Contents tagged with LPR

  • A US drone conducted a reconnaissance mission over the Donbas

    On Tuesday, February 7th, a strategic unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) of the U.S. Air Force RQ-4A Global Hawk with the call sign UAVGH000 conducted another reconnaissance flight along the demarcation line in the Donbas, as stated by Western websites that track the movement of military aircraft.

    According to their data, the drone was flying from the north to the south along the boundery line of Ukraine with the so-called DPR and LPR, but without crossing it. The reconnaissance vehicle was flying …

  • Another assassination of high-ranking separatist official raises questions over who was behind it

    The motives and reasons for the assassination of the head the so-called People’s militia of Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR), Oleg Anashchenko, are still unknown. The separatist accused the Ukrainian Security Services (SBU) of executing the killing. Ukrainian officials believe that the assassination was conducted by the Russian secret services or was just a result of an internal feud.

    According to the head of the Ukrainian social movement Prava Sprava, Dmytro Snegiryov, Anashchenko was …

  • Head of the so-called ‘People’s Militia’ killed in a car explosion in Luhansk

    The head of the so-called ‘People’s Militia’ of the LPR (Luhansk People’s Republic), Oleg Anashchenko, was killed in a car explosion in Luhansk.

    His Toyota SUV exploded on Saturday morning in the center of Luhansk killing him and the driver of the car.

    This was reported by the separatist media source citing the press service of the People’s Militia of the LPR.

    “On February 4, at 7:70 am, on Krasnoznamennaya street, as a result of a terrorist act – car explosion- the head of the directorate …

  • Plotnitsky is facing a possible sentence of life imprisonment for downing of Ukrainian Il-76 aircraft

    The Prosecutor’s Office of the Dnipropetrovsk region reported that the indictment in the case of the downed IL-76 against the two Commanders of the LPR battalions, Andrei Patrushev and Alexander Gureev, and the Head of the Lugansk People’s Republic, Igor Plotnitsky, was sent to the court.

    “The Head of the LPR terrorist organization, who was the Commander of the illegal armed group Zarya at the time the crime was committed, together with Patrushev (his then Deputy) and the Commander of the …

  • Zakharchenko invited Aksyonov to visit the DPR

    During a meeting with the Kremlin-controlled Crimean authorities, the leader of the DPR, Alexander Zakharchenko, invited the Russian-appointed Prime Minister of the Crimea to visit the territory controlled by their group in eastern Ukraine, as reported by the press service of the current Crimean government on 19 January.

    Aksyonov, in turn, promised to invite the leaders of the DPR and LPR more often.“In the future, we will always invite them to participate in significant events. I’m sure that …

  • Former separatist leader proposed uniting the two breakaway republics and making Zacharchenko a 'president'

    The First head of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic, Valery Bolotov, considers it necessary to return the whole territory of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions to the DPR and LPR jurisdiction in order for both republics to unite.

    "It is my opinion that the first thing to do, is to return the territory of the former Luhansk and Donetsk regions to the LPR and DPR. I also believe that it is necessary to unite the two Republics,” he wrote on his page on Vkontakte.

    As for the head of the …

  • Savchenko published the lists of POWs despite SBU’s opposition

    Despite the opposition of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), Nadiya Savchenko has published on her Facebook page a list of the Ukrainians who are imprisoned by the LPR and DPR, as well as those who are considered missing. She also posted the names of those who the DPR (Donetsk People's Republic) and LPR (Luhansk People's Republic) demand to be released. The SBU believes that this move could harm the prisoner exchange process and their families. Savchenko herself believes the opposite: that …

  • Ukraine has resumed Luhansk’s water supply

    The CEO of the company “Luhansk Energy Association,” Volodymyr Gritsay, said on the TV channel 112 Ukraine that the company resumed delivering electricity to the Popasnjansky district water utility that provides water to Luhansk and its surrounding area, which is not under governmental control.

    “There is information that the Popasnjansky district water utility received its first tranche of funds of 10.5 million USD, and since we saw about 6 million USD on its accounts, we decided to restore …

  • Separatists from LPR receive almost half of the value of coal supplied from the occupied territories to Ukraine

    Separatists from the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) receive 47% of anthracite value supplied from the occupied part of Donbas to PJSC Centrenergo as taxes. This was outlined in the conclusions of the Security Service of Ukraine. The corresponding data is contained in the decision of the Severodonetsk City Court of Luhansk region of 2 December 2016.

    The Minister of Fuel, Energy and Coal Mining of LPR directs approximately 47% of the taxes received from the  export of coal from the above- …

  • Pushilin does not exclude the unification of the DPR and LPR in the future

    A representative of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), Denis Pushilin, is not excluding the possible unification of the LPR and DPR in the future; however, this issue is not currently on the agenda, as reported by Russia's Interfax news agency.

    "No one sees the usefulness of such a unification at this stage as both the LPR (Luhansk People's Republic) and the DPR have signed the Minsk Agreements. For now, we do not see any circumstances under which reunification should occur. …