Contents tagged with LPR

  • LPR separatists to conduct large-scale military exercises

    Separatists of the so-called Luhansk People's Republic will hold "tactical exercises" next week according to separatist commander Andrey Sevastyanov. Information about the exercises was disseminated by the separatists’ media.

    According to Sevastyanov, they are now holding “preparations for tactical exercises.” According to the exercise plan, yesterday, separatist units were brought to the highest degree of combat readiness, moved "from places of permanent deployment" and "converge in the …

  • Separatist commander shot in so-called Luhansk People's Republic

    The Separatist Commander, Armen Bagiryan, and several of his subordinates were shot in Slovianoserbsk, as reported by journalist Galina Sozanchuk. “The Militias’ Commander and his men were not killed in the fight at the front line and their vehicle didn’t strike a land mine. They were killed in the territory which is under our control,” Sozanchuk wrote on her Facebook page.

    Galina Sozanchuk also noted that Bagiryan had deleted photographs taken in the Donbas from all his social media pages …

  • Former head of the LPR parliament was arrested in Rostov

    Aleksey Karyakin, who formerly held the position of the head of the parliament in the so-called Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR), has been detained in Russia, the Zerkalo Nedeli news portal reported, citing an informed source.

    “Karyakin was arrested three days ago in Rostov by the Russian Federal Security Service [FSB]. After that, the Russian media wrote that he recanted ‘Novorossiya’ and surrendered to Ukraine,” the source said.

    The source did not rule out the possibility that the FSB could …

  • Strelkov: LPR leaders don't enjoy public confidence and popularity

    The former Minister of Defense of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (LPR), Igor Girkin (Strelkov), strongly criticized the head of the unrecognized LPR (Luhansk People's Republic), Igor Plotnitsky, as written on Strelkov's  Vkontakte (Russian social media network) page. According to Strelkov, it is unknown whether there really was a coup in the LPR or whether Igor Plotnisky got all possible opponents in the so-called elections out of the race.

    “Only one thing is clear; the …

  • Former LPR official doubts there was a coup attempt in the separatist republic

    One of the Russian coordinators in the occupied Donbas, Alexander Zhuchkovsky, has accused the leader of the so-called Luhansk People's Republic (LPR), Igor Plotnitsky, of lying and commented on the situation regarding an attempted “coup d’etat.” He made this statement on his page on Vkontakte [Russian social network].

    He noted that he has not dealt with the LPR for more than a year and does not interfere in what happens there, but has a view of the situation.

    According to Zhuchkovsky, there …

  • LPR politician says Plotnitskiy is purging the separatist republic of disloyal individuals

    Ex-chairman of the People’s Council of the People's Republic of Luhansk (LPR) Aleksey Karyakin is sure that the former Head of the LPR government, Gennady Tsypkalov, was killed. Karyakin told this to the news agency, commenting on the latest developments taking place in Luhansk these days.

    "His body was found in the basement of the administration head building,” Karyakin said. “He was totally bruised and showed signs of strangulation. I am sure that he was tortured and killed because he …

  • Former PM of separatist LPR found hanged

    One of those arrested for attempting a coup in the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic, Hennadiy Tsypkalov, has committed suicide. Tsypkalov was an advisor to the head of the LPR (Luhansk People's Republic), the separatist resource Luhansk Information Center reported.

    One of the leaders of the “people’s militia,” named Kiselyov, was previously detained, allegedly after having made a confession and being taken into custody.

    According to the report, Tsypkalov had to be interrogated as a …

  • According to new law, LPR deputies will not be able to leave separatist republic without permission

    The self-proclaimed People’s Council of LPR passed a law on Friday, September 23 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Luhansk People’s Republic.”Changes have been introduced to the laws “On Martial Law” and “On the Status of People’s Council deputies of Luhansk People’s Republic.” These amendments establish the specifics of the travel of MPs outside the LPR during the martial law period.

    “In a state of war, the uninterrupted operation of the National Council as the legislative …

  • Plotnitsky says separatist republics averted coups

    The head of the self-proclaimed LPR, Igor Plotnitsky, stated that the leadership of the DPR and the LPR could have averted the impending "revolution." According to him, as reported by DonPress, it is possible that such “revolutionary” preparations were managed not only in Ukraine but also in Russia.

    "It was another attempt at a coup. However, it's not so much the fact of the coup in the LPR. The main goal was to create a precedent for the alleged indignation of the Ukrainian people and the …

  • Separatists to introduce unilateral ceasefire in eastern Ukraine

    On the 13th of September, the head of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), Aleksandr Zakharchenko, announced the introduction of a unilateral ceasefire.

    Separatists have promised to cease shooting from the 15th of September at midnight. A similar statement was made by the head of the so-called Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR), Igor Plotnitsky.

    Plotnitsky added that his servicemen are strictly prohibited from returning fire in the event of an attack from the Ukrainian forces. However, …