Contents tagged with NATO

  • Germany acknowledges inability of its Tornado jets to perform NATO missions

    German Tornado aircraft do not meet the technical standards of the North Atlantic Alliance, German magazine Der Spiegel reported, citing a confidential report of the German Defense Ministry. The magazine revealed that all 93 combat aircraft need large-scale modernization that will cost millions.

    In their current condition, German Tornados should "no longer participate in any NATO operation," Der Spiegel stated. The confidential report of the Ministry of Defense explained that the aircraft is …

  • Poroshenko approves the Annual National Program of Ukraine and NATO cooperation

    The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, signed a decree "on approval of the Annual National Program under the auspices of the Ukraine-NATO Commission for 2018", according to the President’s website.

    The website message states: “The Annual National Program (ANP-2018) should ensure the accomplishment of the priority tasks of Ukraine's cooperation with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, as well as relevant decisions made during the meeting of the Ukraine-NATO Commission at the level of …

  • NATO calls on Russia to answer all questions in Skripal case

    Russia must respond to all the United Kingdom’s questions regarding the incident of the poisoning of former GRU (Russia’s Main Intelligence Directorate) colonel Sergei Skripal in the British town of Salisbury, as stated by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg after discussions with the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Andrej Babiš.

    In particular, he urged Russia to disclose the details of its chemical program since the Soviet Union era.

    "We call on Russia to answer all the questions …

  • Poroshenko: Ukraine will join NATO within the next decade

    President Petro Poroshenko said that Ukraine's goal is to become a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) within the next ten years.

    He spoke about this during an interview with Hamburger Abendblatt, a subsidiary of the German media company Funke Media Group.

    "We are working on NATO membership with particular perseverance. Our goal is to become a member of the Alliance within the next ten years," Poroshenko said.

    According to the President the Alliance "would become stronger …

  • NATO Secretary General: Russia is trying to destabilize our democracy

    Russia has repeatedly engaged in actions designed to destabilize democratic countries of the West, stated  NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels on March 19, as reported by Radio Liberty.

    Against the background of the continuation of such a policy, he confirmed support for London and solidarity of NATO allies.

    “The North Atlantic Alliance is taking serious steps to strengthen its defense structures in the face of the Russian threat. This is in response to Russia’s irresponsible …

  • NATO Secretary General calls on Russia to disclose the Novichok program

    NATO called on Russia to fully disclose the details of their “Novichok” nerve agent program,reported the press-service of the North Atlantic Alliance. British authorities stated that Novichok was used to poison the former Russian spy Sergei Skripal. 

    “NATO continues to call on Russia to fully disclose the data of the Novichok program to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW),” NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated at a joint press conference with British …

  • NATO Secretary General: Russia is becoming increasingly unpredictable and aggressive

    NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated in an interview with the German publication Welt am Sonntag that he believes the Alliance should increase its defense capabilities and willingness to act due to Russia's unpredictability.

    He noted that NATO is ready to respond in case of an attack on any member of the Alliance; at the same time the Alliance does not seek war, rather advocating a policy of deterrence.

    "We are always ready to respond when an ally is attacked militarily. We want …

  • NATO insists it has not changed policy towards Ukraine

    NATO headquarters says that recognition of Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic aspirations on the Alliance's website is only a reflection of reality, and does not mean that it is changing the policy of the bloc, as noted in an official statement by the Alliance headquarters, Evropeiska Pravda reports.

    "There has been no change in policy at NATO. NATO's policy remains the same. There has been a change in Ukraine's policy, which the website reflects. We simply amended the information of the website to …

  • Georgia considers joining NATO through an expedited procedure

    The Parliament of Georgia is seriously studying the possibility of the country’s accelerated entry into NATO after almost ten years of waiting. In 2008, the Alliance leadership stated that its doors are open to both Georgia and Ukraine, but did not provide the Membership Action Plan for accession, Voice of America reports.

    The possibility of accelerated accession to the Alliance came about thanks to the American Heritage Foundation, which suggested joining NATO through section 5 of the …

  • General Pavel: Russian S-400 in Turkey will constitute a major challenge for NATO systems

    The Russian S-400 “Triumph” anti-air missile systems which Ankara bought from Moscow will constitute a major challenge for NATO’s weapon systems in Turkey, said Czech General Petr Pavel, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, in an interview with a group of journalists while on a work visit to Washington.

    “The military assessment is still maintained that the S-400 is not compatible with NATO’s integrated system. And so, if the system is ultimately acquired, it must be used as a standalone …