Contents tagged with Kyiv

  • Ukrainian Army plans to buy up to 20 types of new weapons

    Ukraine Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak stated that Kyiv will purchase up to 20 types of new weapons for the country's army. He emphasized that domestically produced weapons would be purchased, as well as Western weapons.

    “I would say that most of the weapons will be of domestic production,” the press service of the Ukraine Defense Ministry cites him as saying.

    The Ukrainian Minister of Defense said that plans to acquire arms are part of state defense contracts for 2019-2021 adopted by the …

  • Russia extends arrest of Roshen's assets

    The Basmanny District Court of Moscow extended the arrest of immovable property and land of the Roshen confectionary factory in Lipetsk for three months. As a result, all money on the factory’s accounts for salaries of remaining personnel, were withdrawn to pay taxes, fines and penalties, the factory’s press service stated. 

    "In fact, before the Arbitration Courts could took any decisions on the case, [Russian] tax authorities, using unsubstantiated judicial decisions on cancelation of interim …

  • Merkel says sanctions against Russia are necessary

    Germany does not intend to soften sanctions against Russia even though German businesses would like to see the relations with Russia improve, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in Berlin on Thursday.

    Although the German business circles often call for softening the sanctions, “this is about principles”, Merkel said.

     “There are a number of states around Russia that were not able to develop as they would like to. We cannot shut our eyes to this. We can explain something with sanctions,” she …

  • Kyiv: US supports Ukraine joining NATO

    The US is expecting Ukraine to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), according to a joint statement by the Ukraine-US Strategic Partnership Commission published on the Ukrainian embassy’s website on Saturday, November 17.

    “Ukraine once again confirmed that NATO membership remains its strategic priority, which was recently consolidated in national legislation. The United States welcomes Ukraine’s aspiration to join NATO, which was set out in the Bucharest Declaration of 2008, and …

  • Russia: Ukraine ‘went too far’ with unfriendly steps

    The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova stated at a press briefing that Ukrainian authorities went too far with their unfriendly steps and provoked retaliatory steps from Russia, TASS reports.

    “Russia restrained itself for a long time in order not to take such measures, but the current Kyiv regime went too far, and we cannot ignore such unfriendly steps,” she explained. When asked about a possible negative reaction from the west, Zakharova said, “People …

  • Kyiv expects unifying church assembly before year end

    The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyivan Patriarchate (UOC KP) expects that a united assembly of the orthodox churches will be held before the end of the year. At the assembly, it will announce the establishment of a new church, with a Tomos of Autocephaly (independence) from the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, UOC KP Archbishop Yevstratiy told RBC.

    “We hope that all the procedures will be completed this year, and that the Tomos, as a physical official document, will be in Kyiv …

  • Kyiv district court sequesters property of Ukraine’s Minister of Infrastructure

    The Solomianka District Court of Kyiv has arrested the property of the Infrastructure Minister of Ukraine, Volodymyr Omelyan, reported 112 Ukraine, citing the press secretary of the court, Yana Kvitchenko. “The applications were submitted and examined, and the arrest was indeed imposed,” she said.

    The spokeswoman emphasized that the judge had considered two applications in closed session, so she isn’t allowed to provide information of what property has been arrested. The channel notes that …

  • Expert: Ukraine to develop a ‘powerful’ cruise missile by the next year

    Kyiv will be able to create a "powerful" anti-ship cruise missile next year, stated Valentin Badrak, Head of the Ukrainian Center for Army, Conversion and Disarmament Studies.

    According to the Ukrainian expert, the new anti-ship cruise missile will be able to hit "any target" at a distance of 280-300 kilometers.

    "This is a powerful mobile surface weapon that can be used by the Coast Guard," said Badrak, adding that the missile will become a "psychological factor" of deterrence against Russia. …

  • Queen Elizabeth II rents an estate in Kyiv

    Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland took on lease of an estate in the center of the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, accordint to the Kyiv City Council.

    Her Royal Majesty took on lease of a land plot of 0.16 hectares located at 13a Kostolna Street, with the right of ownership to the estate. The estimated cost of the estate is 11,367,500 hryvnia or approximately USD 416,400 while the monthly lease fee will amount to UAH 568,400 or USD 20,800. The lease will …

  • Mayor of Kyiv: Starbucks considers entering the Ukrainian market

    Starbucks, an American coffee company and coffeehouse chain is considering entering the Ukrainian market, as Mayor of Kyiv, Vitali Klitschko, said speaking at the Ukraine house in Davos on Wednesday.  

    He assured that he will do his best to ensure that the American coffeehouse chain can enter Ukraine.  

    The first-ever Ukraine House in Davos (Switzerland) takes place alongside the WEF's Annual Meeting in January 2018. The Ukraine House will run a week-long venue under the theme: 'Ukraine: …