Contents tagged with NATO

  • EU may impose sanctions on Russia because of its actions in Sea of Azov

    European Parliament says that Russia’s aggressive actions in the Sea of Azov are unacceptable and could lead to the escalation of a new conflict in Europe. The European legislative body is thus calling for additional sanctions to be imposed on Russia, Ukrinform reports.

    The overwhelming majority of participants in debates in European Parliament on the topic consider Russia’s actions unacceptable.

    “Russia’s violations of international law are not something new. But the attempt to annex the Sea …

  • NATO accuses Moscow of unilaterally denouncing the US INF treaty

    Representatives of  the North Atlantic Alliance stated that Moscow is responsible for the unilateral denunciation of the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-range and Shorter-range Missiles (INF) with the USA since, in recent years, Russia has not complied with the terms of the treaty, reports Russian media.

    “At the NATO summit in July, the Allies declared that the US was fulfilling the terms of the treaty, while Russia’s actions over many years, has cast a whole range of doubts,” NATO …

  • Lavrov: Russia will not allow NATO ships to enter the Sea of Azov

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that Russia would not allow NATO vessels to enter the Sea of Azov to participate in the joint exercises with Ukraine.

    “Now Ukraine wants to invite NATO to conduct joint exercises in the Sea of Azov, but this will not be possible because our agreement with Ukraine requires mutual consent for the passage of warships into the Sea of Azov,” said Lavrov in his interview with RT France, Paris Match and Le Figaro.

    “But they want it, and they are actively …

  • US builds new NATO facilities in Estonia

    New facilities for accommodation of NATO troops and equipment which were built using US-allocated funds were solemnly opened on Tuesday at Amari Air Base near Tallinn, reported the press service of the General Staff of the Estonian Defense Forces.

    According to Estonian Defense Minister Jüri Luik, the facilities, among which is a new hangar, a headquarters building and a platform for explosive goods, were built as part of the US Executive Defense International in Europe (EDI). The project cost …

  • NATO to conduct about twenty ‘experiments’ during military exercises near the Russian borders

    NATO plans to conduct about twenty “experiments” during the biggest military exercises in recent years near the Russian borders from October 25 to November 7, RIA Novosti reports citing Supreme Allied Command Transformation.

    NATO’s Trident Juncture 2018 (TRJE18) exercises will be conducted in Norway and will involve about fifty thousand soldiers from thirty countries. “The exercises will provide an environment for testing, clarifying and further development of existing or new capabilities. …

  • Greece offers to host new US military bases

    Greece is interested in letting the US deploy new military facilities within its territory, Greek Defense Minister Panos Kammenos said during a meeting with his American counterpart James Mattis, Kathimerini reports.

    “It is very important for Greece that the US deploy its military facilities in Greece on a more permanent basis,” he said.

    The US would be able to set up its own infrastructure not only in the Port of Souda, but also near the Greek cities of Larissa, Volos and Alexandroupoli, …

  • Media: Israeli and US military specialists visit Ukraine to get acquainted with Russian-made S-300 missile systems

    A joint US-Israeli delegation secretly visited Ukraine to acquaint themselves with several specimens of important weaponry, including an S-300 anti-air defense system, Vietnamese news portal Soha News reports.

    According to the article, Ukrainian specialists explained to delegation members the tactical and technical characteristics of the S-300 in Ukraine’s possession, and suggested that American and Israeli fighter jets be sent to Ukraine in order to test the system’s capabilities.

    Responding …

  • Ukraine seeks expertise of NATO explosives experts in the wake of ammunition depo explosions

    President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko asked Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak and Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin to conclude negotiations with the North Atlantic Alliance on the implementation of a special trust fund that will ensure safe maintenance and effective protection of ammunition storage facilities, the Ministry of Defense’s press service reported on Tuesday, October 9.

    The recent ammunition depot explosion in Ichnya, Chernihiv region that cost hundreds of millions of dollars in …

  • Poland expects a decision on NATO base by spring 2019

    Polish Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz hopes that the decision on the deployment of a NATO base will be made in spring 2019.

    The diplomat said that there is a need for investments to expand and adapt the existing infrastructure. In addition, no decision on the location of the new base has been made. This largely depends on the position of the US Congress and the conclusions of the administrations of the US President and the Pentagon, Czaputowicz stressed.

    When asked when it is expected for …

  • NATO forms offensive cyber forces

    Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg announced the creation of an offensive cyber force to protect the Alliance's national information networks.

    “We see a significant increase in the number and threat of cyber-attacks. That is why we have increased our cyber capabilities, both to protect NATO information networks and to help the countries of the alliance to defend their national networks,” he said.

    Before negotiations between the NATO defense ministers, Stoltenberg noted that the new …