Contents tagged with LPR

  • The EU said Russia's recognition of DPR and LPR documents is inconsistent with the spirit of the Minsk agreements

    Russia’s recognition of passports to separate areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions (ORDLO) contradicts the Minsk agreements and such documents will not be recognized in the European Union.

    "The decree is not consistent with the spirit of the Minsk agreements," said the EU Delegation to Ukraine in response to a request made by Interfax-Ukraine to comment on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to recognize the documents as legitimate.

    The Delegation noted that the EU remains …

  • U.S. Embassy in Kyiv: The recognition of DPR and LPR documents by Russia is 'distubring'

    The U.S. Embassy in Kyiv stated that Russia’s recognition of documents issued by the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics is a disturbing message. The U.S. diplomats noted that the recognition of DPR/LPR documents runs counter to the agreed purpose of the Minsk Agreements.

    “We are concerned by the intensification of hostilities and the use of Grad multiple rocket launchers at the contact line and urge the withdrawal of heavy weapons in order to ensure a ceasefire in the …

  • Residents of Sevastopol urge Russia to recognize LPR and DPR as independent States

    Pro-Russian residents of Sevastopol organized a rally to demand that Russia’s leadership recognize the Donetsk (DPR) and Luhansk (LPR) People’s Republics as independent States and establish trade and economic relations with them. The rally took place on the 18th of February, 2017.

    As reported by Krym.Realii, approximately 150 people attended the event. The organizers of the event said that "the vent was attended by ordinary citizens, who gathered at local city forum". People mostly held DPR …

  • Strelkov: Without Russia’s support separatist armies would be destroyed by the Ukrainian Armed Forces

    In his interview to Moskovsky Komsomolets daily, former leader of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic, Igor Strelkov (aka Igor Girkin) spoke of the balance of forces between the armies of the s-called Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics and the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

    When asked about the personnel composition of armies of the DPR and LPR, he answered that the main part of the personnel are now contracted servicemen.

    “Main part of the armies of the LPR and DPR are contractors. They are …

  • Putin signs decree recognizing Donbas separatists' passports and other documents

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree concerning the recognition of documents issued to citizens of Ukraine and stateless persons residing in the separatist-held Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine.

    The Kremlin’s site reports that the decree was signed “guided by universally recognised principles and standards of humanitarian law and in order to protect the rights and freedoms of individuals”.

    Such documents will be recognised “temporarily, during the political settlement …

  • Separatist republics want to start humanitarian assistance program for areas of the Donbas controlled by Kyiv

    Heads of the self-proclaimed DPR and LPR, Alexander Zakharchenko and Igor Plotnitskiy released through official channels, a statement on the start of a “humanitarian assistance program” in Donetsk and Luhansk regions which are under the control of Kyiv.

    In their statement the separatists accused the Ukrainian authorities of “the tyranny of civil-military dictatorial administrations,” ”atrocities of the National Guard battalions,” and the “deployment of the Ukrainian armed forces’ personnel and …

  • Ukraine has allowed the export of anthracite from the LPR

    The Centralnaya Coal-processing Plant Ltd., registered in the town of Antratsyt on territory not controlled by Ukraine, began exporting anthracite coal in the beginning of May, having received the appropriate license from Ukrainian authorities, LІ reports citing several Ukrainian coal traders. The plant supplies coal to local companies in Slovakia. Anthracite is worth about $80 per ton at the border.

    Centralnaya is owned by Vitaly Zharchinsky, Natalia Zharchinskaya and Dmyro Polubatko. …

  • Family members of POWs are ready to join the blockade of the Donbas

    The family members of Ukrainian prisoners said in a video message that they are ready to join the blockade of the Donbas, according to a statement posted by the Chairman of the Ukrainian Association of Patriots (UKROP), Mykola Kolesnyk, on his Facebook page.

    “If needed, we will go to the blockade. If this will help to release our people or break the deadlock over this issue, then we fully support yo and we are grateful that you remember us,” one of the women stated, addressing the blockade …

  • Gazprom has increased gas supplies to the Donbas by 41%

    In 2016, Russian gas monopoly Gazprom supplied 2.39 billion cubic meters of natural gas to the Luhansk and Donetsk regions that are beyond Ukraine’s control. That is 40.6% or 69 million cubic meters more than in 2015, as indicated in Gazprom’s quarterly reports, reported. According to the document, gas supplies to Ukraine in 2016 amounted to 2.39 billion cubic meters.

    “At the same time, Naftogaz of Ukraine ceased the purchasing of gas from the Russian company in November 2015. …

  • LPR separatists says they are willing to nationalize property belonging to Ukrainian oligarch

    Authorities of the so-called Luhansk People's Republic (LPR) have stated that they are ready   to "nationalize" the enterprises of Ukrainian oligarch, Rinat Akhmetov.

    According to the separatist’s news websites, the LPR authorities has "reviewed and adopted in the first reading, a bill which will ensure that the state takes under its control the enterprises that operate in certain areas of Luhansk region but are not registered in LPR." The bill states that “a temporary administration” will be …