Contents tagged with NATO

  • Kremlin: Russia will need huge military expenses if Georgia joins NATO

    The accession of Georgia to NATO, which is expected to take place in 2021, will require “huge” expenses from Russia, stated Andrey Kelin, Director of the Department of European Cooperation of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

    According to Kelin, Georgia's decision to become a member of the North Atlantic Alliance is viewed by Moscow as a problem and to resolve it Russia would require additional investments in defense.

     “We will have to form a defense zone near Sochi,” Kelin said, adding that "it …

  • Russia calls Ukraine and Georgia's accession to NATO a colossal problem

    During the Valdai Discussion Club, the Director of the Department of European Cooperation of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Andrey Kelin stated that the possible Ukraine and Georgia’s accession to NATO would become a colossal economic and military problem for Russia.

    “We will have to build a defensive belt near Sochi and spend enormous resources to prevent a possible attack from the potential enemy, it is inevitable,” TASS news agency cites Kelin as saying.

    Kelin added that Russia has a long …

  • Polish President: Moscow’s imperial ambitions are obvious to everyone

    Moscow’s imperial ambitions are obvious to everyone; therefore, the NATO’s eastern flank should be strengthened, said Polish President Andrzej Duda in an interview with Bild am Sonntag.

    When asked how dangerous the Russian president is due to threats that Russia poses for Poland and other countries of the eastern part of the EU, Duda answered, "Over the last ten years, Russia twice forcibly changed European borders."

    "In 2008 it attacked Georgia, and in 2014 it attacked Ukraine. In both cases, …

  • Russia deploys Samarkand electronic warfare systems near NATO's eastern borders

    The Russian Defense Ministry deployed the latest Samarkand electronic warfare systems (EW) in strategic areas, Interfax reported with reference to the data from the government procurement portal. The systems are deployed in seven regions, including the Kaliningrad and Krasnodar oblasts and Primorsky Krai, as well as in the territory of neighboring Belarus.

    “According to the tender documents, at least 13 EW Samarkand-U, Samarkand SU-Pred-K2, and Samarkand PU-Pred-D" systems have been deployed …

  • Ukrainian officer: Ukraine should take decisive steps to regain the Sea of Azov

    First Deputy Chairman of the Union of Officers of Ukraine, First Rank Captain Yevhen Lupakov called for more decisive actions to ensure navigation safety in the Sea amid the rising tensions with Russia.

    The first step, in his opinion, should be the termination of the agreement on the joint use of the Azov Sea.

    He also implied other measures, among which are the determination of the Ukrainian maritime border, and the conduct of the missile and artillery exercises with the participation of NATO …

  • Military from 13 countries to take part in Finland's naval exercises

    The Northern Coasts Naval exercises will be held in the territorial waters of Finland. Yle news agency reports that thousands of military personnel and dozens of ships from 13 countries will be involved.

    The exercises will last for two weeks. About 3600 military will take part in the exercises. The military will practice  the joint international operation of naval forces during these exercises.

    “We started planning these exercises a year ago and informed Russia about our plans. Russia did not …

  • Media: Russian S-400 missiles systems will be deployed in Turkey next year

    Turkish Anadolu state news agency reported, citing Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar that Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems would be deployed in Turkey in the beginning of October, 2019.

    Turkey's procurement of the S-400 systems, which are incompatible with NATO’s defense systems, raised concerns with the United States and other members of the alliance who are already disturbed by Russia's presence in the Middle East.

    Hurriyet newspaper reports that the Association of …

  • Putin says Russia will produce weapons that have never been seen before

    After Washington's announcement that the US would be pulling out of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia will make weapons that have never been seen before.

    On Thursday, speaking to high-ranking representatives of the Armed Forces and Law Enforcement agencies, Putin said, “Russia does not threaten anybody. We strictly adhere to our obligations in the sphere of international security and arms control.”

    He added that Russia’s …

  • NATO concerned over Russia's actions in the Sea of Azov

    NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the countries members of the Alliance are alarmed by Russia’s "destabilizing" behavior in the Sea of Azov. According to Radio Liberty, Stoltenberg assured that NATO is keeping an eye on this issue.

    The NATO Secretary General said that Russia's actions in the Sea of Azov follow a pattern of a behavior model that Moscow has been demonstrating for a long time.

    According to Stoltenberg, this model includes Russia’s annexation of the Crimea as well …

  • Hungarian Foreign Minister complains about Hungary's poor relations with Ukraine

    Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó believes that Hungary’s relations with Ukraine have deteriorated so drastically due to Ukraine’s law on education.

    “Relations with Ukraine have deteriorated significantly, since nothing has been done to amend the law on education and the new law on language, which deprives members of national minorities of the right to use their native language in culture, media, administration and education,” said Szijjártó in Brussels.

    According to him, a country …