Contents tagged with Kyiv

  • Poroshenko claims to have sold all businesses there were buyers for

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said that over the last five years he has sold all of the businesses for which there were buyers.

    “Wherever there was a buyer, even if they didn’t have the money now or if it had to be paid off over many years, I sold my assets. This was the case with Kuznya na Rybalskomu. There is a new owner, the relevant decisions have been made,” Poroshenko told journalists in the press center of the Olimpiyskiy Stadium in Kyiv at an event that was supposed to be a …

  • Zelensky challenges Ukrainian President Poroshenko to debate in Olimpiyskiy stadium

    Volodymyr Zelensky, who won the first round of Ukraine’s presidential elections with 30.2% of the votes, has announced that he is willing to publicly debate the incumbent president Petro Poroshenko before they face off in the second round of elections.

    “I will go to debates. I’m speaking to Petro Poroshenko, you challenge me to debates, dreaming that I’ll run away and hide. No. I am not you in 2014. I will accept the challenge,” Zelensky said in a video posted on Facebook.

    However, the …

  • Ukrainian elections: One third of Ukrainians voted for Zelensky

    After announcing his candidacy on New Year’s Eve, Volodymyr Zelensky needed only three months to come first out of 40 other candidates in the first round of Ukraine’s presidential elections on 31 March. According to three authoritative sociological services, the results are unprecedented in Ukraine’s recent history. A comedian and political debutant, Zelensky received roughly 30.4% of the votes, whereas current president and candidate Petro Poroshenko came second with only 16.4%. Former prime …

  • Front-runner in Ukraine’s election race names condition for returning Crimea

    The front-runner in the election race in Ukraine, showman and politician, Volodymyr Zelensky, speaking about his views on the Crimea and Donbas issue in an interview with the ICTV channel, announced that he considers a change of power in Moscow to be the only condition for returning the Crimea to Kyiv's control.

    “Crimea will return only when power changes in Russia. There is no other choice, “said Zelensky.

    Speaking about the status of Donbas, Zelensky stressed that he does not believe in the …

  • Ukrainian Security Service reopens criminal case against Saakashvili

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) resumed investigation against the former President of Georgia and the leader of the Ukrainian political party Movement of New Forces, Mikheil Saakashvili, announced his lawyer Ruslan Chernolutsky on Facebook.

    Chernolutsky released the General Prosecutor's Office letter, which refers to the renewal of the investigation conducted by the SBU Main Investigation Department in Kyiv region.

    The statement indicates that the investigation was resumed by the …

  • Ukraine imposes new sanctions on Russia

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has enacted a decision by the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) from 19 March 2019 “On the use, revocation and introduction of amendments to the personal special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions)”.

    Sanctions have been placed on 294 legal and 848 physical entities, among them Oleksandr Yanukovych’s MAKO Holding, EN+ Group and a number of companies linked to Oleg Deripaska, and the companies Power Machines and Stroytransgaz.

    The …

  • Ukraine sentences Putin’s representative to 13 years in prison in absentia

    Kyiv Svyatoshinsky district administration sentenced the authorized representative of the President of the Russian Federation, Oleg Belaventsev, to 13 years in prison in the so-called "Crimean Federal District" trial in absentia, reported Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko on Facebook.

    The court found Belaventsev guilty of committing an encroachment on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine, incitement to high treason and waging an aggressive war against Ukraine.

    The …

  • Kyiv condemns visit by French politicians to Crimea

    The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has condemned a visit by French politicians to the Russia-occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

    In an official online statement, the Foreign Ministry stressed that the visit demonstrates a lack of respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, and ignores the fundamental principles of international law and Ukraine’s own legislation.

    “They are also acting contrary to the official position of their own country, which decisively condemns Russia’ …

  • Kyiv: almost 300 prisoners have been transferred to Ukraine from Crimea and Donbas

    The Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Justice, Denys Chernyshov, announced that 286 prisoners were transferred from the penitentiary institutions in the uncontrolled regions of Donbas and the annexed Crimea to serve their sentence in Ukraine's controlled territories, reported Ukrinform .

    “The majority of the convicts, 199 people, were transferred from the so-called DPR (Donetsk People’s Republic) and 12 persons were transferred from the Crimea. Last year and in February of this year, there were …

  • Israel and Ukrainian Security Service coordinate joint drug bust

    Amos Dov Silver, founder of the Israeli cannabis distribution network Telegrass, was arrested in Kyiv on Tuesday, announced Israeli Ambassador to Ukraine Joel Lion.

    At the same time, 42 members of the criminal organization were arrested in Israel.

    The operation was jointly coordinated by the Israel Police and the Security Service of Ukraine’s directorate for fighting organized crime and corruption.

    “The embassy of the State of Israel in Ukraine takes this opportunity to sincerely thank our …