Contents tagged with NATO

  • General Pavel: NATO increases number of troops in Baltic States due to Russia's military buildup in the region

    NATO has expanded its military presence in the Baltic countries in connection with the buildup of the Russian Federation’s military potential, said the head of the Military Committee of the North Atlantic Alliance, the Czech general Petr Pavel. This was reported by Interfax-Ukraine.

    According to him, the buildup and modernization of Russian military potential has led to increased anxiety and fear among the population in the Baltic countries.

    “That’s why NATO has provided an expanded presence …

  • Ukraine urges NATO not to recognize elections in the Crimea

    At the meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Council, Ukraine called on the representatives of the parliaments of NATO’s member countries not to recognize the results of elections of Russia’s President in annexed Crimea, Iryna Friz, People's Deputy of Ukraine said.

    "We called on the parliaments of the country-members of the Alliance not to recognize the results of the ‘elections’ of Vladimir Putin as the President of Russia in annexed Crimea because it is a violation of international law. When …

  • NATO: Russian S-400 missiles systems are not compatible with Alliance's missile defense

    Deputy Secretary General of NATO Rose Gottemoeller said that during arms purchases the lack of compatibility of Russian S-400 air defense missile system with the NATO missile defense must be taken into account.

    "As for the missile defense system, NATO members believe that the greatest effectiveness can be achieved only through the interaction of NATO systems. We want to study these systems. The S-400 system doesn’t integrate with other NATO members' systems, and it is necessary to study this …

  • Russia's Defense Ministry: The US is surrounding Russia with 'missile defense ring'

    Deputy Defense Minister of Russia Alexander Fomin said on a broadcast of Russia-24 that the US plans to deploy a total of 400 interceptor missiles at the Russian borders as part of its global missile defense system.

    "Extensive work is now underway aimed at encircling Russia with a missile defense ring," the Russian Defense Ministry spokesman stressed.

    He clarified that the US has already established anti-missile defense sites in California and Alaska, as well as missile defense systems in …

  • Moldova's Minister of Defense wants to upgrade the army according to to EU and NATO standards

    Moldovan Minister of Defense Eugen Sturza intends to insist on the modernization and rearmament of the National Army in accordance with EU and NATO standards.

    Sturza wrote about this on his Facebook page, commenting on the decision by President Igor Dodon to include the issue of the feasibility of equipping the army with "lethal weapons" in the agenda of the Supreme Security Council.

    "I have repeatedly stated publicly about my desire to establish a proper institutional relationship with the …

  • Russia: military cooperation with NATO has stopped

    The North Atlantic Alliance stopped cooperation with Russia and instead is to strengthening its eastern flank against a “non-existent threat”, stated Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko in the interview  with Izvestiya.

    “The leaders of the Alliance like to talk about the importance of de-escalation, prevention of dangerous military incidents ... but they do nothing to restore normal relations in the area of military cooperation [with Moscow],” Grushko said.

    Earlier, NATO Secretary …

  • Elite Slovenian military brigade fails NATO combat readiness test

    The elite 72nd Brigade of the Slovenian Armed Forces has failed the NATO combat readiness test, calling into question Slovenia’s ability to fulfill its obligations to the Alliance, reports news outlet.

    Slovenia is supposed to ensure the combat readiness of the 800 soldiers of the 72nd Brigade of its Armed Forces by April 1. However, last week, the soldiers of this grouping failed a combat readiness test, and some soldiers received frostbite due to poor-quality equipment. …

  • NATO accuses Russia of violation of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

    At the Munich Security Conference, Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO, said that Russia has violated the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty [INF Treaty] and that is a nuclear threat.

    "Unfortunately, the nuclear threat is again on the agenda. And it would be irresponsible to ignore it. Key agreements in the field of nuclear safety are under threat, including the INF Treaty," the Secretary General said

    He said that the violation takes place in the development and testing of …

  • Stoltenberg: It will be difficult for Turkey to integrate Russian S-400 into NATO’s system

    It will be difficult for Turkey to integrate Russian S-400 missile systems into NATO’s air defense system, as stated by NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg at a press conference in Brussels, a correspondent of Evropeyskaya Pravda reports.  

    According to him, during the ministerial meeting, Turkey’s air defense was discussed and it has been said that NATO is strengthening it by deploying their Patriot batteries.

    "We have discussed the situation with the acquisition of the S-400 complex  …

  • NATO approves creation of two new command centers

    NATO Defense Ministers approved the decision to create two new command structures, as stated by Jens Stoltenberg, General Secretary of NATO, at a press conference in Brussels. Stoltenberg said, “We decided to modernize NATO's command structure. The security environment in Europe has changed, and NATO responds."

    NATO will create a new command center for the United Forces for the Atlantic to protect the sea lanes between North America and Europe. The other new command center will support …