Contents tagged with Kyiv

  • Giuliani wanted to give Zelensky a message from Trump

    US President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Rudolph Giuliani has revealed the goal of his planned visit to Ukraine, which was ultimately called off. He told in an interview that he wanted to give Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky a message from Donald Trump.

    Giuliani said that, first and foremost, he wanted to convince Zelensky to continue the investigation into Hunter Biden, son of Trump’s primary competitor and former vice president Joe Biden, as well as the other people …

  • IMF confirms readiness to cooperate with new Ukrainian government

    IMF representative Gerry Rice confirmed that the Fund is ready to continue cooperation with a new government in Ukraine as soon as it is formed.

    "When the government will be formed following the elections, we will be ready to continue the discussion about our further partnership with Ukraine," said Rice.

    He also confirmed that the IMF mission, which came to Kyiv for two weeks to assess the reforms, continues its work and will not return to Washington ahead of schedule, as several media …

  • Kyiv reports that eight Ukrainian soldiers were detained in DPR

    The Joint Forces Operation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that eight Ukrainian servicemen were detained near Donetsk, according a message posted to the Facebook page of the operation’s command.

    This happened near the settlement of Novotroitsk in the early morning of May 22. The detainees were driving a truck near Novotroitsk, but, “deviated from the set route and entered the temporarily occupied territory.”

    At the same time, People's Militia authorities in the self-proclaimed Donetsk …

  • The UN Security Council declines to review Ukrainian language law at Russia’s request

    The UN Security Council declined to review the law making the Ukrainian language the state language, reported by Radio Svoboda.

    At the beginning of the meeting, representatives of several countries refused to consider the issue, especially as it was the day of the new president of Ukraine’s inauguration, stating that this was Russia’s attempt to exert pressure on Kyiv. Representatives of France, Germany, the USA, Belgium and Poland expressed their opposition.

    During the vote on whether or not …

  • Media: U.S. State Department to appoint a charge d'affaires instead of ambassador to Ukraine

    The U.S. Department of State considers appointing a chargé d'affaires instead of ambassador in Ukraine, reports with reference to its own diplomatic sources.

    According to the publication, the most likely appointment to this position is William Taylor, who served as an ambassador in Kyiv in 2006-2009.

    “The Department of State made a proposal, which is still being considered by the executive vice president of the United States Institute for Peace,” the publication writes.

    “Shortly, a …

  • Giuliani accuses Zelensky’s team of hostility towards Trump

    Donald Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani claims that there has been “a corrupt exchange of information” between the Ukrainians on the one hand, and Hillary Clinton’s headquarters and the US embassy in Kyiv on the other.

    Ukraine’s President-elect Volodymyr Zelensky finds himself in the hands of people who are clearly opposed to Donald Trump, Giuliani told the Ukrainian TV channel Inter in an interview. Excerpts from the interview were published on the TV channel’s Facebook page.

    Trump’s attorney …

  • Ukrainian Prosecutor General willing to hand over Burisma case materials to US authorities

    Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko would like to meet with the US law enforcement authorities to hand over the case materials concerning the Burisma Group so that they can examine the legality the American citizens’ actions. According to Lutsenko, there has been no breach of Ukrainian legislation by US citizens, reports Dzerkalo Tyzhnia news outlet.

    “I am willing and would like to meet with the leaders of the US law enforcement authorities to give them all the necessary materials so …

  • Kyiv: Russian passports will be issued primarily to ‘power structures’ of LPR and DPR militants

    Russian passports in LPR and DPR will be issued primarily to representatives of the "power structures" of militants, said the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine for European Integration Anatolii Petrenko.

    "We have reasons to believe that first of all passports will be issued to the so-called "power structures" of the occupation administrations. Therefore, both de facto and de jure, the use of weapons in the illegally occupied territories will be carried out by citizens of the Russian …

  • Putin calls Kyiv ‘one of the ancient Russian capitals’

    President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin made a speech at the Victory Parade in Moscow’s Red Square, TASS reports.

     “It is our sacred duty to protect the real heroes of the Great Patriotic War when in a number of countries people shamelessly lie to their children about the war and betray their ancestors ... The memory of the war and its truth is in our conscience and one of our responsibilities. Today we see how a number of states deliberately distort the events of the war and make …

  • Volker: High-level US delegation to attend Zelensky inauguration

    Kurt Volker, the US State Department’s Special Representative for Ukraine, told the BBC Russian service that “the highest level of representation” will attend the inauguration of Ukraine’s president-elect Volodymyr Zelensky.

    “A high level delegation will come from the US to the inauguration of the Ukrainian president in Kyiv. We are waiting for the exact date to be specified, and then we will determine who will be in it. Around the same time, I will try to meet with him to discuss the conflict …