Contents tagged with Kyiv

  • Kyiv: Ukraine satisfied with EU policy changes concerning Nord Stream 2

     The EU’s coordinated amendments to its Gas Directive establish a legal framework for the Nord Stream 2 project to function in accordance with EU standards, but do not reduce the security risks, and could make Russia’s behavior even more aggressive, wrote Olena Zerkal, Ukraine’s Deputy Foreign Minister for European Integration, on Facebook. 

    “First and foremost, EU law will extend to gas pipelines from third countries, including Nord Stream 2. This was and remains the key provision of the …

  • Transnistria hopes to open embassy in Kyiv

    Vadim Krasnoselsky, head of the unrecognized republic of Transnistria, has announced his intention to open embassies for his republic in Brussels and in Kyiv.

    “The head of Transnistria’s government has instructed the ministry of foreign affairs to open official Transnistrian embassies in Kyiv and Brussels,” the republic’s foreign ministry reported.

    However, the primary task of the Transnistrian foreign ministry is “to practically implement the national idea of Transnistria, which consists in …

  • Russia warns of gas supply problems to Europe if Nord Stream 2 is stopped

    The Russian Foreign Ministry warned the EU against hindering the Nord Stream 2 project, stated Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Alexander Pankin in an interview with RIA Novosti. 

    Pankin stated that if obstacles are created to force Russia to pump gas through Ukraine “on their terms, their tariffs and their legal uncertainties, then this would not work”. He pointed to possible difficulties that European consumers could have if Russia and Ukraine fail to reach an agreement on gas transit and “ …

  • Savchenko's party nominates her for the Presidency of Ukraine

    The Party Social and Political Platform of Nadiya Savchenko nominated her as a candidate for Presidency of Ukraine by unanimous decision, stated civil network OPORA on Saturday, January 26.

    "The delegates held pomegranates in their hands and chanted "Freedom to Nadiya Savchenko, freedom to Ukrainian political prisoners,” the statement reads. OPORA added that Savchenko’s program includes changing the Ukrainian political system constitutionally.

    As noted on Savchenko's page on Facebook, more …

  • Kyiv court finds Viktor Yanukovych guilty of high treason

    The Obolonskyi District Court of Kyiv has sentenced former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in absentia to 13 years in prison. Radio Liberty’s Russian service reported on 24 January that Yanukovych, who fled from Ukraine to Russia in 2014, was found guilty of high treason and complicity in aggressive war.

    The court dismissed the charges that he had been complicit in a deliberate attempt to change the territorial and state borders of Ukraine.

    Viktor Yanukovych himself did not attend the …

  • Kyiv: Ukraine has to continue buying Belarusian fuel made from Russian oil

    Kyiv purchases from Belarus fuel made from Russian oil, said Heorhiy Tuka, Deputy Minister for Temporarily Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons, on the 112 Ukraine TV channel.

    “We have to buy from Belarus a large amount of fuel that is used by the entire country. Belarus, undoubtedly, produces it from Russian oil, but it is still profitable for us,” he said.

    According to Tuka, an alternative way for Ukraine implies buying fuel made from European oil, but he expressed doubts …

  • Kyiv: there will be no direct negotiations with Russia on gas transit

    Naftogaz CEO Andriy Kobolyev announced that in 2019, the Ukrainian company would continue negotiations on the transit of Russian gas through Ukraine. He stressed that the format of the negotiations will remain trilateral and not directly with Gazprom.

    "We rely on European law and Ukraine's interests and will start negotiations with Gazprom on further transit solely in the trilateral format with the participation of the European Commission,” Kobolev wrote on Facebook .

    In late December, …

  • Ukrainian Orthodox Church conducts first liturgy as independent church

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has called on the world’s orthodox churches to recognize their “Ukrainian sister”.

    On January 7, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) conducted its first service in the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv after receiving its tomos of autocephaly (independence). The service began with the Orthodox Christmas liturgy.

    According to the president’s official website, the tomos of Autocephaly was solemnly set in place before the royal brothers of the cathedral.

    His …

  • Former US ambassador: Washington will soon provide Ukraine with more weapons

    Washington could send Kyiv weapons and impose new sanctions on Russia within the next two or three months, former US ambassador to Ukraine John Herbst told Radio Liberty in an interview. 

    “Within 2-3 months we will see the US giving Kyiv weapons and announcing new sanctions against Russia in connection with this aggression [in the Kerch Strait]. I think that, in the course of the next 8-10, or at most 12 weeks, this more forceful US response will appear. And, in addition to the sanctions, this …

  • British and Canadian embassies start functioning as NATO representatives in Ukraine

    As of January 1, 2019, the embassies of the UK and Canada will jointly function as NATO’s contact point embassy in Ukraine, a role performed by Lithuania for the last four years. 

    The decision was confirmed by NATO’s headquarters and coordinated with Kyiv, Evropeyska Pravda reports. 

    Contact point embassies work in all NATO partner states. The functions are on a voluntary, rotational basis for the NATO member states that are most interested in strengthening NATO’s cooperation with the partner …