Contents tagged with Malomuzh

  • Unconventional Ukrainian offensive stuns Russian forces in Kursk region, says General Malomuzh

    Retired Ukrainian intelligence chief General Mykola Malomuzh disclosed that Russia was unprepared for an offensive from Ukraine's territory into the Kursk region. Speaking on air with Espreso TV, Malomuzh pointed out that lacking significant military formations and fortifications in Kursk was a critical lapse for Russia. He attributed the operation's success to catching Russia off guard, proposing that this shift signals the possibility of employing unconventional warfare techniques.. …

  • General Malomuzh predicts end of Ukraine war's hot phase by late 2024: Putin is cornered

    The hot phase of the war in Ukraine could end by late 2024, said General Malomuzh, a former head of the Ukrainian Foreign Intelligence Service, during a news broadcast on July 22.

    He explained that ending this phase will require parallel efforts in two main directions: offensive operations and international pressure on Russia.

    The general outlined the steps needed to conclude the conflict: determining under what conditions the Russian Armed Forces will withdraw, defining which territories …

  • Ukrainian General: Russia is not interested in withdrawal of forces in Donbas

    The former head of Ukraine's Foreign Intelligence Service, General of Ukraine's Army Mykola Malomuzh, said in an interview with Fakty news outlet that the withdrawal of troops wouldn't succeed in the Donbas.

    According to him, despite the agreements with the EU countries, Russia and the Donbas militias intend to disrupt the withdrawal process, as it is not beneficial for them.

    The General is convinced that the Russian authorities intend to push forward their conditions, and they will try to …