Contents tagged with Lithuania

  • Military forces from 25 countries will participate in NATO exercise in Lithuania

    At the end of May, Lithuania will host NATO exercises which will be attended by several international forces. Military personnel from 25 alliance countries will participate, as reported by Delphi.

    The “Steadfast Cobalt” annual exercise will be held from May 21 to June 2. It will be attended by close to a thousand soldiers. During the exercise, soldiers will train in information exchange skills and maintaining communication between combat units.

    This is the second time that Lithuania is …

  • Lithuania will build 45-kilometer wall on Russian border

    Authorities in Lithuania have decided to erect a wall about 45 km (28 mi) long on its border with Russia.

    This was reported on the website of the State Border Service of Lithuania.

    “In total, the sections to be built along the border of the Kaliningrad region of Russia will be 44.6 km long. They will be metal fences two meters high with segments of additional equipment...The construction will cost €1.3 million. The funds will be allocated from the state budget,” stated the report.

    According …

  • NATO exercises start in Baltic states

    On Tuesday and Wednesday the 25th and 26th of April, NATO Ramstein Alloy air force exercises take place in Baltic air space, primarily over Lithuania, Delfi reports, citing the Lithuanian Defense Ministry.

    The exercises will involve fighter jets from the Netherlands and Germany, which will take part in the NATO mission to patrol the Baltic airspace, aircraft from Poland and Norway, as well as transport planes from Lithuania, and US and NATO AWACS planes for air reconnaissance.

    The …

  • Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia will continue the project of a unified Baltic battalion

    The project to create a unified Baltic Battalion with the participation of the Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian military will be continued under the leadership of Latvia, as agreed to by the commanders of the defense forces of the three countries at a meeting in Riga, Delfi reported.

    They noted that the Baltic Battalion is the common contribution by their states to their own security and to the security of NATO.

    "In addition to adopting and integrating in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania a …

  • Lithuania will host NATO air exercise

    On April 25 and 26, the Ramstein Alloy NATO Air Exercise will be held in Baltic airspace, predominantly over Lithuania. This was reported by the website of NATO air force command.

    The exercises will be attended by Dutch and German fighters who take part in the NATO air patrol mission of the Baltic States, aircraft from Poland and Norway, as well as transport aircraft from Lithuania, the USA and NATO’s Airborne Warning and Control System or AWACS air reconnaissance aircraft.

    The exercise …

  • Prime Ministers of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia said they will never recognize the annexation of the Crimea

    Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia promised to never recognize the legitimacy of the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation as was stated in a joint statement by the Prime Ministers of the Baltic countries and the head of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Volodymyr Groysman following a meeting in Kyiv.

    “We strongly condemn Russia's aggression against Ukraine and stress that the sanctions imposed on Russia must remain in place until the Minsk Agreements are fully implemented and Ukraine's …

  • Lithuanian intelligence: Russia needs two days to begin military action in the Baltic

    Russia continues to build up military forces and mobilization readiness on its borders with the Baltic countries.

    This was stated in a joint report by the State Security Department and the Second Investigation Department under Ministry of National Defense in which threats to national security were assessed, as reported by Delfi, in referring to a press conference in the Seimas of Lithuania, where the report was presented.

    “This is a signal that NATO and Lithuania should be ready to engage in …

  • Latvian Special Services accuse Russia of cyber-espionage

    Russia conducted cyber espionage against individual Latvian politicians, journalists and government agencies in 2016, said the Chief of the Latvian Constitutional Protection Bureau, Janis Maizitis. He spoke about this after a report to the Latvian government on the results of the Bureau's work, reports Delfi.

    According to Maizitis, the Bureau has no information that, as a result of the espionage, there could be information on Latvia containing state secrets that is at the disposal of Russian …

  • Lithuanian Foreign Minister threatened Belarus with sanctions if they take new political prisoners

    Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius intimated that Western countries could impose new sanctions against Belarus if political prisoners appear there again. This was his comment on the suppression of protests in Minsk which took place on Saturday, Delfi news portal reports.

    According to Linkevičius, such actions would be detrimental to Belarus’s standing in the international community. "This will in fact affect not only internal policy where it might destabilize the situation. It will …

  • Court to force Gazprom to pay the 36 million euros it owes Lithuania

    The Russian company, Gazprom, did not pay a 36 million euro fine to Lithuania on time and now the court will enforce it, as reported by BNS news, citing a representative of the Competition Council (Lithuanian Antimonopoly Service), Maria Grumblene.

    According to her, the court has already received the Competition Council’s resolution on the forcible collection of fines and penalties. Gazprom was to pay the fine before March 22, 2017.

    As was reported, the Supreme Administrative Court of …