Contents tagged with NATO

  • Ambassador of Ukraine to NATO: Hungary is the ally whose behavior is raising concerns

    Head of the Mission of Ukraine to NATO Vadym Prystaiko said that he is worried about the behavior of Hungary, particularly after the Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs’ statement about their intention to block Ukraine's association with the European Union.

    The Ambassador of Ukraine to NATO spoke about this in Brussels before the planned meeting with the Ambassador of Hungary to NATO, Ukrinform reports.

    "There is one particular ally whose behavior worries me. This concerns an open statement …

  • NATO refutes information by Der Spiegel on weakness of the Alliance

    NATO has rejected accusations by the German edition Der Spiegel on the inability of the Alliance forces to rapidly deploy or bring in reinforcements across Europe. NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu said that "NATO forces are now more ready and capable of deployment than they have ever been in the last decade".

     “We do not comment on alleged leaks. NATO is the strongest alliance in the world because it's been able to adapt for almost 70 years," Lungescu said.

    The media representative for the …

  • Media: NATO internal documents reveal weaknesses in the Alliance defense capabilities

    NATO internal documents call into question the defense capability of the alliance in the event of a crisis, as reported by the German publication Der Spiegel. According to Der Spiegel, the internal "Progress Report on the Strengthened Deterrence and Defense Capability of the Alliance” indicates that the ability of NATO's rapid reaction forces to adequately respond to challenges is questionable.

    In addition, there are serious problems with logistics on the eastern flank of the alliance.

    A NATO …

  • Finland indicates possibility of joining NATO

    In an interview with the Russian newspaper Kommersant, Finnish Minister of Foreign Affairs Timo Soini has stated that he does not rule out the possibility that his country will join the North Atlantic Alliance in the future.

    "Neither Finland nor Sweden is yet part of NATO, and as I understand, our countries are not currently discussing accession to NATO. We should not exclude the possibility of joining NATO. Every country should have that opportunity, and that is why open-door politics is …

  • Ukrainian President Poroshenko promises that Ukraine will join NATO

    Ukraine will definitely become a member of NATO and, perhaps, will even be able to offer its representative to the post of Secretary General, as stated by the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, at a meeting with the students of the Ivan Bohun Military High School.

    In addressing the students, he expressed confidence that future officers, generals, ambassadors, ministers and, possibly, the future president are standing in front of him.

    "And perhaps even a NATO Secretary General, because …

  • USA: Number of troops participating in Zapad-2017 military exercises was more than declared by Russia

    Washington is not afraid of a possible build-up of the Russian military presence at the borders of NATO countries after the Zapad 2017 exercises, as indicated by the Permanent Representative of the United States to NATO, Kay Bailey Hutchison, in response to questions from The Washington Post.

    "I cannot say for sure, but our people have been closely watching and they have no fears," the diplomat said. She added that the exercises were a "big show." "We watched it as much as we could," …

  • Russia: increasing cooperation between Georgia and NATO is a threat to security in the region

    Russia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia consider Tbilisi’s continuing cooperation with NATO to be “a real threat” to regional security in Transcaucasia, as stated on the website of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

    Concerns among the delegations were caused by military exercises of NATO member countries in the territory of Georgia in the summer and autumn of 2017. “A record number of servicemen and heavy equipment was involved. The emissaries of individual NATO states who were present at the exercises …

  • Ukrainian MP: NATO launches preparation process for Ukraine's accession to the Alliance

    The NATO Parliamentary Assembly has adopted a resolution that de jure provides Ukraine with grounds for searching for an algorithm to prepare for joining the North Atlantic Alliance, wrote Ukrainian MP Iryna Friz (Petro Poroshenko Bloc) on her Facebook page. Friz heads the permanent delegation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.

    According to Friz, the resolution "Strengthening Stability and Security in the Black Sea region", taking into account an amendment by …

  • Montenegrin soldiers to join NATO battalion group in Poland

    The authorities of Montenegro want Montenegrin soldiers to join the NATO battalion battle group in Poland, as stated by the Polish Minister of Defense, Antoni Macierewicz after a meeting with his Montenegrin counterpart Predrag Bošković, Radio Poland reported.

    "On the eastern flank of NATO every soldier is worth his weight in gold. We are grateful to Montenegro for the succession of actions. I was glad to receive the news that Montenegro will send its soldiers to Poland. The opportunity to …

  • Muzhenko: Nine Ukrainian battalions are now compatible with NATO

    At the moment, nine Ukrainian battalions are already compatible with NATO troops, said the chief of the General Staff, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Victor Muzhenko.

    "Preparation of battalions is going on with the help of foreign specialists, which began in 2015. There are instructors and military personnel from the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Poland in Ukraine today. We have reached the appropriate compatibility at least in nine …