Contents tagged with NATO

  • Stoltenberg urges Russian Federation to withdraw troops from Ukraine

    At a joint press briefing with President Petro Poroshenko, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has called on Russia to withdraw troops from the territory of Ukraine and stop supporting militants.

    "We discussed the situation in the East of Ukraine. Further conflict will takes people's lives. More than ten thousand people have been killed during the fighting, including nearly three thousand civilians. It is clear that the ceasefire is not holding, and we are concerned by increasing threats …

  • NATO provided Ukraine with equipment to strengthen cybersecurity

    The head of the Security Service of Ukraine, Vasyl Hrytsak, states that as part of the Ukraine-NATO trust fund for cyber security, Ukraine has received technical equipment and software worth a million euros.

    According to him, in the near future this equipment will be installed "as directed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs".

    The Deputy Secretary General of NATO for new security challenges, Sorin Ducaru, said that training will be provided for Ukrainian experts, as well as technical support …

  • Ukraine calls on NATO to provide lethal weapons to defend itself from Russia

    Ukraine has asked the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to provide defensive lethal weapons, as stated by the Vice Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze.

    "We are asking for defensive lethal weapons to protect ourselves and our land, in order to do it more effectively, so that there are fewer military losses and that there are fewer civilian losses," Klympush-Tsintsadze said.

    She stressed the need for such weapons to counter Russian …

  • NATO Secretary General: Ukraine promised to support the NATO mission in Afghanistan

    NATO will retain its military presence in Afghanistan after 2017 and strengthen it, as stated by the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Alliance Jens Stoltenberg, on Thursday, following a meeting of NATO Defense Ministers on Afghanistan.

    "We will continue our mission of 'Resolute support' after 2017. Today I can confirm that we will also strengthen our presence," he said, noting that 15 NATO countries committed themselves to increasing their contribution to the mission in Afghanistan. "We …

  • Montenegro: NATO does not intend to deploy military forces in the country yet

    Montenegro has declared NATO's reluctance to deploy military bases on the territory of the country.

    "According to my information, at the moment the alliance has no initiative to create a military base in Montenegro. We would not be against it, but NATO is currently showing more interest in other regions," said Defense Ministry chief Predrag Boskovic, RBC reports.

    Montenegro officially became the 29th member of NATO on June 5. The Russian Foreign Ministry has said that Moscow reserves the …

  • Estonian defense minister: NATO to deploy additional forces in Baltic states during Russia and Belarus’s Zapad 2017 drills

    During the large-scale Russian and Belarusian Zapad 2017 military exercises, additional NATO forces will be deployed in the Baltic States, as stated on Thursday June 29 in Brussels by Estonian Defense Minister Jüri Luik at a meeting of the defense ministers of NATO member states, ERR reports.

    “One topic which was discussed in great detail at this meeting was the Zapad large-scale Russian military exercises which will be held in September,” Luik said.

    “All NATO early warning systems are ready …

  • Pentagon Chief: NATO increases its budget recognizing that Russia will not be a partner in near future

    NATO member countries are increasing their military budgets, as they believe that Russia will not be a partner of the North Atlantic Alliance in the foreseeable future, as stated by Pentagon chief James Mattis on Thursday after a meeting of NATO defense ministers.

    "The increase in military budgets by NATO countries for the past several years demonstrates the awareness of the alliance members of the fact that Russia in the near future will not be a partner of this organization, like we wanted …

  • Media: NATO deploys forces in the east in preparation for war with Russia

    The reason for the numerous deployments of NATO forces in Eastern Europe has finally been revealed: the alliance wants to prepare for war with Russia, German web site NEOPresse writes.

    As the publication emphasizes, NATO has been augmenting its military presence in Eastern Europe since 2015. It all began with Poland, and in 2016, corresponding measures spread to Baltic states – Latvia and Lithuania. Together with the deployment of rapid response squads, new military bases were organized, and …

  • Norwegian Prime Minister: Oslo did not violate its non-deployment principle by hosting US Marines

    The Norwegian government continues to follow the policy of non-deployment of foreign military bases on its territory while hosting US Marines on Norway’s west coast. This was stated by the Scandinavian kingdom’s Prime Minister Erna Solberg during an interview with the Norwegian Telegraph Bureau on Sunday.

    In January, 285 servicemen of the US Marine Corps arrived in Vaernes Garrison, near the Norwegian city of Trondheim, Nord-Trøndelag County, Central Norway. A bilateral agreement with the …

  • Poroshenko: In July, U.S. Secretary of State will visit Ukraine, as well as Secretary Generals of NATO and UN

    President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko announced that in July, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will visit Ukraine, as well as NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and UN Secretary General António Guterres.

    “We are awaiting a visit from U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to Kyiv in July, and our work in Washington will continue. We are also awaiting a visit from UN Secretary General Guterres and a visit from the NATO Secretary General, which will also be in July,” he said in an …