Contents tagged with Japan

  • Britain scrambles two fighter jets to intercept Russian bombers

    British fighter jets intercepted two Russian bombers probing UK airspace, according to a statement made by the British Ministry of Defense. “RAF Quick Reaction Alert (QRA) Typhoon fighter aircraft scrambled from RAF Lossiemouth to monitor two Russian planes approaching UK airspace. The Russian Blackjacks long-range bombers were not talking to air traffic control, making them a hazard to all other aviation.,” said the Ministry of Defense in a statement.

    British Typhoon fighter jets were sent …

  • Japanese fighter jets intercept Russian warplanes over the Sea of Japan

    The Japanese Defense Ministry announced that Japanese fighter jets scrambled to intercept Su-27 multi-role fighters and Su-24 frontline bombers near the western island of Honshu, Ria Novosti reports. It is also reported one more unknown plane flying over that waters of the Sea of Japan that was “allegedly Russian.”

    In early September, Russian Tu-142 antisubmarine aircraft flew near Japanese borders and were also immediately accompanied by Japanese fighter aircraft. From Spring 2017 to Spring 20 …

  • Kremlin: Russia and Japan intend to continue work to conclude peace treaty

    Dmitry Peskov, the press secretary of the Russian president, said during a broadcast of Russia 1 TV channel that the negotiations between Moscow and Tokyo on the peace treaty will continue,  RIA Novosti reports.

    Peskov stressed that neither side has refused to continue negotiations to reach a consensus. He explained that each side has their own “limits” and nuances in their approaches. “But, strategically, Abe and Putin confirmed their intention to work on the conclusion of a peace treaty,” he …

  • Japan tells Russia: dispute over Kuril Islands must be settled before any peace treaties are discussed

    Russian President Vladimir Putin’s proposed peace treaty with Japan would be impossible without settling the territorial dispute, said Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe during the pre-election debates.

    The Prime Minister recalled that Tokyo’s position regarding the status of the South Kurils, what he called the “northern territories,” remains unchanged and he personally stated this during the meeting with Putin. “I expressed our position to Russian President Vladimir Putin. First, we should …

  • Japan rejects Putin’s peace treaty proposal

    Japan has rejected the proposition of Vladimir Putin to sign a peace treaty without preliminary conditions.

    Putin made the proposition on Wednesday at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok.

    Tokyo’s position remains unchanged: the document cannot be signed until the territorial dispute between Russia and Japan is settled.

    “We will persistently continue to hold negotiations on the basis of the previous course: first deal with the problems, with the return of the ‘northern territories’, and …

  • Japan accuses Russia and China of escalating military activity in the region

    At a meeting with the leadership of Japan's self-defense forces, Japanese Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera said that Russia and China pose a threat to the national security of the country by increasing military activity in the region.

    "We are witnessing actions that mean the escalation of military activity in the Eastern Pacific," said Onodera.

    As a confirmation of his words, the Minister referred to the most extensive Russian military exercises since the cold war Vostok-2018. He also …

  • Japan reports passage of the ‘largest’ flotilla of Russian warships

    The Ministry of Defense of Japan reported that 28 warships of the Russian Pacific Fleet passed along the La Perouse Strait (between the islands of Hokkaido and Sakhalin). The ships left from Okhotsk in the Sea of Japan reports Kyodo news outlet.

    Japan authorities believed that this is the largest group of Russian ships to make this trip since the Cold War. Kyodo emphasizes that the ships did not commit any hostile actions or violate Japanese territorial waters.

    The squadron includes supply …

  • Japan scrambles fighter jets to intercept Russian warplanes

    Fighter jets from the Japanese Self-Defense Forces intercepted and escorted Russian aircraft, reported the website of the Japanese Ministry of Defense. Four JSDF jets scrambled to intercept two Tu-142 anti-submarine warfare planes and two Su-24 all-weather attack planes.

    According to the Joint Staff of the JSDF’s air force, the Tu-142 planes flew towards Hokkaido Island and continued along its west coast to the south making a circle and flying round the archipelago. Also, a Su-24 bomber flew …

  • Russia and Japan agree on Russian naval ships’ visit to Hokkaido

    Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu and Japanese Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera agreed on a visit of Russia’s Pacific Fleet to the Port of Hakodate on the island of Hokkaido, Onodera said upon completion of negotiations with Shoygu in Moscow.

    He said that Russian naval ships will enter the Japanese port in October “as part of defense cooperation events”. He noted that the cooperation between Russia and Japan in the field of security will strengthen trust and will “deepen mutual …

  • Russia concerned over Japanese bill on Kuril Islands

    Russian lawmakers are trying to negotiate with Japan to prevent a series of legislative actions, which would disrupt an easing of relations, reported the chair of the Federation Council’s Foreign Affairs Committee Konstantin Kosachev, according to RIA Novosti.

    “We will definitely be continuing to discuss this matter, so that if possible certain legislative measures will not be allowed to pass, measures which would disrupt both countries’ efforts to move forward on the resolution of certain …