Contents tagged with NATO

  • Prystaiko: Hungary is using NATO against Ukraine

    Hungary’s hysteria over Ukraine’s Law on Education requiring providing instruction in the state language in Ukrainian educational system is not subsiding, as stated by the head of Ukraine’s mission to NATO, Vadym Prystaiko, at a meeting with journalists in Brussels, reports.

    "Hungary continues to make bravura statements while NATO is trying to explain that these are just work processes, nothing is canceled or blocked," he said, referring to Hungary's decision to veto the meeting of the …

  • Ukrainian Vice-Prime-Minister: Hungary blocking development of relations between Kyiv and NATO

    Budapest is blocking the effective development of Ukraine's relations with the North Atlantic alliance due to their displeasure with the paragraph on language in the Ukrainian law on education.

    According to the Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze, Ukraine will try to solve this problem with the support of other NATO members, since Budapest "blocks the effective development" of things planned between Ukraine and the Alliance.

    "Ukraine is concerned with …

  • NATO to change its command structure

    Two new NATO operation planning and control centers are to be established in Europe. One of them will be responsible for transferring forces and weaponry on the European continent, and the other for naval operations in the Atlantic Ocean. This was agreed on at a meeting in Brussels on Wednesday, November 8, by the defense ministers of the North Atlantic Alliance. In doing so, NATO has responded to Russia’s actions in Ukraine, AFP reports.

    It is not yet known where exactly the new centers will …

  • Construction of NATO base in Estonia completed

    In the Estonian military town of Tapa, the construction of a large defensive complex for the deployment of a NATO battalion group has been completed, reports.

    “The complex [at the NATO military base in Tapa] will be ceremonially opened by Defense Minister Jüri Luik together with representatives of the Estonian Defense Forces and representatives of [our] allies. The complex includes 20 buildings, including three barracks, a cafeteria, training facilities and auxiliary buildings. …

  • NATO representative says the NATO-Ukraine commission meeting reportedly vetoed by Hungary was not planned

    NATO says they do not have plans to hold a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission in December, reports UNIAN, citing a source in the Alliance.

    This was reported by an official Alliance representative, commenting on a statement by Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó that Budapest opposes the holding of a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission in December due to the law “On Education”.

     “There is no plan to hold a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission in December,” …

  • NATO warns Turkey of consequences of acquiring Russian S-400

    Turkey will be faced with “unavoidable consequences” if it buys Russian S-400 anti-air defense systems, said NATO Military Committee Chairman General Petr Pavel, as reported by Defense News.

    “The principle of sovereignty obviously exists in acquisition of defense equipment, but the same way that nations are sovereign in making their decision, they are also sovereign in facing the consequences of that decision” Pavel noted.

    According to the NATO representative, although each country is free to …

  • Poland and Ukraine to create a Ukraine-NATO joint initiative on countering hybrid threats

    The NATO-Ukraine Platform on Countering Hybrid Warfare will be opened in Warsaw, October 26, as reported by Polskie Radio.

    It is noted that the aim of the Platform is to create mechanisms for cooperation between NATO and Ukraine on issues related to the fight against hybrid threats.

    Establishing a platform is one of the key elements of the Comprehensive Assistance Package for Ukraine that nation leaders adopted during the NATO summit in Warsaw in 2016.

    More than a hundred experts from Poland …

  • Media: NATO prepares report accusing Russia of lying about Zapad-2017 military exercise

    NATO experts analyzed satellite images of the Zapad 2017 exercises and found tens of thousands of soldiers, while Russia assured that fewer than 13,000 military men participated in the maneuvers, as reported by Die Welt, citing sources in NATO.

    Exercises with military formations exceeding 13,000 people require the participation of observers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), however, they were not present at the maneuvers.

    According to Die Welt, NATO is going …

  • Media: Russia used Czech Republic as a base for its attacks on Ukraine, EU and NATO

    The Czech Republic has become one of the bases for special operations against Ukraine, the EU and NATO. Russian special services tried to obtain "confidential information" of a political nature, the Czech News Agency reports, citing counterintelligence services of the Czech Republic.

    According to the media, the Russian special service "has a network of contacts in the Czech Republic, which they continue to develop."

    Last year, massive cyberattacks against state organizations and commercial …

  • Representative of Ukraine’s Mission in NATO: Ukraine can be Invited to special NATO partners program in 2018

    Next year, Ukraine can be invited to the Enhance Opportunity Program, which is a program for special partners of NATO, stated Head of the Mission of Ukraine to NATO Vadym Prystaiko in an interview with Ukrinform.

    “For Ukraine, the priority is to hold a special meeting of the Ukraine-NATO Commission at the highest level, to which the President will be invited [in connection with the NATO summit on July 11-12, 2018 in Brussels]. Also, as planned, at that time we will receive support for our …