Muzhenko: Nine Ukrainian battalions are now compatible with NATO

At the moment, nine Ukrainian battalions are already compatible with NATO troops, said the chief of the General Staff, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Victor Muzhenko.

"Preparation of battalions is going on with the help of foreign specialists, which began in 2015. There are instructors and military personnel from the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Poland in Ukraine today. We have reached the appropriate compatibility at least in nine battalions that have already been trained," he said.

Muzhenko explained that the joint training of troops involved units of mechanized, highly-mobile landing troops and special-purpose personnel units.

"In addition, NATO standards are taken as a basis, which are adapted to our conditions, taking into account the experience we have gained in conducting military operations. By the way, the NATO countries’ servicemen are already making changes and adjustments to their standards taking into account our experience. That is, we don’t just blindly copy, but we take a creative approach to relevant standards developing, taking into account the acquired combat experience," the chief of General Staff said.

  Muzhenko, Armed Forces of Ukraine, NATO
