Contents tagged with LPR

  • Ukrainian activists and military veterans vow to stop illegal trade with separatist-held areas

    According to the second commander of Donbas volunteer battalion, Anatoly Vinogradsky, the  veterans of the volunteer battalions have started setting up check points along the contact line in eastern Ukraine to prevent the “illegal flow of goods” into the separatist-held territories.

    “There was an ultimatum demanding the return of the prisoners. The separatist leaders have not responded to it. That is why we have started the blockade of the occupied areas in eastern Ukrain,“ Vinogradsky stated …

  • The DPR and LPR decided to hand over two prisoners to Savchenko

    The leaders of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republic, Alexander Zakharchenko and Igor Plotnitsky, decided to hand over two captive Ukrainians to the People’s Deputy of Ukraine, Nadiya Savchenko, according to a statement published on one of the separatists' websites.

    “On New Year’s and Christmas Eve, we handed over two women, Angelica Presnyakova and Olga Svorak, to the representative of the Ukrainian people, Nadiya Savchenko, without any conditions as a gesture of …

  • Savchenko was questioned by the Security Service of Ukraine after her meeting with separatist leaders

    Nadiya Savchenko, a Verkhovna Rada deputy, gave a testimony to the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) after her meeting with the leaders of the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics.

    This was stated by the head of the SBU, Vasyl Hrytsak, on channel 112.

    "The Security Service invited Nadiya, and she gave a testimony in the framework of criminal proceedings," he said.

    At the same time, Hrytsak was critical of the fact that an MP negotiated with the separatists.

    "I cannot forbid a …

  • US Global Hawk drone carried out reconnaissance mission at the demarcation line in the Donbas

    A RQ-4A Global Hawk Strategic U.S. Air Force drone made an almost 10-hour reconnaissance flight along the line dividing the sides in the Donbas on Friday, as was reported by Interfax-Ukraine citing a source in western information portals that monitor the movement of military aircraft.

    According to them, the American long-range drone, before leaving Ukraine in the west to its border with Romania, had shuttled north to south along the demarcation line for hours without crossing it.

    During its …

  • Ukraine to hand over 15 captured separatists to LPR and DPR as a sign of goodwill

    Ukraine decided to release 15 separatists who are on the exchange list for the "DPR" and "LPR" as a “goodwill gesture.” Nine of them are seriously ill, and the others are women, as reported by the representative of Ukraine to the humanitarian subgroup of the Trilateral Contact Group, Iryna Herashchenko, on Facebook.

    "In order to advance the process of releasing hostages before the New Year holiday, as part of the Minsk group we announce the transition of 15 of the 228 people who were requested …

  • Nadiya Savchenko was expelled from the Batkivshchyna faction

    The Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, Nadiya Savchenko, on Thursday, December 15th, was expelled from the Batkivshchyna (Fatherland) faction, as reported by the press service of Batkivshchyna. According to the statement, Savchenko was included in the electoral list during the elections in 2014 so as to free the former pilot from Russian captivity. However, "life has shown that the principles and political convictions of Savchenko do not coincide with that of Batkivshchyna," the statement read. The …

  • Savchenko spoke of her meeting with Zakharchenko and Plotnitsky

    The Deputy of Verkhovna Rada, Nadiya Savchenko, said that she met with the leadership of the self-proclaimed Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republic (LPR and DPR), Igor Plotnitsky and Alexander Zakharchenko, and "the Russian side" was also present. On Monday, December 12, she said this in her speech at the Sofia Square in Kyiv, 112 Ukraine TV channel reports.

    "Yes, there was a meeting in trilateral Minsk format where 'the Russian side', Zakharchenko and Plotnitsky were present. The meeting aimed …

  • Kyiv demanded that separatist republics pay for water

    Kyiv demanded that the separatist republics in eastern Ukraine repay the debt for water supplied to the area, as reported by the First Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, Iryna Herashchenko, after a meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Normandy Four in Minsk.

    "A lot of attention was paid to the issue of the water supply. To date, the debt owed to Ukraine for water delivered to the occupied territory amounts to $277 million. The water supply needs to be paid for, that's why we demand the …

  • Ukraine is preparing to cut off water supplies to the LPR

    The Deputy Minister for the temporarily occupied territories and internally displaced persons, George Tuka, posted on his Facebook page that Ukraine will cut off water supplies to the uncontrolled territories of the Luhansk region after the 1st of December.

    Tuka noted that an agreement on the creation of a Ukrainian enterprise, which will introduce settlements for consumed water in the territories beyond Ukraine’s control, was reached during negotiations in Minsk. Ukraine also repaired water …

  • Russia has openly accused separatist leader Igor Plotnitsky of corruption and theft

    Popular Russian newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda has openly accused the head of the so-called Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR), Igor Plotnitsky, and his clique of systematic corruption in the article ‘Operation Pilyulkiny’.

    “It isn’t a secret that corruption scandals regarding the inner circle of Igor Plotnitsky are upsetting the rest of the LPR. Almost each sector representing an economic interest is managed by someone known to Plotnitsky. As a result, there is now a shadow economy, higher …