Contents tagged with Japan

  • Japan expresses regret over Russian missile exercises in the Kurils

    The Japanese government has expressed regret over Russia's missile exercises on the South Kuril island of Iturup, reported the Japanese newspaper Yomiuri.

    After Russia notified Japan of the missile tests, Japan sent a corresponding statement expressing its regret through the Japanese Embassy in Moscow to the Russian authorities. Russia quickly dismissed Japan’s allegations. Japanese authorities also warned shipping companies and fishermen about the Russian exercises in the area.

    On June 11, …

  • Japanese Prime Minister hopes to sign peace treaty with Russia during current generation’s lifetime

    Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe expects to resolve the issue of concluding a peace treaty with Russia within the current generation’s lifetime. RIA Novosti reports that Abe said this after talks with Vladimir Putin.

    "The issue of a peace treaty, which was not signed for over 70 years, is not easy to resolve; however, we want to put an end to this problem in our generation. This is our key goal," Abe said.

    Putin offered to patiently seek a solution that meets the interests of Russia and …

  • Japan cuts off Russian aluminum supplies after US sanctions imposed

    As a result of the U.S. sanctions against Russia, Japan will no longer receive aluminum supplies from the Russian company Rusal, stated Kunihiko Higashi, Director of Rusal Japan.

    “All further supplies have been cancelled,” the Director said. “Our customers informed us that they would not be able to make payments to the Rusal company for supplies because of the new sanctions imposed by the U.S. We have received notifications from our customers one after another.”

    Higashi stated that the cargo …

  • Japan protests against Russian air drills in Kuril Islands

    Japan has filed a protest with Russia concerning Russian air drills over the island of Iturup, Japanese Foreign Minister Tarō Kōno said in response to questions from MPs of the Lower House.

    On Monday, two Russian Su-35 fighters executed a drill to relocate from Khabarovsk Krai to the Burevestnik reserve military airbase on Iturup Island, covering a distance of over 2,000 kilometers. The exercise was done in order to improve their flight training and their experience in defending Russia’s air …

  • Japan refuses to recognize Russian presidential elections in annexed Crimea

    The Embassy of Japan in Ukraine released a statement on March 22 affirming its refusal to recognize the legitimacy of either the Russian Presidential elections in the Crimea or the annexation of the peninsula.

    "Japan does not recognize the illegal annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation in March 2014, therefore, it does not consider the holding of the so-called Russian presidential elections in Crimea on March 18, 2018 as valid," the statement says.

    The Embassy of Japan also emphasized …

  • Japan to provide $4 million for humanitarian programs in Ukraine

    Japan will provide $ 4 million for humanitarian programs in Ukraine. Shigeki Sumi, Japanese Ambassador to Ukraine, said at a press conference that a significant part of the funds will be given for the reconstruction of housing and social facilities in eastern of Ukraine.

    In addition, money will be provided for the purchase of medical equipment, training of out-migrants, and the purchase of radio equipment for the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    The funds will be provided through seven projects …

  • Japan protests against Russia’s military exercises on the Kuril Islands

    At a Budget Committee meeting of the lower chamber of the Japanese Parliament, Foreign Minister Taro Kono expressed a strong objection against the beginning of the Russian military exercises on the Kuril Islands, Kyodo news agency reports.

    According to the report, Russia’s exercises contradict the position of Japan on the four Northern islands (the South Kuril Islands).

    Shortly before, week-long military exercises started on the islands of the Kuril Ridge, Interfax reported, citing the …

  • Russia to establish military air base on disputed Kuril Islands

    The Russian Ministry of Defense received permission from the government to use the airfield on the Kuril Island of Iturup as an air base, according to an order signed by the Prime Minister, Dmitry Medvedev.

    "The "Sakhalin Region" section of the list of joint base aerodromes of the Russian Federation to be supplemented with the following entry: Iturup - civil - the Ministry of Defense of Russia," the document says.

    In 2016, Bastion and Bal coastal missile systems were deployed to the southern …

  • Japan reports an increase in the number of Russian military aircraft at its borders

    On January 21st, the Ministry of Defense of Japan reported an increase in the number of appearances of military aircraft, primarily reconnaissance, of the Russian Aerospace Forces near the border of their country, citing a report from the Joint Staff of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces for the period from April to December of last year.

    "Due to the approach of Russian aircraft [fighters of the self-defense air force ] were scrambled 328 times, this is 97 times more than during the same period …

  • Japan to simplify the visa regime for Ukraine

    Ukrainska Pravda reports that Japan will simplify the visa regime for citizens of Ukraine, effective January 1, 2018.

    The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Ukraine, Shigeki Sumi made the announcement during a welcoming speech on the occasion of the end of the year of Japan in Ukraine."Thanks to the implementation of the year of Japan, the JICA office (Japan International Cooperation Agency) in Ukraine has been opened, and from January 1, 2018, the visa regime for …