort for negotiations.”

    "For that, early this year I want to visit Russia,” Abe added.

    The dispute over the four Kuril Islands, which Tokyo considers its “northern …